Why would God need a hell?

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New member
God is just ,

Joh 5:30 "I can do nothing on my own. As I hear, I judge, and my judgment is just, because I seek not my own will but the will of him who sent me.

tell us why you don't deserve an eternity of punishment ?

How about telling us why they do deserve it? Explain to us why 7 billion years of punishing would not be enough?

way 2 go

Well-known member
I am not a Universalist, but I agree with them on salvation, its a free inheritance. And I do need Jesus, I most certainly do; the good thing for me is that no religion can keep Jesus from me. I am a sinner, Jesus came to earth " Seeking sinners", that means he is looking for people like me , and that is good news for us sinners!
God is still looking for you .

Joh 5:39 You search the Scriptures because you think that in them you have eternal life; and it is they that bear witness about me,
Joh 5:40 yet you refuse to come to me that you may have life

So its looking good for us sinners, we do have a Savior from the hell in religion.
In what religion ?

I need not fear any threats that come from religion.
In your made up religion , no

Jesus on the other hand ...

Luk 12:4 "I tell you, my friends, do not fear those who kill the body, and after that have nothing more that they can do.
Luk 12:5 But I will warn you whom to fear: fear him who, after he has killed, has authority to cast into hell. Yes, I tell you, fear him!


New member
why not an eternity of punishment ?

This is the thinking of many Christians, why not punish a human forever? At the root of this mentality, is" What's wrong with that?" One would think they would get tired of hurting a human after 45 million years, but no! Punish them another 700 thousand years; then tack on a few more million years; and hey, why stop the suffering? Give the poor joker another 2 trillion years, you know, to rub it in real good; let these people know what it means to reject God! Let them know at the end of every 100 billion years, why they will get yet another 67 thousand more years of this; its not finished!

I mean punish these poor humans until they get used to it. And IF they get used to it, well then lets increase the severity of it! After all, punishment is now their way of life, its the only reason they now exist. Why make their punishing boring? Lets switch up on the style of punishing; lets burn them for 800 million years, then switch up to physical beating for 2 trillion years. Then lets drown them every day for 600 years, then lets break bones for 4 million years, then go back to burning.

way 2 go

Well-known member
This is the thinking of many Christians, why not punish a human forever?

Jesus said eternal punishment

At the root of this mentality, is" What's wrong with that?" One would think they would get tired of hurting a human after 45 million years, but no!
who are "they" ?

God and his word are judge

Joh_12:48 The one who rejects me and does not receive my words has a judge; the word that I have spoken will judge him on the last day

Rev_6:10 They cried out with a loud voice, "O Sovereign Lord, holy and true, how long before you will judge and avenge our blood on those who dwell on the earth?"

Punish them another 700 thousand years; then tack on a few more million years; and hey, why stop the suffering? Give the poor joker another 2 trillion years, you know, to rub it in real good; let these people know what it means to reject God! Let them know at the end of every 100 billion years, why they will get yet another 67 thousand more years of this; its not finished!

I mean punish these poor humans until they get used to it. And IF they get used to it, well then lets increase the severity of it! After all, punishment is now their way of life, its the only reason they now exist. Why make their punishing boring? Lets switch up on the style of punishing; lets burn them for 800 million years, then switch up to physical beating for 2 trillion years. Then lets drown them every day for 600 years, then lets break bones for 4 million years, then go back to burning.
so why not an eternity of punishment ?


New member
I try to help those believers who think eternal punishing is a reality, by listing time in an eternity that has no time, just to help their brains comprehend just how long eternity is. Do you realize how long you are believing people will suffer alive, if you are thinking eternity? Let me try to list time again;
they could suffer alive for;

900 million years plus,
800 thousand years plus,
16 trillion years plus
10,000 billion years plus,
87 thousand quadrillion years plus,
999,999,999,990,786 billion more years plus,
787 thousand more years plus infinity and it still would not be over!

That would be pure insanity!

patrick jane

I try to help those believers who think eternal punishing is a reality, by listing time in an eternity that has no time, just to help their brains comprehend just how long eternity is. Do you realize how long you are believing people will suffer alive, if you are thinking eternity? Let me try to list time again;
they could suffer alive for;

900 million years plus,
800 thousand years plus,
16 trillion years plus
10,000 billion years plus,
87 thousand quadrillion years plus,
999,999,999,990,786 billion more years plus,
787 thousand more years plus infinity and it still would not be over!

