You ask amiss, you get John Roberts


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That quote seems to me to not state "The most effective way to reduce the number of Americans going to hell is to restore God's application of the law against homosexuality." But rather, "The most effective way to reduce the number of Americans going to hell as a result of homosexuality is to restore God's application of the law against homosexuality."

So it was not a suggestion to reduce the number of people going to Hell, nor did it propose to do such a thing, or that such a thing was possible with this proposition. Rather, it merely suggested [implied] that less people would be homos if homosexual acts were a capital crime.

Exactly right. They would do again what used to happen, and that is to suppress unnatural desire.

King cobra

I think it boils down to this: Granite (and his ilk) isn’t concerned about the proliferation of homosexuals, just the number of souls not going to Hell.
Evidently, Granite likes crowds.


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I think it boils down to this: Granite (and his ilk) isn’t concerned about the proliferation of homosexuals, just the number of souls not going to Hell.
Evidently, Granite likes crowds.

The only hell I believe in is Florida. Or being trapped in a elevator with Quentin Tarantino.


Why would the church be so preoccupied with homosexuals that they would give a sermon on it?

If my church gave a sermon on homosexuality I would seriously know that they have missed the mark.

The last time I checked homosexuality is a sin. Don't Christian churches talk about sin? Obviously your's doesn't (at least not the sins that are politically correct).

In fact, as Pastor Ken Hutcherson writes in this article, many churches suffer from "Preferential Treatment Syndrome":

"Maybe you’re suffering with this disorder. From what we’ve been reading and hearing, a number of Christians are showing these symptoms across the country. Case in point, the Christian Post recently ran a three part series of articles suggesting ways in which the evangelical community should love homosexual couples who come into the church. What we would like to know, though, is why all the preferential treatment?

If sin is sin, then why single out homosexuals as a special class of people? Duke Tabor, pastor of Vineyard Christian Fellowship in Pine Haven, Wyo., suggested that if he were to see a same-sex couple coming into his church, he would come down from the stage and welcome them with an embrace. Well, bravo.

Our first question is, “Wouldn’t you give a hug to anyone who came into your church?” So why single them out? Have Christians become so fearful of being falsely labeled as “haters” that they have to trip all over themselves just to disprove a negative? If sin is sin, why not intentionally seek after the tax cheat, the kidnapper, the domestic abuser or the necrophiliac and give them a warm embrace? We’ll tell you why: Because those sins don’t have a lobby behind them that openly berates those who don’t support their lifestyle choice. Our culture has an allergy to righteousness, and Christians are trying to give out spiritual Sudafed so people will listen."


No. The church is supposed to "build up" not tear down. I am not interested in tearing others down. I'm simply not threatened by what the rest of the world is doing.

How is stopping promiscuous behavior in young adults considered tearing them down? The church isn't calling them horrible people or judging them; it is merely warning them, and hopefully averting them from disaster. If someone was instrumental in setting you on the right path, would you consider that they were tearing you down? I am not sure where your thinking is coming from.


New member
Hall of Fame
How is stopping promiscuous behavior in young adults considered tearing them down? The church isn't calling them horrible people or judging them; it is merely warning them, and hopefully averting them from disaster. If someone was instrumental in setting you on the right path, would you consider that they were tearing you down? I am not sure where your thinking is coming from.

Oh, really. You sure about that?

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Hall of Fame
Why would the church be so preoccupied with homosexuals that they would give a sermon on it?

Maybe you missed the world around you, and the push to make sodomy an acceptable behavior and normalization. Maybe we should just make rape normal. Don't speak out about it, you intolerant bigot. I have a size 13 shoe, and not by my choice. Therefore, I don't have to obey God's laws.

Of course, both things are wrong and you should be able to see what a lame excuse I was born this way is.


You ask amiss, you get John Roberts

This is the show from Thursday, May 31st 2012.


* Focus on the Family Promotes Gay Rights:!

This has been a very informative article Jefferson/Pastor Bob. While I've always liked James Dobson (his interview on kgov saying that Ron Paul isn't qualified to teach Sunday School let alone lead a nation, was a classic), I had written off many of his actions to ignorance and blind allegiance to the Republicrat Party.

On a postive note, Dobson and FOF is still hated by the God-hating/baby murdering/sodomite loving left, so they must be doing something right.