Arthur Brain
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  • Maybe not, but I'm still happy for you. :)

    He's first and foremost a Barcelona fan, so it was Spain - and after Spain he had several second-bests - who all lost in this last round. :chuckle: So I'll have to ask who he's supporting now that all his faves are out.

    Yes of course England. :) On to the quarterfinals, right? My youngest is glued to his TV/laptop/phone these days :chuckle:
    Is it that he doesn't do much or that he simply can't? :think: I'm beginning to wonder if he sees the difference.

    I don't know what's worse - that you knew where that was going, or that you knew where that was going...
    :chuckle: I hate it when I do that...

    OMG, that's great news! What you've been waiting for, I know. :) Fingers crossed here, keep me posted.
    Sounds good. Not too bad here, may be starting work soon at the centre I go to. They're going to need admin staff in the next few weeks and the manageress chatted with me about it. She wants me and the woman friend I've done the course with to have jobs there. It'll be part time at first leading to full time hours in a few months as they expand. Touching wood it comes off...
    Doing all right, thanks. Had a late breakfast and just fixed a rare second cup of coffee.

    How about yourself? :)
    Thanks for the kind words. One of the things I've really regretted about pushing back is the handful of people here I really appreciate. You, Anna, Town, and a few others. Be well, and keep up the good fight, on whatever battlefield.

    Well if you insist... have some beer with it. :D

    Well. I'm disappointed in your lack of good taste.

    You're missing out on one of gastronomy's greatest delicacies.



    You don't like cold pizza?! How could you not like cold pizza?!

    ... Have you ever tried cold pizza?
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