That would be pure insanity!

We all like numbers, but you can't seem to grasp eternity as you still refer to years. You seem so caught up worrying about your own salvation.

Philippians 2:12 KJV -

way 2 go

Well-known member
I try to help those believers who think eternal punishing is a reality,
trying to hide the light from them with your darkened counsel .

by listing time in an eternity that has no time, just to help their brains comprehend just how long eternity is. Do you realize how long you are believing people will suffer alive, if you are thinking eternity? Let me try to list time again;
they could suffer alive for;

900 million years plus,
800 thousand years plus,
16 trillion years plus
10,000 billion years plus,
87 thousand quadrillion years plus,
999,999,999,990,786 billion more years plus,
787 thousand more years plus infinity and it still would not be over!

That would be pure insanity!
God was crucified for our sins
which was the only way to pay for sins
that deserve eternal punishment
You are confused. Paul did not write Romans as a corpse.
Obviously. That was my point. But Paul said that because of sin, he was dead - that he was killed.

So obviously the Bible uses the term "death" to speak of something more than just our body dying - which was my point.

The verse you quoted about the wages of sin being death was fulfilled in Paul, as it is in all who sin.

What else. God did not lie to Adam when He said he would die if he ate the fruit. Adam did die. Read Genesis 5:5. However, if you believe that the wages of sin is to be tortured alive forever in hell (I call it as I see it) then God lied to Adam when he said that he would die as a result of eating the fruit. If you are correct, then you believe that God lied to Adam.

The wages of sin is a spiritual death - that became true the day Adam sinned, just as God said. Adam did eventually die physically as a result of the sin, but that didn't happen the day he ate the fruit.

My sole simple point was that death does not merely mean physical death, as you seemed to imply.

patrick jane

In Gen. 6:5, and I speculate this period to be around anywhere from 8,000 to 10,000 years after Adam;, "And God saw that the wickedness of man was Great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only continually evil." So early in the lives of men, and already God is thinking of destroying them all. But he lets it continue on up onto this day.


So how old do you think mankind is ?

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
This is a prime example of the things that can be taught and learned; mercy can be taught and learned, but this is an example that mercilessness can also be taught and learned.

Unfortunately true. I've yet to hear a person who thinks they'll suffer the torments of "hell" that they justify for others. Go figure...

way 2 go

Well-known member
Unfortunately true. I've yet to hear a person who thinks they'll suffer the torments of "hell" that they justify for others. Go figure...
you should step up & be the first

wait ... you have not said what you believe

if you do find someone going to hell admitting it is eternal punishment, then what?


New member
you are going to hell you should step up and admit your fate

oh wait you have not said what you believe is going to happen to you

I am curious, how many other people have you sent to your hell?

Also, do you get any pleasure out of pronouncing people into your hell?


Eclectic Theosophist
Lets get this STRAIGHT again.............

Lets get this STRAIGHT again.............

God is just ,

Joh 5:30 "I can do nothing on my own. As I hear, I judge, and my judgment is just, because I seek not my own will but the will of him who sent me.

God rules out of his divine nature which is love, by divine wisdom. Therefore his judgments are wholly fair, equitable, balancing justice with mercy....and don't forget that justice is tempered by mercy, since Love's will is that all be saved. You discount the love and mercy of God which is INFINITE, and you deny the law of progress as well, since all potentials are to ultimately be fulfilled in the divine plan of creation, unless something could thwart or sabotage the divine will (in this case, either free will, or if a soul suffers the 'second death' {disintegration/ eternal 'death'} ).

tell us why you don't deserve an eternity of punishment ?

Because assuming that God is going to condemn me or anyone else to an 'eternity of punishment' is asinine. Clear enough? I've already refuted your translations and interpretations of Matt. 25:46 here (and elsewhere) on a textual-criticism level alone, besides expounding on the moral and philosophical problems with ECT. It doesn't hold, it makes 'God' into a morbid spectacle of the grossest injustice because God's will which is born out of his very nature (remember He is Love) is not fulfilled and unsatisfied by condemning a soul to ECT, it makes no sense whatsoever, and makes 'God' out to be an indifferent heinous callous unforgiving unloving Being. This traditional concept of eternal hellfire/punishment has done more HARM than good over the centuries,...its indignant. As a person of decency and trusting that 'God' has given me a conscience, intelligence and his own Spirit for discerning, I cannot accept your insidious doctrine which defames Love.
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