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  • I post a few of them in the All Things Jack thread. The winner isn't among them. It's a river shot of an old and decaying wooden pier built to unload from the "ghost fleet" of decommissioned ships that were parked along the river decades ago. I took it in a part of the day that was bathed in a honey colored confusion. I'd put it up but I don't own it anymore. Worth losing it and I liked another one I shot of the same pier (dominated by blue in that one) better. There are a few nice photos scattered through out the Jack thread though, mostly of my rascal, but with others to be had.
    Why thank you. Very kind of you.

    Unrelated good news. I can't remember if you know but I have a serious photography habit. Well, I entered a contest for a tourism in my county and I had an email asking me to call the director of it the other day. They took it to 41 finalists then went to panel and one of the three I submitted was the hands down winner. The prize was a four star overnight with a meal in one of the top steak houses in the state, a couple's spa treatment and culinary lesson and the whole thing was worth a chunk of change. Now I have something to give the wife for Christmas AND I'm officially no longer an amateur. :eek: God is good.
    Will do. I have three generations of beautiful women to come home to every day. Doting on me and giving me hugs and kisses. I'm in hog heaven. Love my girls.
    Yay! I'm being babysitted, so I have to watch my p's and q's.

    Wait, I can't find my tiptoe smiley.
    I mean the state park 'Pilot Butte', right in the middle of town (Greenwood Ave/Highway 20) runs by it, by Police Station/Lava lanes bowling alley/Costco ...great look out area.
    Wow, pretty cool. Yes,....been here for a decade or so. However rental availability is kinda tight, and rising rents are getting ridiculous, need more affordable or low income housing/apt. units. I enjoy walking the butte a few times a week. Did u know they are building more apt. at the base of the butte? there has been some protests, but they are going ahead, and I don't think these will be considered 'affordable' apartments. Havent been to LaPine much, but here rents a bit cheaper there. - as well as in Madras.
    Will do. Do you know of a site called carm? It has a boatload of studies where she can get her daily dosage of Bible reading. The rot going here makes me angry. But it's not about my anger issues. If it were about my anger, I would already be blazing a trail to his front door. My anger will have to take a backseat. Mom deserves a long rest from having to fend for herself. I know she can, but she shouldn't have to.
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