Town Heretic
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  • Well, I don't know if you can tell that :( is now purple, not yellow.

    And the :) looks different.

    And my beloved eek with the black eye and missing teeth looks like this now. :eek:
    It's because you're (we're) green now. Knowing 'who' is one of the perks of a silver subscription and above. :eek:
    GFR7 accidentally posted satire as news again... :chuckle:

    I missed it, and nothing's left but the woodshed report and the chatbox requiem... :(
    There is a large difference between intellectual knowledge of our Lord, which even the demons possess, and true faith, which comprises three aspects: knowledge, assent, and trust.

    My usual response:

    To borrow the "chair" analogy for true faith,

    I can know the chair is there, I can appreciate its workmanship, and its function.

    I can believe the chair will support my weight, and that it will be comfortable.

    But until I rest my body upon the chair, I have not really trusted it to hold me.
    T/H ... Hoping you and your family have a very blessed Thanksgiving day, and find your garners filled so you may bless others, and you drinking from from the saucer because your cup runs over ~ Psalmist and Mrs Psalmist
    Christmas shopping completed prior to Thanksgiving is nigh communistic! Christmas isn't Christmas without the wild and wooly hair raising panic that comes with the last minute shopping. :D
    Thanks for the rep, Bro!
    Wowch! Double-whammy! I got to laugh at your wit, AND at myself at the same time :chuckle: Thanks for that and more especially for your prayers. In our Christ, -Lon
    I always make the attempt to be pleasant to people I encounter as I go about the day. Depending on my mood, I can range from quietly polite to friendly, to downright outgoing. :shocked:

    I suspect most people have the ability to control the outward expression of their innate personalities as they need to, ought to, or feel like. :)
    Yes, I saw it just now. :mmph:

    I think that loss is going to kill us in the end. We have one of the toughest remaining schedules so we have to win every game we "should" win.
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