You shall not take the name of Yahveh your God in vain.


New member
I believe Yeshua to be the only begotten Son of God. I do not know what you are talking about. I have neither rejected the Father nor the Son. My communication with you should be a blessing. I encourage you to read the Torah. We as Jews observe the Torah. Jesus instructed us to keep and teach the commandments. You are to keep His commandments. Do you have faith in God and Jesus? Have you repented of your sins and received forgiveness of sins? Do you live your life to the glory of God? Have you been granted the free gift of eternal life in Jesus Christ our Lord?

All this above does not address this:

“We the people of Israel recognize that you do not know God, our God.”


Well-known member
We are the bride...imagine a bride using a wrong name for her husband and then saying “I don’t care”...

Maybe you will care if your love grows?

Clefty, only "sacred namers" care.

I never call my wife by her full name except when I am annoyed with her.


New member
You do not need to address it.

Oh my...

Touchy eh? Typical...

Are you typifying the mission given to Israel in the OT:

Isaiah 56:6-8
"Also the foreigners who join themselves to the LORD, To minister to Him, and to love the name of the LORD, To be His servants, every one who keeps from profaning the sabbath And holds fast My covenant; Even those I will bring to My holy mountain And make them joyful in My house of prayer Their burnt offerings and their sacrifices will be acceptable on My altar; For My house will be called a house of prayer for all the peoples." The Lord GOD, who gathers the dispersed of Israel, declares, "Yet others I will gather to them, to those already gathered."

Or of the Israel today...the result of a conspiracy found in Judah long ago?

Anything else according to you in that passage a GER should not address?


Oh my...

Touchy eh? Typical...

Are you typifying the mission given to Israel in the OT:

Isaiah 56:6-8
"Also the foreigners who join themselves to the LORD, To minister to Him, and to love the name of the LORD, To be His servants, every one who keeps from profaning the sabbath And holds fast My covenant; Even those I will bring to My holy mountain And make them joyful in My house of prayer Their burnt offerings and their sacrifices will be acceptable on My altar; For My house will be called a house of prayer for all the peoples." The Lord GOD, who gathers the dispersed of Israel, declares, "Yet others I will gather to them, to those already gathered."

Or of the Israel today...the result of a conspiracy found in Judah long ago?

Anything else according to you in that passage a GER should not address?

I do not know what you are talking about or why you are thinking this or think this. But I do recognize that you think this.

What is this?

"Or of the Israel today...the result of a conspiracy found in Judah long ago?"


New member
Clefty, only "sacred namers" care.
lol...better them than the “holy land”er crusaders...but zionists do conflate the two

I never call my wife by her full name except when I am annoyed with her.

Lol...may you recall your first love...or you might see her full name on papers served...yikes...


Well-known member
lol...better them than the “holy land”er crusaders...but zionists do conflate the two

Lol...may you recall your first love...or you might see it on papers served...yikes...

Clefty, as you might say, the name of God is not a salfic (is there such a word?) issue.

Folks don't even seem to know if YHWH is Jehovah, or Yahweh. If saying His name were salfic then it would be nice for Him to have left us the pronunciation. Jesus on the cross called the Father "Eli". Is it OK if I just call him "Father" or "Daddy"?


New member
I do not know what you are talking about or why you are thinking this or think this. But I do recognize that you think this.

What is this?

"Or of the Israel today...the result of a conspiracy found in Judah long ago?"

You do not know what I am talking about? Or why I am thinking this or think this.

Yet you recognize it. And assume I think it. Yet claim you don’t know why I might be.

This is not what I think...this is what I am asking.

And you recognize this which you think I think.

Perhaps you too have heard it said to you or another:

“We the people of Israel recognize that you do not know God, our God.”

“You do not need to address it.”


You do not know what I am talking about? Or why I am thinking this or think this.

Yet you recognize it. And assume I think it. Yet claim you don’t know why I might be.

This is not what I think...this is what I am asking.

And you recognize this which you think I think.

Perhaps you too have heard it said to you or another:

“We the people of Israel recognize that you do not know God, our God.”

“You do not need to address it.”

I did not know what you were talking about. But somehow I knew something existed? Was I talking to you? There are different people I am talking to or different conversations. When a person rejects the nation of Israel they reject Israel's God, Yahveh. You should not make this mistake.


New member
Clefty, as you might say, the name of God is not a salfic (is there such a word?) issue.
yes such a word: sal·vif·ic leading to salvation...

I used to think so too but...I am seeing otherwise...witness responses even here

Folks don't even seem to know if YHWH is Jehovah, or Yahweh.
I roll with the Yah crew...the letter j is a modern invention...etc...and so it goes...a curiousity at first but then I realized more and more...and have been further blessed

If saying His name were salfic then it would be nice for Him to have left us the pronunciation.
I believe He did...but I care about this name thingy and now even cringe when I see it Quixote and not is a translation the other is native...only one is more culturally and historically add to that Cervantes having Quijote repeating that his name will be known world wide, by no other name will his story be known and even a house will be built for it etc etc...I think Cervantes would be trying to say something...

