Why would God need a hell?

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New member
What are you ranting about now....?

Oh the same old same old; no need for the Christian hell and there is FAR more salvation than we realize. In Haggai 2:7, " I will shake all nations, and the desire of ALL nations shall come." God is going to jam salvation down the throats of mankind, and actually change the desires of men toward him. That is what I am screaming ; God is not going to " Ask the permission of men", and he is not going to leave this important salvation up to men; he is going to force it; he will shake this earth up for our own good!

The Horn

Please don't be offended , but we secular liberals consider hell to be nothing but a fairy tale created to frighten people into blindly following the church many centuries ago . As a way to get people to contribute lots of moolah to the church .
It's n o more real than the boogey man . As an agnostic , I don't know what happens after death . However, I'm not a dogmatic atheist who thinks there is nothing after it . I just don't know.


New member
Please don't be offended , but we secular liberals consider hell to be nothing but a fairy tale created to frighten people into blindly following the church many centuries ago . As a way to get people to contribute lots of moolah to the church .
It's n o more real than the boogey man . As an agnostic , I don't know what happens after death . However, I'm not a dogmatic atheist who thinks there is nothing after it . I just don't know.

I am a Theist and I think hell is a myth. And I know there are things that I just don't know. I don't know God or Christ, but I believe they exist. I was once asked to prove it, and I foolishly tried;



New member
True salvation is a knowledge that religion just does not now have, far too much sin is serving as a hinderance to just how precious God holds salvation. But that knowledge will be given to us all. In Luke 1:77, " To give knowledge of salvation unto his people by the remission of their sins." This lack of knowledge has believers blinded to just how complete salvation is, and this is WHY the doctrine of eternal hell exist in the consciousness of many believers.

Hosea 4:6, " My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge." The wonderful truth of universal salvation has been destroyed in religion, believers think its blasphemy.


New member
Oh the same old same old; no need for the Christian hell and there is FAR more salvation than we realize. In Haggai 2:7, " I will shake all nations, and the desire of ALL nations shall come." God is going to jam salvation down the throats of mankind, and actually change the desires of men toward him. That is what I am screaming ; God is not going to " Ask the permission of men", and he is not going to leave this important salvation up to men; he is going to force it; he will shake this earth up for our own good!

Still unsure as to what you are ranting about...


New member
Please don't be offended , but we secular liberals consider hell to be nothing but a fairy tale created to frighten people into blindly following the church many centuries ago . As a way to get people to contribute lots of moolah to the church .
It's n o more real than the boogey man . As an agnostic , I don't know what happens after death . However, I'm not a dogmatic atheist who thinks there is nothing after it . I just don't know.

He who has The Son has eternal life.

He who does not have The Son, does not have eternal life.

Pretty clear to me.

If you don't have eternal life, then you have eternal death...


New member
Those who follow know better,...let the archives speak for themselves.

Merry Xmas :)

Make a New Years resolution for yourself.

Resorting to...'I already covered this before'....'you were thoroughly debunked long ago'.....'go look it up for yourself'....just makes your position look weaker than it already is.


Go do your yoga, and inhale some more of your hallucinatory smoke...


New member
Still unsure as to what you are ranting about...

Well that's okay, it just may not be for you. I don't get everything I read from others, so I know the feeling. The thread concerns why the need for hell has been pinned on God, when he does not need a hell. He has no need for a garbage dump, because he has saved all humans for himself; we are his, we belong to him. It pleases him to give us eternal life. Its his pleasure.

In Rev. 4:11, " Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honor and power; for thou has created ALL things, and for your pleasure they ARE and were created." Humans live and move and have our being, because its the pleasure of God. He created us because it over joys him to have done that, and his joy for our lives, deletes the need for the Christian hell.


New member
Well that's okay, it just may not be for you. I don't get everything I read from others, so I know the feeling. The thread concerns why the need for hell has been pinned on God, when he does not need a hell. He has no need for a garbage dump, because he has saved all humans for himself; we are his, we belong to him. It pleases him to give us eternal life. Its his pleasure.

In Rev. 4:11, " Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honor and power; for thou has created ALL things, and for your pleasure they ARE and were created." Humans live and move and have our being, because its the pleasure of God. He created us because it over joys him to have done that, and his joy for our lives, deletes the need for the Christian hell.

You don't seem to understand the terms you are using.

'Saved' from what, exactly?


New member
You don't seem to understand the terms you are using.

'Saved' from what, exactly?

I do my best to understand the terms I use , but I can learn when I misuse terms; then I learn how to correctly use them. That said, here is my list of what humanity is being saved from;

False religion
The flesh
satan and his demons
lack of knowledge

And I can give more if you need more.


