Would Trump be America's 1st Illiterate President?

Gary K

New member
This thread makes me laugh. Let's look at some of the idiocy proclaimed by Barak Obama.

He said he'd been in all 57 of the states in the US.

He said he had awarded the medal of honor to a US soldier by the name of Jared Monti after he came back from Afghanistan. Sorry, that soldier died in Afghanistan.

He signed and dated the guestbook of Westminster Abbey as having been there on 24 May, 2008. Only problem was it was in 2011.

His knowledge of the geography of the US is worse than a grade schooler's. He thinks the borders of Kentucky and Arkansas touch.

After a tornado hit Kansas Obama reported that 10,000 people had died. He was only off by 9,988 deaths. Only 12 people died.

At the time his daughter Malia was 12 he said she was 13. Only two kids and he can't keep their ages straight.

During his 2008 campaign he inadvertently told the truth. He told Stephanopoulos in an interview: “What I was suggesting-you’re absolutely right that John McCain has not talked about my Muslim faith”. Stephanopolous had to correct him by saying, you mean ”your Christian faith.” The man can't even keep straight in his own head which religion he claims to follow.

Barak has said in public speeches that "he and Michael" really appreciated everyone's support. Apparently he doesn't know his own wife's name.


New member
This thread makes me laugh. Let's look at some of the idiocy proclaimed by Barak Obama.

He said he'd been in all 57 of the states in the US.

He said he had awarded the medal of honor to a US soldier by the name of Jared Monti after he came back from Afghanistan. Sorry, that soldier died in Afghanistan.

He signed and dated the guestbook of Westminster Abbey as having been there on 24 May, 2008. Only problem was it was in 2011.

His knowledge of the geography of the US is worse than a grade schooler's. He thinks the borders of Kentucky and Arkansas touch.

After a tornado hit Kansas Obama reported that 10,000 people had died. He was only off by 9,988 deaths. Only 12 people died.

At the time his daughter Malia was 12 he said she was 13. Only two kids and he can't keep their ages straight.

During his 2008 campaign he inadvertently told the truth. He told Stephanopoulos in an interview: “What I was suggesting-you’re absolutely right that John McCain has not talked about my Muslim faith”. Stephanopolous had to correct him by saying, you mean ”your Christian faith.” The man can't even keep straight in his own head which religion he claims to follow.

Barak has said in public speeches that "he and Michael" really appreciated everyone's support. Apparently he doesn't know his own wife's name.

What point are you trying to make, that Obama and Trump are both idiots? :idunno:


New member
First, saying that Trump is "as smart as his uncle" isn't saying anything because I, for one, don't happen to believe anyone in that family has much of an intellect. Second, most of your assumptions have no reliable source (i.e., Trump's statements do not count). For example, Trump has many times claimed to be a billionaire (amongst many other things), but he has also proven many times to be an outright liar, and no one has ever shown him to actually be a billionaire (e.g., where are the documents, such as his tax returns, to prove it?). He has consistently demonstrated that his is inconsistent, unreliable, a showman, an exaggerator, a blowhard, a bully, a womanizer, etc., etc. You, and no one, should believe a word that comes out of his mouth because he does everything for effect and immediate gratification or long-term benefit of himself. This is obvious, yet everyone seems to ignore it -- I presume, because they see his wealth as some kind of proof that he is a great man. But just because someone is successful at appearing successful, does not make them a great person. Certainly, Jesus has pointed this out numerous times. Ya know, for all his faults (j/k), Jesus had a lot of good points. Perhaps we should consider them with more weight than some rich blowhard?

Not fair.

You have obviously rightly vetted that absolute fraud.

Not fair.

You're supposed to just bet on him as the sure thing your exact same bigotry and self-deception need you to as a Trump drone, and then spend the rest of your time rationalizing his every act of stupidity, cluelessness, incessant lying, and so on, because it is the only way you can continue to fool yourself further, but you were already that way before TrumpED ever came along, so you're okay with your continued charade.

What's wrong with you?

How dare you bring actual objectivity into observations of that absolute fraud now in the White House?