I mean, I know people who struggle to get the names of international footballers accurately...names reveal much and this is about my Savior a person unique singular and specific in time and place...

And then I think how hard satan has tried to counterfeit all of it...

Other Christs and other gospels abound...

Jesus on the cross called the Father "Eli". Is it OK if I just call him "Father" or "Daddy"?
ok? Sure...Maybe?

What you call Him is your business...but if the business is your salvation than I needs to remind you that covenants are contracts and legalities and those typically use full proper names...not pet names or

What is also important beyond praise to Him is that He knows your real name and puts it in the right list...


New member
What are you not to address?
you said it...

I know Yahveh.
so you and so does Satan...and so?

you admitted you the people of Israel recognize we do not

Who is the we that you speak of?
those you the people of Israel claim do not know God

What rejection?
that we know Yah...

You said:

“We the people of Israel recognize that you do not know God, our God.”

“You do not need to address it.”


you said it...

so you and so does Satan...and so?

you admitted you the people of Israel recognize we do not

those you the people of Israel claim do not know God

that we know Yah...

You said:

“We the people of Israel recognize that you do not know God, our God.”

“You do not need to address it.”

If you know our God, the one and only true God, you ought to worship and serve Him alone. He will have no other gods before Him.

I do not know what you are talking about.

How was I supposed to address something I said when a person addresses something in response? Who is the we that you say do not? If you say that I am admitting that you do not know God, when I said nothing in admission, I do not know what to say. I do not know what to say about that.

If you wish to know and worship the one true God, the God of Israel, the one and only true God, how are you going to do that? He is the Creator of Heaven and Earth. The Creator of the Heavens and the Earth. The God of the Jews and the God of the Gentiles, the Nations, is the same God, the very same God. There is only one God. His name is Yahveh. Yahveh is the God of Israel. We know Him. I was asking if you do or if you want to know Him, because if you do not then you should. The question is then if you know and accept God's Word, His Torah, the TaNaK, the Bible, and live accordingly. There are God's Commandments for you to observe, since He is your Creator. His Commandments were given to the nation of Israel, and you can come into the knowledge of them. Jesus said,

John 14:21 NASB 21 "He who has My commandments and keeps them is the one who loves Me; and he who loves Me will be loved by My Father, and I will love him and will disclose Myself to him."

Jesus instructed us to keep and teach the commandments. I encourage you to do so. Repent and place or put your faith in God and Jesus Christ that you would be forgiven and granted the free gift of eternal life.




New member
If you know our God, the one and only true God, you ought to worship and serve Him alone. He will have no other gods before Him.

I do not know what you are talking about.

How was I supposed to address something I said when a person addresses something in response? Who is the we that you say do not? If you say that I am admitting that you do not know God, when I said nothing in admission, I do not know what to say. I do not know what to say about that.

If you wish to know and worship the one true God, the God of Israel, the one and only true God, how are you going to do that? He is the Creator of Heaven and Earth. The Creator of the Heavens and the Earth. The God of the Jews and the God of the Gentiles, the Nations, is the same God, the very same God. There is only one God. His name is Yahveh. Yahveh is the God of Israel. We know Him. I was asking if you do or if you want to know Him, because if you do not then you should. The question is then if you know and accept God's Word, His Torah, the TaNaK, the Bible, and live accordingly. There are God's Commandments for you to observe, since He is your Creator. His Commandments were given to the nation of Israel, and you can come into the knowledge of them. Jesus said,

John 14:21 NASB 21 "He who has My commandments and keeps them is the one who loves Me; and he who loves Me will be loved by My Father, and I will love him and will disclose Myself to him."

Jesus instructed us to keep and teach the commandments. I encourage you to do so. Repent and place or put your faith in God and Jesus Christ that you would be forgiven and granted the free gift of eternal life.



You said all this now...

But you said this first:

“We the people of Israel recognize that you do not know God, our God.”

Which I have heard before...

As well as this...from others of the same...

“You do not need to address it.”


You said all this now...

But you said this first:

“We the people of Israel recognize that you do not know God, our God.”

Which I have heard before...

As well as this...from others of the same...

“You do not need to address it.”

I do not know what you are talking about.

If you thought you needed to address it why did you ask me who wrote it to address it?


New member
I do not know what you are talking about.

You keep saying and yet...

If you thought you needed to address it why did you ask me who wrote it to address it?

I didn’t ask you who wrote it...I know who wrote it-you did...I asked you if you had heard it before...

As I have heard it before...

You said:

“We the people of Israel recognize that you do not know God, our God.”

And then said:

“You do not need to address it.”

Both of which I have heard before...and when/why you said it...