Arthur Brain
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  • Yes. :)

    Have to sign off now, hope you're doing all right, and that you get some good sleep. Take good care and maybe I'll see you around here tomorrow. :)
    I'll miss having him around (when he was, that is :chuckle:) but he'll be close by, and he's happy and that's what matters.
    Hey. :)

    I'm adjusting. I thought since this was the 4th time he's moved out that I wouldn't cry this time. I still did. :eek: Once a mom, always a mom.
    Well someone pruned Observations, so that says everything that needs saying. I'm leaving it to the wolves and trolls having done my level best to meet everyone I met in the same spirit and to speak the truth as plainly as I saw it.

    You're a good egg. Take care of yourself. :cheers: Going to make a quick round and that's all for me. I'll probably keep the account and do the once in a blue moon PM bit, but I think I'm done as a poster. Joining the lion's share of my posts to free the board for rpchk's next wonder. :eek: And I'll be at the ol FB, of course...and like I said to AMR, I'll let you know if someone buys a book. Heck, you'll probably hear it from a decent window.
    Good. :chuckle:

    I'll go have a listen, and then I have to take off again. I've been helping my son move out today.
    Absolutely. :)

    Sorry to hear it. :think: I may add a section to the In Memoriam thread. :rip: I'm starting to think about my PC's life. It's been a few years. Working fine, but nothing lasts forever. Time to start burning and backing.
    Hope it doesn't mess your sleep cycle up too much.

    You know what's best. Here's to a better tomorrow. :cheers:

    I did, very much. I'm glad you found it, since you'd been searching so long. Now you've got it posted here you'll always know where to find it. :)

    Gonna get going now, you take good care and chat soon. :)
    You must've needed it. :)

    I'm sorry you didn't feel too great today, but I'm glad you had the chance to take the day in the direction that was best for you. I hope it was good medicine.

    That was amazing... I actually listened to it twice in a row. Very chill, thanks for posting that, I'll be listening to it again and again for sure.
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