Works, Salvation, Merit

God's Truth

New member
You are damned by your own will haunt you on judgement day

we must obey or be damned
we must obey or be damned
we must obey or be damned

You are in disobedience. And odds on your next post will be a lie

Jesus' words are life. You will not have that life unless you obey Jesus. We are transformed by obeying Jesus' commands.

If anyone does sin, they are to ask for forgiveness.

We can find forgiveness and mercy through Jesus Christ.

What are you doing that you should not be doing? Why do you fight against Jesus living through you and you living through Jesus?

God's Truth

New member
Matthew 5:17-19 “Do not think that I came to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I did not come to abolish but to fulfill. 18 For truly I say to you, until heaven and earth pass away, not [h]the smallest letter or stroke shall pass from the Law until all is accomplished. 19 Whoever then annuls one of the least of these commandments, and teaches others to do the same, shall be called least in the kingdom of heaven; but whoever [j]keeps and teaches them, he shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven.

Heaven and earth did not have to pass away before Jesus fulfilled the Law and the Prophets.

The New Testament means New Covenant. Jesus came and taught us the guidelines for the New Covenant, and then he shed his blood for the New Covenant.

Obey what Jesus teachings in the New Testament. We do not have to do any of the ceremonial works anymore, and we do not have to stone to death those who have sinned. We also do not have to give an eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth.

The apostles from the New Testament received all the truth we need to guide us to eternal life. All we need to guide us to eternal life is written down in the Scriptures: John 16:13; 2 Peter 1:3; Acts 20:20, 27; Matthew 28:20; I Corinthians 14:37; 2 Timothy 3:16, 17.


Well-known member
Heaven and earth did not have to pass away before Jesus fulfilled the Law and the Prophets.

The New Testament means New Covenant. Jesus came and taught us the guidelines for the New Covenant, and then he shed his blood for the New Covenant.

Obey what Jesus teachings in the New Testament. We do not have to do any of the ceremonial works anymore, and we do not have to stone to death those who have sinned. We also do not have to give an eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth.

The apostles from the New Testament received all the truth we need to guide us to eternal life. All we need to guide us to eternal life is written down in the Scriptures: John 16:13; 2 Peter 1:3; Acts 20:20, 27; Matthew 28:20; I Corinthians 14:37; 2 Timothy 3:16, 17.

Everything has not been completed yet. For instance: the Judgement, Christ's return, etc.

Totton Linnet

New member
Silver Subscriber
Jesus' words are life. You will not have that life unless you obey Jesus. We are transformed by obeying Jesus' commands.

If anyone does sin, they are to ask for forgiveness.

We can find forgiveness and mercy through Jesus Christ.

What are you doing that you should not be doing? Why do you fight against Jesus living through you and you living through Jesus?

You need to learn the abc s of the gospel.


Well-known member
Colossians 1:15 KJV ,,,,lol, I must be an extremely fanatical leaning far,far to the right believer of the one who was given by design of the Father to come forth and save those whom then would be sent forth afterwards to receive that same salvation.

It's the curious thing to know,do you not understand the truth and therefore you then are innocent and have no need then for the creation of an Savior?,,,lol,none of these whom are innocent(don't understand the truth),have need on an Savior,for they by not understanding the truth have no necessity of an Savior.

Again another whom recons themselves complete in there owns abilities,and whom towards innocence cannot be reasoned as one whom needeth an Savior to save them by the one created before the first man,he remains guilty in works,forever calculating the remedy and denying the firstborn of all creation,the Savior created before the one to be saved,,,

What to do,,you were saved on the cross at Calvary,,,no!,no way they say!,,,you must,,,,,,,,,and I say,,"you must confess the blood of the cross or deny it,,and I see one doing this and another doing that",,,

patrick jane

Colossians 1:15 KJV ,,,,lol, I must be an extremely fanatical leaning far,far to the right believer of the one who was given by design of the Father to come forth and save those whom then would be sent forth afterwards to receive that same salvation.

