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  1. F

    Signs of the times

    In each successive generation after the death of Christ there have been proponents of the idea that theirs' would be the generation to see His return. To this point all have been wrong (unless you're a Preterist in which case this thread probably isn't for you). As of late, more and more folks...
  2. F

    John 17: 3

    Acquiescing to God's will is a deep subject. Many is the time I felt I was doing God's will only to come to hold a different opinion of those efforts later. Over the years I have come to see this effort as a process that involves trial and error and, from that, growth. I have found no magic...
  3. F

    The Two Resurrections

    Well, it looks like this thread has run it's course. Time for a new one.
  4. F

    The Two Resurrections

    Sounds about right. Reminds me of another passage: Luke 12: 47And that servant, which knew his lord's will, and prepared not himself, neither did according to his will, shall be beaten with many stripes. 48But he that knew not, and did commit things worthy of stripes, shall be beaten with few...
  5. F

    The Book of Revelation: Mystery Or Profitable?

    in absentia ... you are correct.
  6. F

    The Two Resurrections

    I have to admit I have not read the thread you mention in it's entirety but only in part. As it concerns the notion that Grace thru faith is the entirety of the point and purpose of the book of life I would suggest that thought doesn't leave room for these folks: Rom 2: 11For there is no...
  7. F

    The Two Resurrections

    Thank you for this. I am likely guilty of having dismissed what eventually came to be termed as "non canonical" literature somewhat prematurely I suspect and this is likely evidence of that.
  8. F

    The Two Resurrections

    ... who knows, maybe God answers prayers after all.
  9. F

    The Two Resurrections

    ... said he who hasn't touched the subject of the O.P. with a ten foot pole.
  10. F

    The Two Resurrections

    Pulling this forward. Parallel with the convo I'm having with Tam is the consideration of what effect(s) the offer of Grace through faith may have had on theses records and their usage.
  11. F

    The Two Resurrections

    Ah yes, invective, the last refuge of the rhetorically/intellectually disadvantaged.
  12. F

    The Two Resurrections

    We are uniquely blessed/challenged having been born into that time period when one may avail themselves of the grace offered through faith in Christ. This plays a role in our judgement/resurrection that is not available to those who incarnated before or after this offer expires at the return of...
  13. F

    The Two Resurrections

    Ah yes, salvation by proper doctrine. My favorite. Whatever did all those poor souls do prior to Darby?
  14. F

    The Two Resurrections

    ... and here lay the key to our dilemma. Paul said that at his departure wolves would come in to scatter the flock and so it has happened. He struggled against it for the entirety of his dispensation. I don't see this situation resolving itself shy of the return of Christ. In the mean time it is...
  15. F

    The Two Resurrections

    This could well be. Applying that to REV 20 it could be that 'the books" are something like a ledger that is tallied and at that point it is determined if the sum justifies an entry into the "book of life.'
  16. F

    The Two Resurrections

    I came upon my "fear" through deduction. The Bible clearly states repeatedly that Jesus will rule and reign on earth in Jerusalem forever. If you are with Him but not there that infers another Jesus.
  17. F

    The Two Resurrections

    The word translated as "books" in Dan 7 is indeed plural. Whether or not that refers to "books" and/or "The book of life" is for you to decide I suppose. Having seen the two differentiated in Rev 20 that led me to scour the Bible for instances of both and offer them here.
  18. F

    The Two Resurrections

    I fear dispensationalism has reached the stage that it envisions two Jesuses. One for themselves and one for Israel.