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  1. OZOS

    What Jesus do you believe on ?

    It makes zero sense. Are you claiming that sinners cannot perform miracles?
  2. OZOS

    What Jesus do you believe on ?

    What does this even mean???
  3. OZOS


    LOL, you're a clown. All knowledge results from hearing / reading what God says, and believing it. A majority of religious people (you) are either too proud to believe God or too lazy to listen to Him, so they follow the majority, those who only claim to believe the Bible. "Then one of the...
  4. OZOS


    You've just condemned yourself. You are an inept student of the Bible, and I am 100% certain that you are not in Christ. Are you religious? Absolutely! But, you have never believed the gospel.
  5. OZOS

    What is Jesus saying here?

    I don't believe you can, because you either choose to not know and understand the things of God, or you really do not know God.
  6. OZOS

    Are you Going to Heaven?

    One thing is certain, you have never repented.
  7. OZOS

    On the omniscience of God

    How long has God been active?
  8. OZOS

    Are you Going to Heaven?

    Not for salvation, He does not. The verse says nothing about repenting from sins. Your brain is stuck in 1st gear. Learn to read, before you comment.
  9. OZOS

    Are you Going to Heaven?

    As most here know, you lack a fundamental understanding of the fact that the nation of Israel was preached a different message, for a different reason, than the message Paul was given by Jesus. I'm not going to waste my time explaining it to you, because you've already shown that you are...
  10. OZOS

    Are you Going to Heaven?

    100% positive it's not a translation, from any manuscript. In fact, who ever wrote that and believes it, cannot be saved,
  11. OZOS

    Are you Going to Heaven?

    For salvation, it is.
  12. OZOS

    On the omniscience of God

    The barbarian is the one who blurts out comments without understanding what's going on. Try reading what is said, and why. And here is a free tip, it also works when reading the Bible.
  13. OZOS

    "Son of Man"

    "Now the God of peace be with you all. Amen." Rom 15:33 "The things which you learned and received and heard and saw in me, these do, and the God of peace will be with you." Phil 4:9 "Now may the God of peace Himself sanctify you completely; and may your whole spirit, soul, and body be...
  14. OZOS

    On the omniscience of God

    First time I've ever heard anyone use that example, besides me. I even searched the internet, after it came to me, to see if anyone else saw it that way. Very cool!
  15. OZOS

    On the omniscience of God

    No kidding, and here once again, you look like an idiot, talking about things that have nothing to do with anything I was talking about. Are you drunk, by chance?
  16. OZOS

    "Son of Man"

    That has nothing to do with why I said that to RD. Try to follow along, otherwise, you look silly. I was never questioning why the OT was written, or who it is was written to or for, but rather that Paul was speaking about the OT when he said the "oracles of God". Your response is just plain...
  17. OZOS

    On the omniscience of God

    I would love to debate Jeremy. Specific people are not predestined. It's like wedding invitations. Those who come are predestined to receive all that the wedding includes.
  18. OZOS

    "Son of Man"

    Paul is referencing the Old Testament.
  19. OZOS

    "Son of Man"

    I think it's great that God chose a Gentile to write a gospel, an historical account of the apostles (primarily Paul), and a letter to the Hebrews. Don't you? 🙂
  20. OZOS

    "Son of Man"

    Unlike a great deal of people on this site, I stay away from those things I don't know about, so I just read and learn. More times than not, you have contributed to that, but not today. 🙂