Town Heretic
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  • I hope your parents are doing better, send me an email every now and again and let me know how the family is, and when you land that teaching job. :)

    I don't plan to be here for 2018. I'm all out of words.
    I already know I'm mostly German, Irish, Scottish, and Welsh, the Welsh going back to the 1700s here - but I admit I'm curious about what small percentages might be mixed in with those. Like Elizabeth Warren, family lore has a what was a shushed account of a Native American ancestor, but I read recently (as a result of the conversation surrounding Warren) that having Native American blood in the family is the second most common myth, the first being that one's family name was changed at Ellis Island. :chuckle: So I'll never know unless I too take the DNA test.
    I hope you're enjoying to the fullest your time off. Thanks for the hat tip, will go take a look. :)

    As for the storms... they've come one after the other for over 8 years now. I know everyone's life has storms. I guess you either come to terms with them or you don't.
    I noted that the subscription notification is not working, too. I get one odd one infrequently. I have not tried unsubscribing and then re-subscribing to see if that resets some bits somewhere.

    I prefer the Activity Stream. Just see all that is happening in descending time on a post by post basis and weigh in when something catches my interest.

    Congrats on the academics. I had little doubt you would sail through with high honors.
    That's good to hear, I hope they keep improving. :)

    On the knee surgery: keeping at the physical therapy is crucial. It would be good to stay on that for him if he needs the extra encouragement.

    I'm all right, thanks. No better, no worse. :)
    I use Flickr. I like the reliability and the easy access. I'm now moving copies to a 2tb disc, just to be sure. I've got thousands of pictures that matter to me, and I'm just being careful.

    Eh. Ever since the Weinstein story broke, the politics became personal for a whole lot of people. I know you're the right kind of guy. No worries there, none at all.
    Lilly, the first one pictured, was a rescue. She was a puppy mill mom, had congenital blindness and went deaf there at the end too.
    Because I was so hands-on with her, there at the end, the attachment was great and so I had a really hard time. That, and I shouldn't have went in when she had to be put down (her eyes were hemorrhaging). She was having a hard time getting up and moving or we might have had her eyes removed for another year or two of life but we didn't think she'd enjoy living in pain.
    Before I saw your thanks to me, I'd just tried to give you a rep comment and couldn't.

    At this rate, what's the over/under for it not working out well with me? :chuckle:
    well the censorship continues, just "removed" from this thread - 'Thread for tracking Michae Cadry's 11/9/2017 prophecy' - being an older member of the forum here, well aware of the 'bias', but some things get ridiculous :) - yes...I've ever been an eclectic liberal, and recently riding a more skeptical/agnostic wave, but come on :) - hope all is well.
    I don't know. I love my mom, but she's 100% FOX/Drudge and never sees another side of a news story. And FOX has a huge audience. I came from that, so I understand it - I know what she's being fed every day. FOX is so much worse than it was, it's nothing but state propaganda now. And so mom doesn't understand and I have to be so careful how I try to say anything and I either don't bring it up at all or dance around it a little bit and let it go.

    Certainly not the way I approach things here at TOL - this is my other life.. :chuckle:
    He's part of a dwindling few who were so "in" with their personal investment they can't see beyond it. The good news is that most of America doesn't think the way this sliver does (by which I mean most of America is still then demonstrably capable of evidencing genuine thought, flawed or not).
    With that kind of blind obeisance multiplied, I wonder where this country's going to be in another year. Never in my whole life did I think that before.
    When he called you 'Sonshine' it was a giveaway that he had nothing along with the stupid 'We'll decide' crap. You give him more credit than he gives you...

    Structure and a sense of purpose are very good ways to stay centered, so I'm happy for you that these are a current part your days. :)

    Hope things continue on a hopeful path for your parents, and I'll check out the link.
    That can be very exhausting, liaising between medical facilities, two homes, two families, and still getting your schoolwork done.

    Be mindful of your needs too in all this (understanding how easy to say, how hard to do) or you'll end up needing care yourself.
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