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  1. OZOS


    Correct. For now, I will ignore the rest of your senseless babbling. Here you go... "For we know that the Law is spiritual, but I am fleshly, sold into bondage to sin." Rom 7:14 Now we know, that you are the one who is "wrong".
  2. OZOS


    "Whatever is not of faith is sin" Correct, or not? Do you seriously think that you can keep repeating the same lie over and over and it will somehow change the truth? I have already obliterated this false doctrine of yours, and I would do it again, except that you don't read my posts, you...
  3. OZOS

    Systematic theology and it influence on Jesus becoming a trinitarian God

    Thanks for proving my point. We all knew what anachronism meant before you showed up, so no one is the least bit impressed that you can spell it.
  4. OZOS

    Systematic theology and it influence on Jesus becoming a trinitarian God

    I don't go to "church", you dolt. And I think you are here, because you learned a new word (anachronism), and are just trolling websites to use that word, because you think people are impressed by it. It must be awful feeling that inferior all the time.
  5. OZOS

    Systematic theology and it influence on Jesus becoming a trinitarian God

    You're a liar, just like your father, the devil. I have ONLY used God's word to prove to you that Jesus is God. In fact, you have been shown, in God's word, where Jesus says "I will be their God", as well as may other passages, that prove YOU reject most of God's word. You don't know Jesus, and...
  6. OZOS

    Systematic theology and it influence on Jesus becoming a trinitarian God

    No true Scotsman, is a logical fallacy.
  7. OZOS

    Systematic theology and it influence on Jesus becoming a trinitarian God

    When you use Bible verses, in an attempt to discredit other Bible verses, it is simply evidence that you understand none of them.
  8. OZOS

    Tasted Death for every Man !

    Oh my, you're such an idiot. OR, you are evil, possessed by demons, and attempting to deceive, as you lie against the truth. In Hebrews 2:9 the writer expressly reveals that God tasted death for ALL (pâs). In Hebrews 2:10 the many (polýs) sons (huiós) are those who received salvation. "For...
  9. OZOS

    Big time side effect of vaccination

  10. OZOS

    Big time side effect of vaccination

    You're full of crap, but then again, you are a fascist pig. "In addition to I.A.T.A., IBM has been developing its own Digital Health Pass that would enable individuals to present proof of vaccination or a negative...
  11. OZOS

    Big time side effect of vaccination

    Once again, that is a lie. Just as people have been forced to wear masks, they are also going to be forced to be vaccinated, through I.D. card enforcement. I'm sure you would have turned over the Jews to Hitler "for the good of others", you judenrat.
  12. OZOS

    What is God's definition of sin?

    Yes, the Pharisees believed that they were following God too, but like you, they were also of their father the devil.
  13. OZOS


    Correct, as I've already told you at least a dozen times, yet you have denied it over and over again. "Apart from the Law, sin is dead" Romans 7:8 Are believers under the Law? No. "For sin shall not have dominion over you, for you are not under law but under grace." Rom 6:14 So then...
  14. OZOS

    What is God's definition of sin?

    You just said that Jesus and the apostle Paul are "false teachers", both of whom condemned to hell those who claimed to be righteous and teach what you teach. "Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you travel land and sea to win one proselyte, and when he is won, you make him twice...