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  1. T

    The Old Switcharoo

    Indeed. But more than that, look at the number of followers. He went from the most followers on Twitter ever to around 400 on this account. You know that is the result of monkey Business from Twitter Democrats
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    The Old Switcharoo

  3. T

    Want Proof of a Stolen Election?

    I saw someone give a great characterization of Fox News recently and I sure wish I could remember what the words were he used. Basically he said they are not fake news like CNN, but they are also not totally honest news in so far as they also suppress certain stories. I have seen Fox News hosts...
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    Want Proof of a Stolen Election?

    That is an excellent comparison. Thank you. And as for women and transgenders, Trump made his position clear here
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    Want Proof of a Stolen Election?

    The video does lie you lowlife piece of filthy garbage. It was cut off before he was done finishing what he wanted to say. Go crawl back in your hole you worm.
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    Want Proof of a Stolen Election?

    This gets reported to the moderators. You need to either provide evidence that Trump has tried to indoctrinate children into the homosexual lifestyle, or you need to delete that post. I won't stand here and listen to such a disgusting lie. We have heard enough of your disgusting lies
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    Want Proof of a Stolen Election?

    And now that the gutter dweller Username has posted his little propaganda piece, it should also be noted that it has nothing to do with the topic of this thread, which is the fact that the 2020 election was stolen
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    Want Proof of a Stolen Election?

    You are such a disgusting liar, you and that degenerate loser who tweeted that tweet, that it's unconscionable. Ron Filipkowski is one of the biggest most disgusting fake news propagandist liars on Twitter and online. If I only had half my brain tied behind my back I could still see that the...
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    The Old Switcharoo

    I am surprised that nobody in the news media caught on to this. Maybe I should become a reporter. If you go to the Trump website at and you go to the bottom of the page and click the Twitter link icon, it takes you here:
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    Trump News

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    Groomers - The Facts

  12. T

    Japanese Billions $ Aircraft Carrier Is Finally Ready For Action

    Coming from Japan, it should. LOL. Actually that picture on the video is pretty misleading. The new carrier itself is really just a beefed up destroyer that can handle about 15 vertical takeoff planes and some helicopters. But at least they are doing something.
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    Dick Morris: Trump's going to win the presidency
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    Want Proof of a Stolen Election?

    Considering that you vote for people who say that men are women and women are men and you supported a supreme court nominee who can't even define the word woman, I would not start opening my Marxist Yap about what is and is not "sane" if I were you. "Sane" is definitely not a word that should be...
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    Japanese Billions $ Aircraft Carrier Is Finally Ready For Action

    Japanese Billions $ Aircraft Carrier Is Finally Ready For Action! | US Shocked Japan is ready to go to war with China and their big gun is none other than their aircraft carriers. Between the presence of the Chinese ships in the Pacific south of Japan and the sailing of Japan’s aircraft...
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    Pfizer Director Claims the Company Is Mutating COVID-19 to Create New Vaccines

    These people are going to kill us all
  17. T

    Good News!

    That's right. That's why we laugh at your posts everyday because all you do is deny reality.