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    NeverTrumper admits Trump lived up to all of his election goals
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    what will happen to Hillary if she loses to Trump? not only that but the backlash would completely ruin her financially or least prevent any new sources of bribes paid speeches or donations.
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    Trump's rape accuser just got exposed as a liar Sorry ACW but Trump's rape accuser just got exposed as a lying drug addict, guess you have to find another fake, anti-trump...
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    DNC and CNN colluded on questions for Trump and Cruz in primary debates

    Sanders wasn't the only one who's primary debates were rigged in Hillary's favor.
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    Hillary gave her personal maid access to classified materials How stupid is Clinton to allow a maid access to classified documents, just a total disregard for security protocols. Hillary supporters what excuse will you come up with now to protect your mob boss? let...
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    Character assassination success: Woman who alleges Trump raped her has dropped suit

    this woman who lied about trump raping her has finally dropped her politically motivated lawsuit. I'm not making excuses for Trump on any of the other issues like allegations of groping or his potty mouth towards women but this particular lawsuit was nonsense and garbage from beginning to end...
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    voting 3rd party is an exercise in futility

    if not one single 3rd party candidate can not earn a single electoral college vote from either of the most disliked candidates in the history of american elections then voting 3rd party is nothing more than an exercise in futility. :rip:
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    Why I will vote for Trump even though I suspect he is going to lose to Hillary

    to me, my vote at the very least will prevent a landslide victory, which i hope will kill some of the momentum that first term presidents have. Hillary represents the absolute worst that DC politics has to offer, which is self enrichment at the public expense, being two faced on every issue,and...
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    Podesta: we want the fight to be about Benghazi, not about servers in her basement evil, evil, evil hypocrites!!, they berate republicans for bringing up...
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    Obama describes the Clinton email scandal as a "Honest Mistake" wow,simply unreal at how corrupt and rotten the entire democrat party is. Absolutely zero accountability or any sense of shame to be found by Hillary enablers.:vomit...
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    Former Assistant FBI Director: "The Clintons, that’s a crime family" has this ever happen before were a former high ranking FBI officer accused a presidential candidate of being part of a criminal enterprise?
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    FBI reopens email case on Crooked Hillary

    After James Comey bent over backwards to get Hillary off the hook, he was forced to reopen the investigation based on the emergence of new emails. Unless Comey is a complete idiot, he would not reopen such a case unless the new emails revealed a serious violation of some sort. With every new...
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    Disgusting Media Sat On Sexual Assault For A Partisan Victory absolutely disgusting, left wing media had this tape for 11 years and did nothing with it when the republican primaries were going on. the left wing media could care less if the electorate are represented...
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    Men and Women are divided by gender in whom they vote for

    Nate Silver of did a break down of men vs women in this election and the results are pretty much divided by genders.
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    Hillary wants to remove constitutional rights from Blind Americans. page:30 Hillary Clinton Opposed Blind People Having Right To Guns. typically dictator move, revoking the rights of physically handicapped people. maybe she she thinks physically mute people aren't entitled to free...
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    Clinton lied people died, fits Hillary more than it will ever fit Bush

    in the debate Martha Raddatz asked this question "Just days ago, the State Department called for a war crimes investigation of the Syrian regime of Bashar al-Assad and its ally, Russia, for their bombardment of Aleppo,So this next question comes through social media through Facebook. Diane from...
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    Bill Clinton was paid $18 million to do nothing because of foundation connections In summary a for profit college system named Laureate International Universities was given a seat at an...
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    Socialist Venezuela legalizes serfdom in order to solve the food shortage

    Socialist Venezuela legalizes serfdom in order to solve the food shortage, while ignoring that socialism was the root cause of all of this mess.
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    LOL, Trump attacks Hillary with Pokemon GO AD

    this has got to be the funniest attack ever made.
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    New Poll: Most voters disagree with FBI's decision not to indict except deomcrats

    Most Disagree with Decision Not to Indict Clinton why are Democrats so blind to the inherent corruption to their own party.