In short. :thumb:



Would Trump be America's 1st Illiterate President?

In addition to "narcissism," the most obvious diagnosis that would account for "The Donald's" short attention span/illiteracy is Adult ADHD!

We know that Trump had a turbulent childhood, so his parents decided to send him to New York Military Academy in an effort to provide structure and keep him out of trouble!

In my "professional" opinion, the President should seriously consider trying "Ritalin" or a newer replacement, to see if it would have any impact!

This drug increases the blood flow to the frontal lobes of the brain that regulate a wide range of observable functions - appropriate behaviour, attention span, decision making, study/literary skills, interpersonal relationships .....
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Gary K

New member
What point are you trying to make, that Obama and Trump are both idiots? :idunno:

The point is, you can find all kinds of things that are said in the public sphere that are incorrect. And if you are going to say one person is out to lunch for his sayings, then you need to hold them all accountable the same way, not let one side go and hold the other side accountable. At least not if honesty means anything at all.

I can show you video of a Democratic Representative, who was re-elected afterwards, asking, in all seriousness, a Navy admiral during his testimony before the House if he wasn't afraid the island of Guam would tip over with all the concrete the Navy was pouring in one area of Guam. The guys name was Hank Johnson if you care to do a search for it. I also remember a Democrat talking about the surrender of the Japanese on the bow--pronounced as in bow and arrow--of the USS MIssouri at the end of WWII. I also remember Ron Wyden, the Democrat senator from Oregon, during one of his runs for office being asked by a local TV outlet where Serbia was and not being able to find Serbia on a map of the world during the Serbian crisis. He was about a 1/4 of the globe off. It was very obvious he didn't have a clue and yet the Serbian crisis was one of the main planks on his campaign platform. I can also remember Obama not knowing how to pronounce military terms in press conferences.

The list can go on and on for both sides, so I'd say we need to stop with all faux outrage over Trump. Democrats have done some very stupid things too, and probably far more often than Republicans. To me it's very similar to the idea that people who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. If we're going to hold one side accountable, then let's hold both sides accountable and do ourselves the favor of getting rid of the incompentent and corrupt politicians on both sides, not just play party games over one side's supposed ignorance.

As a conservative I find McCain, McConnell, Ryan, Corker, Flake, and a bunch of other RINOs in both the House and Senate just as objectionable as I do Democratic politicians such as Hillary, Schumer, Durbin, Warren, Wasserman Schultz, Pelosi, Cummings, Waters, and a whole lot more from both sides. The corruption in DC is intense and the only way "we the people" will ever be truly represented honestly is to get rid of the all the corruption and stop letting the politicians divide us along party lines. As George Washington said, political parties will be the death of our republic.

Trying to get rid of someone who was fairly elected by character assassination, deep state revolt, and media bashing will only result in the same kind of action by the other party when they don't like who gets elected. That is called suicide for we the people. We Americans need to stand together and hold all of our politicians accountable. We need to research all of them with open eyes and be suspicious of them all, for that is the only way we the people can responsibly do our part in our experiment of self-government. Playing party politics is the worst thing we can do.

The Barbarian

But he is not part of the financial and corporate ruling elite, opposes world government and is not a part of organized crime.

Let's take a look...

After graduating in 1968 from the University of Pennsylvania, a rich young man from the outer boroughs of New York City sought his fortune on the island of Manhattan. Within a few years Donald J. Trump had made friends with the city’s most notorious fixer, lawyer Roy Cohn, who had become famous as lead counsel to Senator Joseph McCarthy. Among other things Cohn was now a mob consigliere, with clients including “Fat Tony” Salerno, boss of the Genovese crime family, the most powerful Mafia group in New York, and Paul Castellano, head of what was said to be the second largest family, the Gambinos.

In fact, no previous president has had such close relationships with organized crime figures. There's a lot more, if you'd like to see it.

He is a celebrity and a billionaire,and capable of running a large business,

Can you name another major businessman with as many bankruptcies and business failures as Trump?

but has never been a part of a corrupt government.

He's heading one now. And it has a record number of appointees indicted, fired, resigned and/or under investigation in the first year.

