Arthur Brain
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  • It's a half step removed from a Christmas eve at Walmart in there. :eek: But you know, I kind of have to admit it was fun. Wish you'd been in on it early. Well, that's life for you...the bastard.
    Thank you. :) I'm presently recovering from surgery. It would be good to have a stronger pain med to manage the pain level. That would help.
    I'm glad you didn't leave a dig and then close the thread, Artie. That would have been the coward's way. Since it was closed by someone else, then I won't say you had "no guts". But, you did deserve the neg rep I gave you, anyway. :chuckle:
    I considered it a sign of good things to come as thread after thread of yours are closed and hidden, with clues to their whereabouts left here and there for able bodied TOLers to decipher and discover. :plain: Man, that's good eggnog.
    Had you signed off like a gentleman, Artie, instead of this, "as abhorrent as you've shown yourself on here", I wouldn't have given you a neg rep. You merely reaped what you'd sown. ;) I, too, hope you have a very Merry Christmas.
    A warning, seriously? I don't agree with that at all. Making a thread dedicated to bashing an entire group of people is acceptable. Pushing back against it is apparently frowned upon...
    I may just stop, let her keep moving goalposts and demonstrating her moral superiority, empathy and humility until the thread catches on fire. :shocked:
    Sheesh, you have tenacity. I give myself 2-3 pages of arguing before I start to repeat myself... then I usually wander off to find someone else to torment.
    You heartless unfeeling brute :)
    Actually I'm delighted to be alive with good prospects for a return to normal bowel habits. A very nice young lady from Sainsbury's came today with all my food shopping, since I now seem to have a good appetite again. :)
    Any charm I managed initially must have soon vanished when they changed the dressings and by this stoma bag I'll need to wear for a few months before they can reconnect my pipework properly again. :rolleyes:
    Thanks AB, 10 days in a hospital bed wasn't much fun I can tell you wot!
    When you do finally get to sleep they want to take blood pressure or give you pills. It's nice being home again but there's a part two in about 6 months, oh well.
    Okay, as lines go, the end/beginning rebuttal was a gem. I'd have had to rep it if you'd written it to me. :chuckle: It's going in the Gazette. :chuckle:
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