It's the curious thing to know,do you not understand the truth and therefore you then are innocent and have no need then for the creation of an Savior?,,,lol,none of these whom are innocent(don't understand the truth),have need on an Savior,for they by not understanding the truth have no necessity of an Savior.

Again another whom recons themselves complete in there owns abilities,and whom towards innocence cannot be reasoned as one whom needeth an Savior to save them by the one created before the first man,he remains guilty in works,forever calculating the remedy and denying the firstborn of all creation,the Savior created before the one to be saved,,,

What to do,,you were saved on the cross at Calvary,,,no!,no way they say!,,,you must,,,,,,,,,and I say,,"you must confess the blood of the cross or deny it,,and I see one doing this and another doing that",,,

that made abslolutely minimum sense - :patrol:

Right Divider

Body part
Matthew 5:17-19 “Do not think that I came to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I did not come to abolish but to fulfill. 18 For truly I say to you, until heaven and earth pass away, not [h]the smallest letter or stroke shall pass from the Law until all is accomplished. 19 Whoever then annuls one of the least of these commandments, and teaches others to do the same, shall be called least in the kingdom of heaven; but whoever [j]keeps and teaches them, he shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven.

So, apparently, you keep all of the Mosaic Law. Nice.

Totton Linnet

New member
Silver Subscriber
Your gospel is no gospel. There is nothing in the Bible that says what you say. There is nothing anywhere that says we do not have to obey God.

There is plenty in the bible which says we cannot obey and that we do not obey...there is no-one who does righteousness no not one

Not God's Truth turned to a lie, no-one

So when you say you add to your disobedience lying.


Well-known member
So, apparently, you keep all of the Mosaic Law. Nice.

In so far as it is applicable I certainly support following the Law, though I am imperfect and have been known to sin. Of course, there are a couple important points when speaking of the Law and its fulfillment. First and foremost: Paul and the early church maintained a distinction between God's Law and the Mosaic Law and the traditions of men. God's Law, or the Spirit of the Law, is what is important. Under the New Covenant, God's Law is written on our very hearts. By means of study of the Mosaic Law and the Prophets, along with prayer and a sincere heart for God and truth, one may come to know God's Law.

Secondly: the Mosaic Law was given to the Jews, it is the Old Covenant. While this Covenant has not gone away - the Jewish People are still God's People, he is still their God, as per their covenant - we Gentiles are not required or expected to adopt it as such. No physical circumcision required, but rather circumcision of the heart. We are to follow God's Law, the Spirit of the Law, but we are not required to follow the letter of the Law. Hence Paul teaches that we are Spiritual Jews, part of Spiritual Israel.

Thirdly: The New Covenant did not toss out the Old, but the Old still exists alongside the New - at least for the time being. When the judgement is complete and the heavens and earth are remade, then I believe the Old Testament will be gone.


Well-known member
A false-dilemma is usually presented to us whenever we speak of the relationship of works to salvation: either Christ's sacrifice is sufficient and our sins have been paid for without us having to do anything, or else Christ's sacrifice was insufficient and one must earn their salvation. Faith-only folks defend the first and criticize anything else as if it were the second - as if people were trying to earn their way into heaven. They do not consider the other option: that while we do not earn salvation, that we do not earn forgiveness, there are requirements to God's gifts.

Let us consider the gift of forgiveness. In a parable of a king settling his accounts (Matthew 18:21-35) Jesus speaks of a man who owed 10,000 talents but was unable to pay the debt. He is forgiven this debt by the king. However, this same man is owed 100 denarii by another who cannot pay him back. Rather than show him the same mercy he has recieved, he has the other man put in prison until he can pay back his debt. Upon hearing of this, the king revokes his forgiveness from the first man and has him thrown in prison until he can pay back all of his debts.

