YOU CAN HAVE IT!!!!!!!!!

Totton Linnet

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Strange ain't it when I read the post title I thought at long last...a gospel message from Letustalkrubbish.

...yet I will miss him.

Totton Linnet

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A few years ago and I can't quote it correctly, Paul spoke about when he was baptised in the Holy Spirit. He spoke about the pain, the agony, days and nights of anguish, the flesh being ripped off him etc.

You know the bible doesn't so describe the baptism of the Holy Ghost. He isn't the only one who speaks like that, the bible speaks about the Holy Spirit in terms of peace, joy and friendship with God...comfort.

"He that believes in Me, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water." This spake He of the Holy Spirit which was to be given.


New member
Ok ok ok

I understand Tot's message, she has actually dialogued with him.
And I understand AMR's response too for they have a history.

And I appreciate Drstevej for showing compassion - thank you!!
I will not forget.

Now let the beatings begin:
Gros - you sir are sooooo close to getting the red mark from me - ppplease do not enjoy this thread with your punny humor any more in such a calloused, tacky, low class and crass way anymore.

And to all the rest of you men.
Look at you.
It's not don't kick a man when he is down, is it - but how hard. And how many times...

All these free shots you are making are utterly filling the whole place with vomit that makes the rest of us smell and taste bile in the back of our own throats!
Please stop!
You want us to know you can be heartless and cold blooded?

I am not against that! I want you tough so you can fight the evil one.

But that does not mean you should do this to Paul. No.


New member

I do not know why you are soo angry sounding.
I think Sky is right in regards to my experience anyway - and that is if I left for some time I was able to come back refreshed and not so upset. Time away can be very good I guess, and Sky should know since they often give her the
boot. I've been given an infraction and a warning - and I think some feel my warning should have been an infraction... Don't ask me why I am telling you all of this except the verse here:
Proverbs 14:10
I think you like the KJV, but here is the NIV also just to get it in modern language:
Each heart knows its own bitterness, and no one else can share its joy.

Do you understand how I see that?

In some ways we all are all alone - always. All of us.

Now that has got to cheer you up dear Paul - for we are all in this together.


A few years ago and I can't quote it correctly, Paul spoke about when he was baptised in the Holy Spirit. He spoke about the pain, the agony, days and nights of anguish, the flesh being ripped off him etc.

You know the bible doesn't so describe the baptism of the Holy Ghost. He isn't the only one who speaks like that, the bible speaks about the Holy Spirit in terms of peace, joy and friendship with God...comfort.

"He that believes in Me, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water." This spake He of the Holy Spirit which was to be given.

I don't know Tot. I wouldn't judge another's conversion experience. I find it kind of appropriate to say that accepting Christ and realizing that there is going to be something else besides what you have always known or lived in "the flesh". Having it torn ripped off is exactly what is happening. Crucifying the flesh. It's as if you are saying to God "you want me to do what?" Trust You? To take this flesh from me lay bare my life.

Not everyone in life is already sitting on a cloud waiting for the Holy Spirit to show them the sun. Are we supposed to feel peace? Yes in that we have assurance of Christ's forgiveness. Some people are also then embarking on a new life that they are not sure of. When a baby is born it comes into the world crying. How much more it feels when you are born again that the flesh you so desired and knew was shedding.

Being born again can be like moving. It can take a while to get comfortable.

Grosnick Marowbe

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Hall of Fame
Ok ok ok

I understand Tot's message, she has actually dialogued with him.
And I understand AMR's response too for they have a history.

And I appreciate Drstevej for showing compassion - thank you!!
I will not forget.

Now let the beatings begin:
Gros - you sir are sooooo close to getting the red mark from me - ppplease do not enjoy this thread with your punny humor any more in such a calloused, tacky, low class and crass way anymore.

And to all the rest of you men.
Look at you.
It's not don't kick a man when he is down, is it - but how hard. And how many times...

All these free shots you are making are utterly filling the whole place with vomit that makes the rest of us smell and taste bile in the back of our own throats!
Please stop!
You want us to know you can be heartless and cold blooded?

I am not against that! I want you tough so you can fight the evil one.

But that does not mean you should do this to Paul. No.

I guess you told me? Thanks for the put downs, they always come in handy!
Perhaps, some of Letsargues anger has rubbed off on you? I'll accept your,
red marks.

