Not quite'd have to read with a little more understanding and clarity, since I'm expounding on 'karma' (the word simply refers to 'action' and its corresponding consequences/results),...."what a man sows, that also he reaps,....measure for measure, the law cannot be abrograted or bypassed, as long as cause & effect continues. The eastern understanding and western understanding of 'karma' can be synthesized, or the Pagdett messages have a good presentation on this from their perspective
here (called 'the law of compensation'). This universal law is the arbiter of justice and is merciful and beneficial in that it teaches one by their own suffering to repent, and choose the path of reformation. See how it works?
NOTE, this doesn't necessarily have anything to do with a 'concept' of 'salvation'. What you sow, that you reap,....the law is self-evident in nature, in
human experience, agreeable to reason/logic,
although 'effects' may turn out in different ways and within differeing time-points, where a 'harvest' of one's deeds is collected at some point. Again, this is recognizing universal laws of nature, the law of action/consequence. When you do good, and are loving, walking in the light, you naturally reap the reward/harvest of that 'good'. When you do evil,....likewise. That's all Im essentially bringing to the fore.
This whole 'works salvation' notion, by Paulinists (lol) yeah...had to throw that just rhetoric based on 'saved by grace' concepts, which 'free gracers' love to bring up to claim their 'free gift' of 'salvation' (so they don't have to work for it!) but its just a concept, - and then again, you have to take it by 'faith' (your faith has to work good results, or its 'dead'). One is still called to DO WHAT IS RIGHT, walk in the Spirit, love one another, deny the 'flesh'(selfishness/pride/egoity) so you will produce the fruit of the Spirit, and so on.
Love is still the eternal way,
the law itself, which alone fulfills all. So,....accept any 'blood atonement concept' you like,
you are still called TO DO God's will,
correct? You are still commanded to love one another, to conquer evil with good. So, are not off the hook with having a 'cop-out' for doing good, by some blood-sacrifice done for you. No way. - it may help ease your conscience for a time, but then you have to ATONE for your own sins. Yep, you heard it right. How? You have to repent, You have to do God's will, You have to love, You have to change your ways and return to 'God'.
I challenge any religionist to prove this wrong.