Arthur Brain
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  • Hey. :)

    Now that the New Year's underwhelmed us both, there's nothing other than to keep on keepin' on, right? Hope you have a good day today, even if it's only in parts. :)
    This forum is driving me crazy. That there are adults living in privileged countries that believe in creationism in 2015 depresses me as a human being :plain:
    I'm fine. :D.. I don't know why that bothered me so much yesterday.. You know me, over sensitive Sally here. :chuckle:
    Hey you, I'm gonna take off now... I'm too tired to make it to midnight. :eek:

    I'll catch up with a reply to you tomorrow. Here's hoping that 2015 is good to you. :)
    A couple really, that I like. The old favorite, the one the tourists miss but the snow birds know, is called De Soto's. Great coconut shrimp and home made bread. It's not that far off the beach, but in an area rich with restaurants that trend and flash it's a steady gem. The Beach House serves a great angus burger with laced fries, if you're in the mood for one. I'm trying to talk them into making a Cuban out of it. :chew: Tacky Jack's in Orange Beach is a good place to relax with good food and reasonable prices. LuLu's, owned and operated by Jimmy Buffet's sister, is a canal favorite, though the atmosphere is more the reason than the food, which is good, but not as good as a number of other restaurants. MTF...see what happens? :)
    :cheers: Getting ready to head out for my third Christmas (brother's family) and a great meal at one of my favorite hidden, mom and pop, gems of a seafood restaurant tucked into the side roads of Gulf Shores. :chew: Have a great one, AB.
    Yeh, I did have a good Christmas. It was really nice, just like Thanksgiving. My brother was at my mom's. We had a good time laughing and cutting up and giving mom and dad a hard time, all in fun. :chuckle: .. These past couple of holidays have been some of the best in a long time. I'm very thankful for that. :)
    You're welcome. :) Yes, from what I have observed over the years what you described is part of the path/walk/faith... just don't give up.

    God bless you.
    Nobody said you couldn't but since when did that give you the right to be so arrogantly presumptive about another persons beliefs simply because you haven't read some 'personal testimony' or some such? I confessed and repented a long time ago and that would count as being 'saved' for many just on this board no matter what's happened since, and I won't pretend I've led a guilt free life since that point or that my beliefs haven't changed in regards to 'dogma' in the meantime. I don't hold with a lot of 'traditional' theology so there ya go.

    Seems to me, from your statement here, that you have grown a lot. Congrats! It's not an easy thing to do when considering the 'crab bucket phenomena'.

    God Bless You.

    Merry Christmas!
    Actually, I'll have you know that I'm taking a big bowl of my sprouts to our Christmas meal today. :nananana:


    Hey, I'm glad to hear and good for you and good for your kids. :) You DO deserve them okay? I hope you have a great day tomorrow as well. :)
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