points for your reflection..........
points for your reflection..........
Yes! and I explained why Impersonal, disrespectful, He is never referred to as such in scripture. "Father" denotes "He." The rest you are thinking of are simile, and metaphor. Just because "He" shelters under the shadow of His wing, does not mean He is then a "She" either. To me, that blasphemy too, but up to Knight and the mods for that ruling.
'God' can be many 'personalities' or 'things' to different people. I see nothing wrong with a person referring to God as 'He/She/It', since such a term is a more broad way of including both 'personal' and 'non-personal' aspects to 'Deity'. One can also dispense with such as well, if non-personalizing God is offensive,...nothing wrong with flexing a bit.
Only in your borg infested universe. "It" should get you booted for a sabbatical from TOL. Think rather "Scripture." "It" is never used and is blasphemy.
Your 'ad homenim' above is noted. I've held my ground here for many years, mind you. Don't forget, 'God' is infinite, that means your conceptualized beliefs or assumptons of 'God' do not/cannot comprise the totality of 'God'....ever. You don't have a monopoly on 'God'.
He was capitulating an ignorant reprimand. Sad that. Sadder that you came to the other's defense.
I stand on valid grounds, not your concept of 'sadness', which is subjective.
:think: Put a "V" in that last sentence, because such shows lack of respect, love, devotion, worship, and attribution to God and is wrong. Whatever our 'thoughts' they should be carefully weighed before tossing them out there in offense. We address Him as Father, God, Abba. When you address Him as an "IT" it is indeed ban-worthy.
'God' is
both Father and Mother, in an intimate loving sense, and more. There are also aspects of 'God' that transcend any concept of personality, at least humany possible to comprehend. This is amply discussed in the UB's presentation on God the Father and 'personality'
here. The UB's view of God the Father and that God is a divine personality is wonderful, plus it expounds on the non-personal aspects of God and creation as well. Did you forget that 'God' was infinite?
Well, I think you like advocating for New-Age mysticism and would be happy if your own forums generated 1/20th the traffic.
We'll overlook that slur.
You missed "single-issue preaching." And "Link dropping." but the blasphemy charge is against "it."
He hasn't even but a verbal warning at this point.
I discussed this in my address to Sherman earlier. There are aspects to 'God' or more properly 'Deity' that transcend knowledge, concept or definition, since Deity is truly INFINITE. - this means Deity is beyond conception, even 'personality'. 'Father' is great to call 'God' since we are his sons,...but some see 'God' as also a loving Mother (don't forget the divine femine), God is not limited to 'gender', but includes all genders. I would not generally call God
'It', but if there is a reference to God as the great infinite "IT" as an impersonal omnipresent spirit-energy-consciousness (which some schools and traditions hold),..I have no problem with that
if understood in the proper context. There comes a point where you have to
get over yourself (and its box of dogmatic assumptions or interpretations of something that is ultimately beyond defining).
The fact is, if 'God' is truly infinite, you cannot know 'God' in his fullness or totality, ever...unless you (your 'being' and 'consciousness') is one and the same as that infinite 'being' and 'consciousness', but this is another subject altogether, which we can explore on the subject of 'non-duality'.