Your Wrong, Your Wrong!!!!


New member
Yo, Pauly.

You ALL!!! - Just Say "You're IN Christ", which doesn't mean anything except that you are likely to be A LIAR!!!!

There is NO Evidance that you can SHOW that any of you Are in Christ and that Christ is IN You!!!! -- Show me the evidance!!! - If you were in Christ, - Christ would guide you into proving me wrong like he said He would!!!

Christ did say that some were in Him, 2,000 yeard ago, but that doesn't mean that it was you!!! - That was 2,000 years ago!!! -- Let's see you IN Christ!!! - None of You Smart Know-It-Alls even know what -- "IN Christ" means, much less that you are in Him!!!! -- None of you have the Knowledge of the Tree; -- you can't say that you are in the Place of the "Tree of Life" YET!!!!! --- ((( Read IT )))!!!!!

Paul -- 041314


Well-known member
You ALL!!! - Just Say "You're IN Christ", which doesn't mean anything except that you are likely to be A LIAR!!!!

There is NO Evidance that you can SHOW that any of you Are in Christ and that Christ is IN You!!!! -- Show me the evidance!!! - If you were in Christ, - Christ would guide you into proving me wrong like he said He would!!!

Christ did say that some were in Him, 2,000 yeard ago, but that doesn't mean that it was you!!! - That was 2,000 years ago!!! -- Let's see you IN Christ!!! - None of You Smart Know-It-Alls even know what -- "IN Christ" means, much less that you are in Him!!!! -- None of you have the Knowledge of the Tree; -- you can't say that you are in the Place of the "Tree of Life" YET!!!!! --- ((( Read IT )))!!!!!

Paul -- 041314

You asked to be shown from God's Word where your claim about the Law was wrong. I did so. Please reply to that point.


New member
You asked to be shown from God's Word where your claim about the Law was wrong. I did so. Please reply to that point.

You didn't Prove anything ( About Yourself or the Law ), but about sonething or someone!!

I can just as easy say that you are ( "Dead IN the Law"), as you said that you are Dead to it. - None of that means anything that GOD Said. - What God said was not ABOUT YOU!!!! - The Scriptures were NOT Written (((( To You ))))!!!!!, - But to the (( Churches of that Day!!! -- Read it ))!!

Paul -- 041314


Well-known member

Calling people phony, liars and cursed ungodly fools is a bit worse than being asked if you're off your meds. I mean, if you're going to start reporting threads.

Think about it.


New member
We who are in Christ are dead to the Law (Rom 7:4; Gal 2:19; 1 Cor 9:20-21).

This is you:

Gal 3:10.

Who said that I was pushing the "Works of the LAW", -- YOU???

You all can ONLY SAY that you are "Dead TO The LAW"!!! -- ((( You cannot prove that , - AND Me Wrong )))!!! -- Therefore You are "DEAD IN SIN"!! --- Read IT, - it is Written!!!!

God ((( ALSO SAID ))):
((( Matthew 11:2 KJV ))) --- 2: "Now when John had heard in the prison the ((((( "Works" of Christ ))))), he sent two of his disciples". --&--

((( 1 Thessalonians 1:3 KJV ))) --- 3- "((( Remembering without ceasing ))) ((( Your "WORK" of Faith ))), ((( AND "LABOR" ))) of Love, ((( AND Patience of "HOPE" ))) ((( IN ))) our Lord Jesus Christ, ((( IN ))) the ((( Sight ))) of God and our Father". --//-----


Paul, David -- 072614


New member
See - ME BACK, or See - MY BACK? - Was that good or bad English??

Paul, David -- 072614

You have an unusual manner of telling false brethren they are lost and headed for destruction, but the fact of the matter is you are telling the truth.

You must be hitting home, because of the insulting things they are saying. If they truly thought you were mad and/or on med's then to treat you in the manner they have done would be despicable.

Totton Linnet

New member
Silver Subscriber
If you have a false belief then that is "your wrong..your wrong!!"

If it is an ancient heresy then it's "yore wrong,, yore wrong!!"


New member
You have an unusual manner of telling false brethren they are lost and headed for destruction, but the fact of the matter is you are telling the truth.

You must be hitting home, because of the insulting things they are saying. If they truly thought you were mad and/or on med's then to treat you in the manner they have done would be despicable.

I'm Just doing IT The "WAY" Jesus Did!!! -- So let the foolish condemn me ALSO!!!!

Paul, David -- 072614