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  1. OZOS


    What is the power of sin, dummy?
  2. OZOS

    What is God's definition of sin?

    They are absolutely, "of the Lord", do I need to show you the many time is the Bible that false teachers were exposed and how they were spoken to? You are to be judged publicly, because you are speaking publicly, perverting the gospel and the word of God.
  3. OZOS

    Big time side effect of vaccination

    Hey skippy, you are mistaken. It is absolutely a "freedom" issue, and has nothing to do with "health" or science". You obviously know nothing about immunology and how the body is designed to fight viruses. Requiring people to carry an ID card, and limiting their ability to work or shop, is...
  4. OZOS


    Once again, you rip a verse out of context with no idea what is being said, or who is being addressed. The ONLY people who are to confess (agree) that they have sin, are those who said they have no sin that needs to be cleansed (vs 7-8). Those who have been cleansed don't have any sin, only...
  5. OZOS

    What is God's definition of sin?

    You are self deluded. My evidence? Your words. Jesus and Paul told us, over and over again, to "judge" and expose false teachers, like you. According to Paul, you are to be accursed (eternally damned).
  6. OZOS


    Correct, and as Paul said "apart from the Law, sin is dead". However, you continually claim that those in Christ must continue to ask for forgiveness to be cleansed from their sins. You are a walking contradiction. Yes, unbelief is a sin, but no believer is in unbelief. Believers are no...
  7. OZOS

    What is God's definition of sin?

    Yes He did. But you have no clue what that means. God can forgive, but the whole world is not forgiven, as you falsely claim. "God was in Christ reconciling the world to Himself, not imputing their trespasses to them, and has committed to us the word of reconciliation. Now then, we are...
  8. OZOS

    Big time side effect of vaccination

    If that's what they want. However, anyone who attempts to give me a shot in the arm, without my consent, will first get a shot in the head.
  9. OZOS

    What is God's definition of sin?

    Made up. Men go to hell, because they are dead and need life. Jesus came that we might have life. Men are dead because of one man's sin. Paul says so, but you hate Paul, just as you do all of God's word. Men receive life when they believe the gospel. You never have, and it appears you never...
  10. OZOS


    Earlier you posted this... And Paul also said... "Apart from the Law, sin is dead" So, are you under the Law? Yes or No? If yes, then you are not under grace, and therefore not in Christ. If no, then how do you know you have sin? "For by the Law is the knowledge of sin." "I would not have...
  11. OZOS

    Big time side effect of vaccination

    I would like to encourage all liberals to get their vaccinations.
  12. OZOS


    Marke is the most arrogant, pride filled person, I've ever encountered. He is unteachable, and refuses to even seek out what is being said. He thinks that those who are correcting him are unware of his false doctrines, but I taught those same lies 40 years ago, and thanks to people like you, I...
  13. OZOS

    What is God's definition of sin?

    LOL. I am, that's why I carefully and thoughtfully called you an "idiot". No, that is not what the Bible teaches at all. You are, once again, perverting God's word and have no clue what it teaches. This is just more evidence that you have absolutely no idea what death is, or what salvation is...
  14. OZOS


    False. Already exposed you as a liar and false teacher. Paul was not "in bondage to sin" after he is saved. Paul says so, but you hate God's word, because it doesn't mix with your doctrine of demons. "I thank God through Jesus Christ our Lord. So then with the mind I myself serve the law of...
  15. OZOS

    What is God's definition of sin?

    You idiot. The wages of sin is death. Adam sinned, everyone is dead, because of Adam's sin. Jesus died for our sins, but His death saves no one. Why? Because men still need to be made alive. Men sin, because they are dead. They are dead because of one man's sin. That's what Paul just said. It...
  16. OZOS


    LOL, you are such a moron. Paul was not saved as a person in bondage to sin, and Paul was not a sinner after he was saved. Again, you are an idiot when it comes to reading... "And I thank Christ Jesus our Lord, who hath enabled me, for that he counted me faithful, putting me into the ministry...
  17. OZOS

    What is God's definition of sin?

    You have to be the most Biblically illiterate person on the planet. I no longer care to speak with such a complete moron. Go to hell, I couldn't care less. 2 Cor 5:19 and Rom 5:13 are talking about two completely different things, you retard. This is why you are a mess, because you see a WORD...
  18. OZOS


    False. You really struggle with reading comprehension. In Christ, Paul is no longer a "slave to sin", for you to claim he is, makes you a false teacher, and a liar. Pre-Christ state: "For we know that the Law is spiritual, but I am fleshly, sold into bondage to sin." Post Christ state: "For if...
  19. OZOS


    Yes, repentance is absolutely necessary for salvation. No man is saved, unless he repents (turns; changes his mind). When the gospel is preached (Jesus died for our sins, was buried, and rose from the dead) we turn (change our mind) about us making things right (righteousness by what we do) to...
  20. OZOS

    The biblical Jesus Christ wasn’t a post biblical prerequisite to philosophical premises.

    You have no clue who God is, or what it means for God to be in Christ.