There are two important points to this story. First it makes clear that there is at least one requirement to the gift of forgiveness: you must forgive others their sins when they repent. If you don't, then neither will God forgive you. Secondly, the story points out the vast difference in debt that the first man had to the king versus what the first man was owed by another. 10,000 talents vs 100 denarii. So one cannot say if the first man had forgiven the second that that he thereby earned his own forgiveness.

And this is the key to understanding why it can be said that there are requirements to salvation, but that we do not earn salvation. God's blessings and promises to us are so much greater than what is required of us. God forgives us all of our sins when we repent, adopts us as his sons and daughters, and makes us co-heirs with Christ of the Kingdom. He asks us to forgive those who repent. Christ gave his life so to reconcile us to God and to give us eternal life. We are asked to carry our cross daily and follow him, to use our lives to do God's will.

God's gifts have requirements - but so great is the gift in comparison to the requirements that we cannot even begin to say that we have somehow earned it.

Bingo ...

God's Truth

New member
There is plenty in the bible which says we cannot obey and that we do not obey...there is no-one who does righteousness no not one

Not God's Truth turned to a lie, no-one

So when you say you add to your disobedience lying.

There is no scripture anywhere that says we do not have to obey. Prove it now or repent.

God's Truth

New member
because, since you can and DO obey God's every command ALWAYS, then everybody can do it, right GT ? - :patrol:

The only way to defend your false doctrines is to attack me with lies.

There is nothing in the Bible that says what you say. There is nothing anywhere that says we do not have to obey God.

Totton Linnet

New member
Silver Subscriber
There is no scripture anywhere that says we do not have to obey. Prove it now or repent.

Jesus said sell all you have and come follow are in disobedience and you add to disobedience lying.

...neither do you love your neighbour as much as you love yourself, that's why you can't settle down in any assembly.

Nor are you submitted to any assembly, nor are you submitted one to another as the bible instructs you.

Moreover you preach a lying really did ought to consider that

Jamie Gigliotti

New member
It's impossible to ever earn one drop of blood shed by Jesus. Nothing could ever erase the glorious gift that it is. Not even Jesus asking and empowering us to love and forgive the way He does. The only way we love and forgive the Agape way is by His graceful presence. No one earns that. It's only the lies from Hell that convince people they have to do nothing. Try handing someone a gift. If they don't grab the gift and use the gift it falls to ground.

God's Truth

New member
Jesus said sell all you have and come follow are in disobedience and you add to disobedience lying.
Only in your ignorant unstable mind did Jesus promote worldwide homelessness.

Jesus had an earthly ministry for three years, and in that time he traveled and expected those who preached with him to give up all they had and to travel with him.

Jesus gives understanding about what he says, and he gives that understanding to those who obey him.
...neither do you love your neighbour as much as you love yourself, that's why you can't settle down in any assembly.

Nor are you submitted to any assembly, nor are you submitted one to another as the bible instructs you.

Moreover you preach a lying really did ought to consider that

All you can do is what your father does, and that is accuse the true worshipers.

Your gospel is no gospel. Nowhere anywhere in the Bible does it say we do not have to obey Jesus.

Who but the devil is behind telling people we do not have to obey Jesus' beautiful powerful words?

God's Truth

New member
It's impossible to ever earn one drop of blood shed by Jesus. Nothing could ever erase the glorious gift that it is. Not even Jesus asking and empowering us to love and forgive the way He does. The only way we love and forgive the Agape way is by His graceful presence. No one earns that. It's only the lies from Hell that convince people they have to do nothing. Try handing someone a gift. If they don't grab the gift and use the gift it falls to ground.

You are trapped too. You cannot get rid of your false influence of faith alone.

You just put down obeying Jesus. You said, "Not even Jesus asking ..."

Jesus saves us ALL ON HIS OWN, and he CHOOSES to save those who do what he says to do.

Jesus is the Way.

If you do not do what the Way says, then you will not be saved.

Stop going against Jesus and hindering people from being saved.