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    Taking Out the Trash

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    Wokey McWokeface

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    Democrats are evil and a threat to Liberty

    I don't recall saying, democracy and freedom are synonyms. Which post did I say that in?
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    Election Cheating 2022

    The only thing these little Nazis like Arthur and Usedname know how to do is cheer on fake Nazi show trials, but they never seem to remember that they always fail. Two impeachments, failed to bring a guilty verdict. Fake Nazis show trial about January 6th failed to stop Trump from running in...
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    Good News!

    It comes as no surprise that you continue to post tweets from one of the most disgusting liars and propagandists on Twitter. Just your type of guy
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    Good News!

    Love and truths from Jon Voight
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    Tulsi Gabbard on Biden

    There is a scene from the movie Quo Vadis where Gaius Petronius commits suicide at the dinner table rather than be tortured by Nero, and when he dies a guest says, Goodbye Gaius Petronius. With you dies the best of our Roman Republic. Well, when Tulsi Gabbard left the Democrat Party, so went...
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    Democrats are evil and a threat to Liberty

    Some people cannot handle freedom. Look what the Hebrews did after Moses freed them. They went right to the foot of God's mountain and started worshiping a golden calf. I mean, how stupid can you get. Democrats are like Dathan in the Hebrew overseer, who kept telling the Hebrews not to follow...
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    Democrats are evil and a threat to Liberty

    Who was it who said that democracy is the worst system ever, except for all the other ones. Lol. It's a fact. Fortunately, we are a representative Republic and not a pure democracy.
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    More From the Loony Left

    I am pretty sure I started a thread stating that Democrats are the enemy of Liberty and that the Democrat party is pure evil. It is posts like this that continue to prove I am correct
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    As Biden Weakens America’s Military, Trump Calls For Peace As China Looms Large

    As terrible as the Democrats are on this topic, I will never forgive the rhinos like Paul Ryan for stabbing Trump in the back and not getting this wall built in his first term
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    Remember: There Was No ‘Insurrection’ on January 6, 2021

    Much like the topic of Democrats grooming children, this is another topic that can never be allowed to fade away. The Democrats monumental and colossal abuse of power and malfeasance of office setting up these fake Nazi show trials and rounding up and arresting American citizens just for...
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    Groomers - The Facts

    This is a topic that just cannot be let go, and there is an endless stream of video attestations and articles coming off the internet that could keep this topic alive forever. But more importantly, of all the horrible things Democrats do, this is the most horrible of them all. As far as I am...
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    Russian collusion theory now seems to be ‘the hoax of the century’

    The better question would be, will the big networks ever regain their respect? The answer is no. But journalism? You can find really good journalists if you know where to look. Sharyl Atkinson is great. Some of these investigative journalists are pretty slick. The undercover stuff they do seems...
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    Biden corruption in Ukraine

    Interesting set of priorities. You would think he would have more important things to do on his first day of a Russian invasion
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    Abortion is evil

    Well, the title sounded great, and the first couple of sentences sounded good, but then it went downhill When people make an exception for rape, they have totally missed the entire point of the entire issue. If you cannot kill an innocent human being, which is what abortion is, then you...