Y are women so STUPID?


New member
God Himself is clear on this. Women are to serve men and know their place! Read His Word and know His Ways! Women will never be as smart as men because that is not their purpose.

It goes:

Rock (Minerals and Plants)

This is the order.

Timothy 2:12 Woman is not to teach men! This is obvious!

This needs to be posted prominently on every church door. If we can do that, I think we can crush christianity in America to oblivion in a few days. Most of church attendance is women and they'd be walking out in droves.


New member
This needs to be posted prominently on every church door. If we can do that, I think we can crush christianity in America to oblivion in a few days. Most of church attendance is women and they'd be walking out in droves.

women are biologically superior to men: live longer, mental retardation doesn't occur as often in females... etc


New member
Did you guys know that Paul named a woman as an apostle?
I assure you, it is true.


Jesus named the Apostles

and there were none named after He left Earth

get freaking real

and even Mary was not one of the 12

yeh, she hung around w/ them, but she was never called Apostle



Member of the 10 year club on TOL!!
Hall of Fame

Jesus named the Apostles

and there were none named after He left Earth

get freaking real

and even Mary was not one of the 12

yeh, she hung around w/ them, but she was never called Apostle

Nor co-redemtrix. Nor ever-virgin.


Member of the 10 year club on TOL!!
Hall of Fame
I couldn't care less what humans

especially heretical ones


Interesting. Instead of responding with passage from scripture that proves that I am wrong, you respond with an emotional outburst and completely ignore what I said. Are you pleased with your response? Did it edify Christ and His teachings? Did it provide a good representation of your church and what it teaches?


New member
Interesting. Instead of responding with passage from scripture that proves that I am wrong, you respond with an emotional outburst and completely ignore what I said. Are you pleased with your response? Did it edify Christ and His teachings? Did it provide a good representation of your church and what it teaches?

yes, I tend to think it did



New member
That was supposed to be funny?

well... not if you don't think so

geez... I rest my case...

hey, I gave that silly answer b/c I was tired of dealing with you.. you have a closed mind and a lib mind... not good... and I know I am being redundant b/c all lib minds are closed.. to logic, to religion...



Member of the 10 year club on TOL!!
Hall of Fame
well... not if you don't think so
At best, it was glib.

geez... I rest my case...
Rest your case on what? You totally missed the joke in post number 2 on this thread so how was I to know you have a sense of humor?

hey, I gave that silly answer b/c I was tired of dealing with you.. you have a closed mind and a lib mind... not good... and I know I am being redundant b/c all lib minds are closed.. to logic, to religion...

I'm not sure where yout get your notions about how open or closed my mind is and whether I am liberal or conservative. I will tell you that my opinion on social matters is aligned with Jesus' teaching which are, by today's definition of such things, liberal. (See Matthew 25 about the sheep and the goats. Then ask yourself a question: which of today's two leading political parties is most closely aligned with caring for those in need.)


New member
Then ask yourself a question: which of today's two leading political parties is most closely aligned with caring for those in need.)

The Republicans

They are also the ones who seem best qualified to say who truly is needy and who is not.

But of course, all those on gov aid are needy NOW... now that they have gotten used to dependency. Dependency is like a drug that when you try to get free of... you find.. well, what happens when you try to kick heroin?

yes, I AM comparing dependency to drug addiction. so pounce on me, I don't care..

I think we should maybe continue to let people who are stuck in dependency stay there, at least until we come up with a solution. But maybe there should be no more of it, or very little... Frankly, the money spent on this or that program (food stamps, etc) could be put to better use. They could build simple apartment buildings (just the basics, a roof over their head) where the homeless could live until they get on their feet. They could employ the homeless and other poor people in government jobs currently held by... gov workers who are also on the dole (but they don't get looked down on like welfare recipients)..

I think welfare should be phased out... maybe slowly, but phased out nonetheless

yes, it is the Rs who care about these people.. the Ds just want them dependent on THEM (votes)




Member of the 10 year club on TOL!!
Hall of Fame

The Republicans

They are also the ones who seem best qualified to say who truly is needy and who is not.

But of course, all those on gov aid are needy NOW... now that they have gotten used to dependency. Dependency is like a drug that when you try to get free of... you find.. well, what happens when you try to kick heroin?

yes, I AM comparing dependency to drug addiction. so pounce on me, I don't care..

I think we should maybe continue to let people who are stuck in dependency stay there, at least until we come up with a solution. But maybe there should be no more of it, or very little... Frankly, the money spent on this or that program (food stamps, etc) could be put to better use.
Any idea who is the most common user of food stamps and for how long? The answer might surprise.

They could build simple apartment buildings (just the basics, a roof over their head) where the homeless could live until they get on their feet.
And we could call them them The Projects! They have worked so well in cities like Chicago and LA.

They could employ the homeless and other poor people in government jobs currently held by... gov workers who are also on the dole (but they don't get looked down on like welfare recipients)..
Okay, this is really interesting. First, why do you think government employes are "on the dole?" Second, why would you want to replace a person who has a job and is not homeless but living on the dole with a different person who now be living on the dole? What happens to the person who lost their job to the homeless? Seems like you are simply swapping the positions of the worker and the homeless.

I think welfare should be phased out... maybe slowly, but phased out nonetheless
Restructured would be better than phased out entirely.

yes, it is the Rs who care about these people.. the Ds just want them dependent on THEM (votes)


Just keep telling yourself that. Question for you. The R's have traditionally given tax breaks to the rich as they are the ones who create jobs. This has been a policy that was really started under Regan in the 80's. Please point to all the jobs that the rich have created for us. Especially since the last recession. Thanks!


New member
Many women delight in the meaning of Words

but Men don't value words as much

because their brain has been snipped .

There is a lack of connective ganglia between

the hemispheres in the male brain.

I think GOD did that in order for the men to concentrate on WORK

and not Jabbering all day long on the phone.


Many women delight in the meaning of Words

but Men don't value words as much

because their brain has been snipped .

There is a lack of connective ganglia between

the hemispheres in the male brain.

I think GOD did that in order for the men to concentrate on WORK

and not Jabbering all day long on the phone.

This post is awesome