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  1. J

    If Muhammad were alive today would he be allowed to emigrate to the United States?

    If Muhammad were alive today would he be allowed to emigrate to the United States?
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    MADNESS: 9th Circuit Court rules against Trump's legal travel ban

    I don't get it, does our country even have laws anymore? Trumps travel ban followed the letter of the law but yet liberal judges ruled against it. I admit there was some easily avoidable bumps during initial implementation but the the Order uses powers granted to the president via congress what...
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    Trump team tossed Obama's last ditch ISIS plan in Syria

    Trump team tossed Obama's last ditch ISIS plan in Syria and possibly laughed at it as well It's so ironic that the Obama presidency which began with a Nobel Peace Prize ended with a plan to arm the Kurds to the teeth so that...
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    Baby killers Planned Parenthood scrubs References to Prenatal Care on Website

    Planned Parenthood scrubs references to Prenatal care on website after they got busted lying on undercover investigation. Thank God that Trump and Republicans in congress are about to defund this evil...
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    Trump tweets about Executive Order

    Donald J. Trump ‏@realDonaldTrump Everybody is arguing whether or not it is a BAN. Call it what you want, it is about keeping bad people (with bad intentions) out of country! lol, this has to be the most Trump esque response ever, in the sense that Trump cares only about results and not...
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    Trump did not "ban" immigration, read the Exctive Order for yourself not leftist spin

    Trump did not "ban" immigration, read the Exctive Order for yourself not leftist spin I highlighted the most important portions left wing media making it seem that Trump is a Islamophobic bigot by...
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    Pelosi: Rural America Prays On Sunday But Preys On People The Rest Of The Week :vomit::vomit:
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    Trump removes Climate Change page and puts up pledge for more drilling :banana::banana::banana::banana::banana::banana:
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    Hillary Clinton: President of California

    Here is a great article that offers another insight for Hillary's large poplar vote "win".
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    The number one reason why I doubt Putin was the source of Wikileaks DNC emails

    if Putin wanted to do damage to Hillary and wanted Trump to win as reported by several media outlets, why didn't he release the content of Hillary's email server along with DNC emails. such a disclosure would have done immense damage to Hillary's election chances, it would have proven contrary...
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    Trump conquered a Kentucky county that has voted democrat for 144 years

    Trump conquered a Kentucky county that has voted democrat for 144 years, which was the longest streak of victories for any U.S. county for the democrats.,_Kentucky...
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    Liberals now regret ruling like tyrants while in majority :mock: Liberal foresight
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    Trump has already done more for U.S. workers than Obama in 8 years as president. the next 4 years will be a nightmare for liberals if Trump continues on like this.
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    Green Party members disavow Jill Stine's recount scam

    even the green party knows this is a scam. "Dr. Margaret Flowers, Green Party candidate for Senate from Maryland, released a letter on her campaign site complaining about the misuse of time and funds in...
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    Cruz and Trump collaboration in the works? so far I've heard that Cruz is in consideration for Supreme Court :banana: and Attorney General both positions he is more than qualified for.
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    Trump would have won popular vote if california did not rig senate election rules

    Trump would have won popular vote and beaten Romney's overall count, if californian democrats did not rig the senate candidate rules. Also if Evan Mcmullin didn't compete as strongly in utah. take a look at these two maps first...
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    The Clinton camp just came up with the most ridiculous reason on why Hillary lost this is absolutely nuts, did the shock of losing the election leave Hillary's inner circle with brain damage.
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    Trump nominates a "climate change denier" to manage EPA transition

    :banana: Trump nominates a "climate change denier" to manage EPA transition. :banana: :banana: :banana: Trump is the man. McCain,Romney, and Bush would never do this.
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    Obama makes a fool of himself on Jimmy Kimmel Live

    :rotfl: best comment on Youtube:"moments later obama picks up phone again and hands it to president Trump"
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    The Party of "hope and change" is becoming the party of "No"

    The Party of "hope and change" is becoming the party of "No" which they hypocritically demonized for rejecting their socialist vision of America