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  1. OZOS

    Another tally of anti-trinitarian threads

    Jesus said that if you have seen Him, you have seen God. He also called Himself God in Revelation. Which cult's Bible are you reading?
  2. OZOS

    Evangelism According to John 3:16

  3. OZOS

    You must be saved to believe the Gospel !

    Earlier you told everyone that the lost "can't" be saved. I'm impressed that you have the testicular fortitude to keep posting, most people would be too embarrassed to keep showing up and looking like an idiot over and over again. (y)
  4. OZOS

    You must be saved to believe the Gospel !

    No, but I can be. Someone needs to slap some sense into you.
  5. OZOS

    Why are parents stupid?

    If he ranks near the top of half the class, then half the class did worse than he did (failed more classes). Is that not correct?
  6. OZOS

    Why are parents stupid?

    So, the article is inconsistent with the headline? Perhaps the journalist graduated from the same school.
  7. OZOS

    Why are parents stupid?

    All this headline tells us is that over half the kids failed all their classes.
  8. OZOS

    You must be saved to believe the Gospel !

    "For the Son of man is come to seek and to save that which was lost." - Jesus "So, you know more than I do?" - Jesus
  9. OZOS

    You must be saved to believe the Gospel !

    Yes, I was taught name calling by Jesus. I would do that to your face, if given that opportunity. Just tell me when and where. That's not what the Bible says, I just showed it to you, you retard. God's word, which you don't read or understand, clearly states that the "lost" are the children of...
  10. OZOS

    The time has come...

    Libtard at work Sorry, I'm technically challenged. Not sure how to post this properly, but it's hilarious.
  11. OZOS

    You must be saved to believe the Gospel !

    Okay, you little pervert, here ends the lesson. If you're not going to read the context and want to stay stupid, go right ahead. "Therefore, since we have such hope, we use great boldness of speech— unlike Moses, who put a veil over his face so that the children of Israel could not look...
  12. OZOS

    You must be saved to believe the Gospel !

    No, dummy, the issue is that an unbeliever has not believed the gospel and a believer has believed the gospel.
  13. OZOS

    You must be saved to believe the Gospel !

    If someone believes the gospel, they are no longer an unbeliever. Seriously, dude, you are the dumbest person alive. Congratulations.
  14. OZOS

    You must be saved to believe the Gospel !

    No one here has questioned that believers are "born of the Spirit", "born of God", "Made alive", indwelt by the Holy Spirit", "a new creation", etc. They have simply shown you that your claim on how that happens is 100% untrue.
  15. OZOS

    The Theory of Original Sin

    "Whoever confesses that Jesus is the Son of God, God abides in him, and he in God." Because Jerry denies that the cross did anything at all, as well as the resurrection, he again does not comprehend that what Jesus said here concerns those who were to believe in Him. Everyone who believes in...
  16. OZOS

    OZOS denies the words of the Lord Jesus

    Hopefully, Jerry doesn't see this, or he will start claiming that anyone who is walking and talking with someone should expect a chariot of fire to show up.
  17. OZOS

    Mr. Potato Head is now Potato Head

    Cancel Me? Cancel You? Cancel Them, That's What We'll Do! - Dr. Seuss
  18. OZOS

    Can Christians Sin?

    This is what I've said all along, but Jerry is a retard, doesn't listen, doesn't comprehend what is said, and is not in Christ.
  19. OZOS

    OZOS denies the words of the Lord Jesus

    Here is another verse that proves Jerry is a false teacher... "Most assuredly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do he will do also; and greater works than these he will do, because I go to My Father." Once again, Jesus says "He who believes in me" and He affirms what will...
  20. OZOS

    OZOS denies the words of the Lord Jesus

    Jerry claims that men can have eternal life without the Holy Spirit. He is a blasphemer of the Holy Spirit.