He has become a major leader of the contemporary populist-patriot-nationalist movement.

Now that Bannon has turned on him, he's not so much of a leader. A few white nationalists still stand by him, and apparently, KKK leader David Duke is still his fan. But he's lost considerable support from his base lately.

He has shown some heart for the common people.

Like jacking up their taxes, to pay for a huge tax cut for himself and his friends?

He has a a bachelor's degree in economics from the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania.

Which brings up another Trump problem...

For years, profiles of Donald Trump have prominently noted that he “graduated first in his class” at the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School in 1968. But a new review of the dean’s list in the year he graduated from Wharton’s undergraduate program shows that he wasn’t even in the top 15% of his class.

According to The Daily Pennsylvanian, the student newspaper, a published list of 56 students who were on the Wharton’s Dean List, representing the top 15% of the class, failed to include Trump. A 1968 Commencement Program also showed that Trump failed to graduate with any honors, despite his previous claim that he was first in his graduating class.

The program, acquired by the newspaper from the Penn Archives, lists 20 Wharton award and prize recipients, 15 *** laude recipients, four magna *** laude recipients and two summa *** laude recipients for the Class of 1968. “Trump’s name appears nowhere on those lists,” reported the newspaper which reprinted the program from the May graduation (see below).



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I'm wondering if Donald Trump would be America's first illiterate president or were there others before him... The highly respected Samantha Bee has apparently deduced the fact that Trump can't read. http://news.nationalpost.com/arts/t...evidence-to-prove-that-donald-trump-cant-read Would Trump be at a disadvantage with other world leaders who are...more highly functioning?
Where went your "samantha-bee-put-together-damning-evidence-to-prove-that-donald-trump-cant-read" document? When clicking on the link you gave, it takes you to this page: https://nationalpost.com/category/news/.

Why would that be? Do your "journalists" at National Post no longer stand by your 2016 claim that Trump can't read, TDS-patient? Perhaps Trump cannot read any number of foreign languages; no big deal. Were/are you people seriously so stupid that you really believe(d) Trump can't read English?


Well-known member
I'm wondering if Donald Trump would be America's first illiterate president or were there others before him... The highly respected Samantha Bee has apparently deduced the fact that Trump can't read. http://news.nationalpost.com/arts/t...evidence-to-prove-that-donald-trump-cant-read Would Trump be at a disadvantage with other world leaders who are...more highly functioning?
I'm not sure Biden efficiently can. LOL. BTW ... what language is it that you and Ms. Bee think he can't read? Thank goodness for most Americans people and leaders in the rest of the world speak English fairly well.

How many languages can the two of you speak and read?
Me - one. Southern!

I have a friend from Russia. Thank goodness he could speak English very well ... he admitted writing it - not so much. He said most well educated people in Russia were taught English.

Have you ever wondered why this would be a good thing to do for others in the nations?


Well-known member
I had a student in my class one year who basically struggle with reading. When she read out loud it was slow, a struggle, and like hearing a first grader read, but she made all A's in all her subjects. Even when she took a written test. She learned things by listening and somehow could read enough to decipher written directions. Just took her some time.

Now, I don't believe Trump has that issue ... but I know from experience that a poor reader can be successful if they have the will and intellect to learn. I can't explain how it happens so I just suggest "The will to learn."


Well-known member
Dems are experts however!!! They can speak without saying anything to which they could be held accountable. LOL They can tell lies over and over until gullible people fall for them. Very sad that people are blind to truth when they hear it.
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Active member
Oh, I'm sure Trump can read. He just doesn't like to. He likes things to be simple and easy to understand. Problem is that lots of things are not necessarily simple---the effect of tariffs on the prices of goods for example.


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Oh, I'm sure Trump can read.
So is everyone else, including your fellow, lying TDS-afflicted noisemaker who wrote the OP and started this thread to brazenly lie by saying he thinks Trump can't read.
He just doesn't like to.
What exactly are you claiming Trump doesn't like to read?
He likes things to be simple and easy to understand.
Only a mentally degenerate fool who understands nothing would ever consider it a bad thing for someone to like to understand things.