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  • :wave2: Like the pink! How are you & Mrs Psalmist doing? Affected by all the hurricanes at all?
    I'm so happy you're on the mend, I could just...

    I actually like this because the colors are in the range I can see and it has a comic book feel about it...I just altered my background to play off my namesake...but thanks for the kind words. :D
    Oh, and if you open the About Me folder on my page you can see the painting in its full, uninterrupted splendor. :D
    Thanks Psalmy! :D I literally just took one background and one font at a time, saved and went back to my profile page to see what had happened. Same thing with the borders, width, etc. I started at the top box and worked my way through it....s-l-o-w work, but I'm techno challenged. :chuckle:
    Is it just me or is this all of a piece? I can't tell because its falling in my one color fits all spectrum anyway. :think:
    Funny thing about aging, I have to wear reading glasses (only in the evening or bad light) and don't when I'm online...anyway, for some strange reason your avatar appears to be a chicken from sitting distance...imagine my surprise when I looked with my second set of eyes. say the least.

    That's one that won't be crossing any road. :think: Though it might explain how it got here.
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