Zakath is a fraud!

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godrulz said:
I have seen posts and links where Zak explained his background, his perceptions, and his present state of atheism. I thought frauds pretended to be something they are not. It seems to me he is quite clear that he is not religious, and he was deluded when he claimed to be a Christian. He tried to play the game, but obviously something was wrong or went wrong. I do not get the impression that he was impersonating a pastor to fleece the flock. He seems to have an interesting resume, but now puts his time and energy into a godless life.

Let's hear it from the horses mouth. Sozo has a habit of starting threads against people, but not giving them a heads up that it exists. It is easy to scoff that he is running, but like myself, he may simply be unaware at the moment.

For the record, I am not defending his views or integrity. My desire is to pray for him, and defend and proclaim the Gospel to him. Only the Holy Spirit can convince and convict him. For those who want to join the cause, there is a thread about converting Zakath.

I have very much respect for you, Godrulz, for posting this.


New member
Sozo said:
I actually thought it was funny, but then I realized, how true of a statement it actually was.
To hell with people like Zakass. Jesus died for Him and yet his only purpose and obsession in life is to spit in His face, and to mock those whose hope is in Him.

This sums you up quite well, Sozo. While securing your own "status" in Heaven, you damn those who dare disagree with you to Hell. You wear the badge "intolerant" as if it is honorable. But you fail to understand the true meaning of the word and thus demonstrate your own ignorance. I've known many people who are proud of their shortcomings. It is a sad state of affairs. But, I know some day you will see the true Light.

Mr. 5020

New member
Sozo said:
I was simply going on your own proclamation that you were a christian at one point in your life.

A christian is a child of God. At what point did the Spirit of God bear witness to your spirit that you are a child of God?
It says it bears witness 'with' your spirit, not 'to' your spirit.
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On Fire

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wickwoman said:
This sums you up quite well, Sozo. While securing your own "status" in Heaven, you damn those who dare disagree with you to Hell. You wear the badge "intolerant" as if it is honorable. But you fail to understand the true meaning of the word and thus demonstrate your own ignorance. I've known many people who are proud of their shortcomings. It is a sad state of affairs. But, I know some day you will see the true Light.
Sozo's comment was all true. Truth is light. God's Word tells us the fate of non-believers. :zakath: has made his choice. What you call "true light" is a bunch of fairy dust and hog wash - it is false.


New member
Mr. 5020 said:
It says it bears witness 'with' your spirit, not 'to' your spirit.
It matters not, the point, in context, is that we are in the spirit and not in the flesh. The Spirit of God bears witness that we are children of God. Our spirit bears witness that we are children of God. They both equally bear witness that we are children of God. It has to do with God letting us know that we are His so that we do not grow weary as we continue to suffer in the body, knowing that they will be redeemed as well.

For all who are being led by the Spirit of God, these are sons of God. 15. For you have not received a spirit of slavery leading to fear again, but you have received a spirit of adoption as sons by which we cry out, "Abba! Father!" 16. The Spirit Himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God, 17. and if children, heirs also, heirs of God and fellow heirs with Christ, if indeed we suffer with [Him] in order that we may also be glorified with [Him]. 18. For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory that is to be revealed to us. 19. For the anxious longing of the creation waits eagerly for the revealing of the sons of God. 20. For the creation was subjected to futility, not of its own will, but because of Him who subjected it, in hope 21. that the creation itself also will be set free from its slavery to corruption into the freedom of the glory of the children of God. 22. For we know that the whole creation groans and suffers the pains of childbirth together until now. 23. And not only this, but also we ourselves, having the first fruits of the Spirit, even we ourselves groan within ourselves, waiting eagerly for [our] adoption as sons, the redemption of our body.


New member
Sozo, interesting scripture. The metaphor of childbirth is relevant. Where does this "child" come from? From within the mother or from without?


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Hall of Fame
Sozo's good for picking a fight but usually doesn't do more than blow smoke.

I have never really seen the guy contribute a relevant thread, chip in a smart two cents into a discussion, or make anything resembling a coherent or useful thought.

Whatever his issue is, the guy's angry and a real pathetic piece of work. Basically a wind-up toy: let him go for a while barking at whoever he doesn't like, then take him for a walk and let him find a hydrant.


granite1010 said:
Sozo's good for picking a fight but usually doesn't do more than blow smoke.

I have never really seen the guy contribute a relevant thread, chip in a smart two cents into a discussion, or make anything resembling a coherent or useful thought.

Whatever his issue is, the guy's angry and a real pathetic piece of work. Basically a wind-up toy: let him go for a while barking at whoever he doesn't like, then take him for a walk and let him find a hydrant.

Wow! Could have easily been said about Jesus by his enemies, except for the thread and hydrant parts.

So, granite1010, what do you say about wickwoman's posts? Are her thoughts coherent or useful?


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wholearmor said:
Wow! Could have easily been said about Jesus by his enemies, except for the thread and hydrant parts.

So, granite1010, what do you say about wickwoman's posts? Are her thoughts coherent or useful?

Uh-huuuuuh. Sozo and Jesus. The minute Sozo says something approaching, say, the sermon on the mount, lemme know.

Wick's a sweetheart and I always appreciate her comments.


granite1010 said:
Uh-huuuuuh. Sozo and Jesus. The minute Sozo says something approaching, say, the sermon on the mount, lemme know.

Wick's a sweetheart and I always appreciate her comments.

I didn't compare what Sozo said to anything Jesus said. I simply pointed out what you said about Sozo could have easily been said about Jesus in His day.

Concerning wickwoman. Uh-huuuuuh. Not surprising.


Resident Atheist
I guess So-slow figures that he's safe since he knows very well that I put him on ignore last evening... :chuckle:


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Sozo said:
Hey... great to see you, granite!

Perhaps you would like to take a stab at the question...

When did the following happen to you?

"The Spirit Himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God"

True believers do have this witness from the Spirit. The Word of God and the character of God are more objective standards for our assurance. Millions of Mormons have a strong, subjective burning that they have the truth. Satan can counterfeit in the realm of feelings. We need an objective apologetic and a subjective one. Many people have a subjective, religious experience and 'assurance' that is deception and flesh. They think they are children of God, but they are not. I have the Spirit's witness AND the Word and character of God. So, many could and do say they have the subjective witness, but they also may have a false gospel or Christ (save your breath pronouncing which category I am god-playing during fellowship week).


New member
Zakath said:
I guess So-slow figures that he's safe since he knows very well that I put him on ignore last evening...

So-slow. That's very funny! :chuckle:

I mean, er, Zak, now let's not's lower ourselves to their station. Tsk, tsk . . .


wickwoman said:
So-slow. That's very funny! :chuckle:

I mean, er, Zak, now let's not's lower ourselves to their station. Tsk, tsk . . .

You can't go lower than someone you're already below. You could find yourself falling further down, however.


Resident Atheist
wickwoman said:
So-slow. That's very funny! :chuckle:

I mean, er, Zak, now let's not's lower ourselves to their station. Tsk, tsk . . .
I stand chastened and rebuked... :(

Not for long... :chuckle:
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