Town Heretic
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  • Sounds like you've got a good mix of rewarding classes and time involvement, with a narrowing sense of purpose thrown in for good measure. That's great, I'm happy for you. :)

    My classes have been interesting, particularly Drugs and Behavior. I suppose it's not surprising that the professor probably holds the daily record for attendance, with several hundred of his devoted students in regular and rapt attention... :chuckle:

    And thanks, it's good to see you too, and I'll hold your offer in mind even though we don't seem to move in the same threads too often these days. I'm tired of the whole Trump debacle. I long ago promised my mom I'd watch the debate with her, so I'll be doing that tomorrow, and while it's a bit of history I'm looking forward to being a part of, I have a sickening feeling Trump may just manage to pull this out. I'm no fan of Hillary, but IMO she's still better than Trump. (Not something I say out loud in my circles...) :cheers:
    I really don't hang around a whole lot any more...Just now got your message from the 7th. :) I still pop in from time to time though. :D
    Yeah, my boys dragged me into that - kicking and screaming. Same with Dumb and Dumber and Napoleon Dynamite. :chuckle:
    No, I think it was the just-banned newcomer. :chuckle: He sure went through here like a fireball. :chuckle:

    As for Trad, he'll be back around sooner or later with another 'deplorable' OP. Give it time.
    The peel and stick... :rotfl: That's exactly what I was thinking about, I even had an image I was going to post ( ), to give him some extra hat options - but then I decided to leave it the way it was so it wouldn't get out of hand at your expense. :chuckle:

    His photoshop of me was bad (an "anna" label stuck (poorly) on the uniform of a woman giving a Hitler salute), but AB's was worse and yours the worst yet. I'm actually kind of anticipating the cringe-worthiness of the next one.
    Impossible. They're all sorted individually. :eek:

    I haven't heard from her either, but then I haven't written myself, so I'll fix that and add in your best when I do.
    I left a visitor message for you earlier today, but I think what happened is that I'd posted to you right after posting to someone else, and I didn't notice the "you must wait x-many seconds before posting another visitor message" before I left your page, and so I didn't realize until just now that it never posted.

    So I'll try this again: How's school going?

    I can't believe I'm already in my third week. It's going fast.
    How often does it happen? Around here that's like finding a penny black in a stamp's not just the far right although the absences around here exaggerate the general extremism. It's not the same as it was...
    It seems that some people get all bent out of shape if you don't answer in a way they like or acknowledge their position without question. Unfortunately it's a trademark around here. Some of the most puerile antics and attitudes stem from the hard right here and that's been the way from the start...
    You guess? :D

    I noticed your exchange with Angel and have to say I wasn't all that surprised. The harder the leaning the lesser the thought has always been a hallmark around here...
    Eh, if only...:eek:

    Btw, I see that idiot acw is trying to insinuate that you're gay now? What a redacted...
    Thanks Town !!! That means a lot to me. I do attack some people that I feel deserve it, I'm not proud of that but i tend to give what I get. At the end of the day, I try to be generous, fair and polite. Thanks again !!
    Would you be able to post the lines/odds for the weeks? If not, I can dig them up, too. I just remember during last season we would pull slightly different numbers sometimes. Let me know what will work best for you as we go into week 1!
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