Totton Linnet

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Silver Subscriber
I don't know Tot. I wouldn't judge another's conversion experience. I find it kind of appropriate to say that accepting Christ and realizing that there is going to be something else besides what you have always known or lived in "the flesh". Having it torn ripped off is exactly what is happening. Crucifying the flesh. It's as if you are saying to God "you want me to do what?" Trust You? To take this flesh from me lay bare my life.

Not everyone in life is already sitting on a cloud waiting for the Holy Spirit to show them the sun. Are we supposed to feel peace? Yes in that we have assurance of Christ's forgiveness. Some people are also then embarking on a new life that they are not sure of. When a baby is born it comes into the world crying. How much more it feels when you are born again that the flesh you so desired and knew was shedding.

Being born again can be like moving. It can take a while to get comfortable.

Both salvation and the baptising of the Holy Spirit are spoken of in terms of gladness of heart and joy in the bible...let's stick to bible.

When Paul speaks of his great trials and struggles they come from without [beatings, shipwreck,oppositions etc] they are not his inner experience. Even his worries and fears are caused by his great care for the churches.


Both salvation and the baptising of the Holy Spirit are spoken of in terms of gladness of heart and joy in the bible...let's stick to bible.

When Paul speaks of his great trials and struggles they come from without [beatings, shipwreck,oppositions etc] they are not his inner experience. Even his worries and fears are caused by his great care for the churches.

I don't think it's wise to judge someone who felt his flesh being crucified. It don't all start out as happy poem.

Totton Linnet

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Silver Subscriber
I don't think it's wise to judge someone who felt his flesh being crucified. It don't all start out as happy poem.

If we have what the bible promises our experience of it will correspond to the bible experience...what goes wrong with so many charismatics [and in Paul's case] is that our experiences have no foundation in the scripture.

Yes we ARE to judge...that is what we are to do. I am not judging Paul I am questioning his experience.

Although the Apostle speaks of our being crucified with Christ he nowhere supposes that this is a thing which we ourselves accomplish but as a revelation to be recieved and walked in by faith. We put off the flesh to walk in the Spirit.

Always is salvation recieved with joy...always, show me the exception, show me wher somebody was sad to be saved.

The great struggle and turmoil, even pain and darkness [often spoken about by great men of God] are experiences they have in the lead up to salvation or the baptism with the Holy Ghost.

We gotta have that matter what trial we are going through.


If we have what the bible promises our experience of it will correspond to the bible experience...what goes wrong with so many charismatics [and in Paul's case] is that our experiences have no foundation in the scripture.

Yes we ARE to judge...that is what we are to do. I am not judging Paul I am questioning his experience.

Although the Apostle speaks of our being crucified with Christ he nowhere supposes that this is a thing which we ourselves accomplish but as a revelation to be recieved and walked in by faith. We put off the flesh to walk in the Spirit.

Always is salvation recieved with joy...always, show me the exception, show me wher somebody was sad to be saved.

The great struggle and turmoil, even pain and darkness [often spoken about by great men of God] are experiences they have in the lead up to salvation or the baptism with the Holy Ghost.

We gotta have that matter what trial we are going through.

I'll tell you what when I accepted Christ as my savior. I was neither glad or sad. I was relieved. Joy came much later.

Totton Linnet

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Silver Subscriber
I'll tell you what when I accepted Christ as my savior. I was neither glad or sad. I was relieved. Joy came much later.

Yes I have heard it said so often....but I believe Paul's experience was amiss....nor do I detect any joy in his posts.


Well-known member
I always found it too tedious to try to make sense of his posts, so I never really bothered to read them. Still, he has written with that same tedious style since I can remember - and so while misguided one must commend such dedication... maybe...


I bet you judge Benny's, I do. If our experience does not tally with scripture it is to be rejected as non scriptural.

Well I don't really see the "emotional formula" for ones reaction to salvation presented in the Bible.

If we are all to respond the same emotionally in some sort of formula. Then give it to me, because I might want to start over in order to satisfy you.


New member
God does not call the Wise.

Many of us have Emotional and Mental problems that we have to work through.

God will HEAL his mind eventually.:cloud9:

Totton Linnet

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Silver Subscriber
Well I don't really see the "emotional formula" for ones reaction to salvation presented in the Bible.

If we are all to respond the same emotionally in some sort of formula. Then give it to me, because I might want to start over in order to satisfy you.

Pardon me?

The gospel is called the glad tidings

You might want to start over if you don't have the joy of the Lord.

What a rediculous quibble...go and mutter to yourself somewhere.