New member
Why would God need a hell when Jesus has died for every human? Heb.10:10, "By which we are sanctified through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ " Once for ALL!" Again and again the scriptures magnify the inclusion of every human, using that wonderful term, " All!" We all benefit from Jesus sacrifice and his life! All includes unbelievers, they cannot be excluded from any benefit.

Greg Jennings

New member
The last time we discussed Arabic, you went utterly silent, your eyes glazed over, and you ran away for a month.
Oh, you mean when I didn't post on this entire site for over a month, because I didn't have time to sit around and post all day then? I'm very sorry that inconvenienced you. I'm here now, and not busy at the moment.

I even bumped the previous thread for you (numerous times) so that you could make some sort of concerted reply to your same assertions.

Keep ignoring...
Again, I'm sorry that I don't always have time to discuss your groundbreaking translations of the Quran that for some reason only you seem to have.

But today, I've been rather vigilant with you, while you've been ignoring me. Did you ever find me that one expert in the world who agrees with your translations? Just one? And when you can't, why don't you explain to the class why it is that nobody who studies religion and Arabic languages agrees with your translation?


New member
Why would God need a hell, a place worse than death? To keep humans alive and in misery just for 9 million years would be insane, but goodness, an eternity? Talk about overkill, this madness is being pinned on God through misguided religion. God is about life with peace and joy and happiness, this hell mess is not his doing, it comes from the demented minds of those who cannot see the evil of eternal suffering. It would be worse than death.

In Luke 20:38, " For he is not a God of the dead, but of the living; for ALL live unto him." We All will live with God, its WHY we were created. Again this biblical use of " All" is impressive and wonderful news for unbelievers.


New member
Why would God need a hell, a place worse than death? To keep humans alive and in misery just for 9 million years would be insane, but goodness, an eternity? Talk about overkill, this madness is being pinned on God through misguided religion. God is about life with peace and joy and happiness, this hell mess is not his doing, it comes from the demented minds of those who cannot see the evil of eternal suffering. It would be worse than death.

In Luke 20:38, " For he is not a God of the dead, but of the living; for ALL live unto him." We All will live with God, its WHY we were created. Again this biblical use of " All" is impressive and wonderful news for unbelievers.



New member
It is not wrong to read the bible, and then hold God accountable to it; its his word after all. When we read what Jesus has to say, we can know he said it based on his knowledge of how his Father God is. In Luke 6:35, " But love your enemies and do good, and lend, hoping for nothing again; and your reward shall be great, and you shall be children of the Highest; for HE is Kind to the unthankful and to the evil." Here Jesus describes God as being Kind to ungrateful people and to evil people. This means we can expect God to show evil people kindness, why would Jesus ask us to do things that God would not do? This again is good news for unbelievers, we can tell them that God will be kind to them.

The Goodness of God is what leads people to repent, Rom. 2:4.

There is nothing good and kind about shipping humans off to some hell. We have allowed our mentality to be influenced by spirits that are unkind; doctrines that hold no kindness in them; and we become comfortable with harsh cold teachings that are unmerciful in nature. And we target unbelievers with this approach, thinking we are serving God. We allow this harsh hell to populate our consciousness and guide our hearts. We become trigger happy with the punishment of men. Quick to condemn, and we are seduced into thinking God is like that. We sleep walk inside of this madness and loose our grip on grace; then we only show kindness when we think it is deserved, forgetting grace is underserved kindness.


New member
It is not wrong to read the bible, and then hold God accountable to it; its his word after all. When we read what Jesus has to say, we can know he said it based on his knowledge of how his Father God is. In Luke 6:35, " But love your enemies and do good, and lend, hoping for nothing again; and your reward shall be great, and you shall be children of the Highest; for HE is Kind to the unthankful and to the evil." Here Jesus describes God as being Kind to ungrateful people and to evil people. This means we can expect God to show evil people kindness, why would Jesus ask us to do things that God would not do? This again is good news for unbelievers, we can tell them that God will be kind to them.

The Goodness of God is what leads people to repent, Rom. 2:4.

There is nothing good and kind about shipping humans off to some hell. We have allowed our mentality to be influenced by spirits that are unkind; doctrines that hold no kindness in them; and we become comfortable with harsh cold teachings that are unmerciful in nature. And we target unbelievers with this approach, thinking we are serving God. We allow this harsh hell to populate our consciousness and guide our hearts. We become trigger happy with the punishment of men. Quick to condemn, and we are seduced into thinking God is like that. We sleep walk inside of this madness and loose our grip on grace; then we only show kindness when we think it is deserved, forgetting grace is underserved kindness.

Took the words right out my mouth. LOL. I feel that there are some who think it's okay to take advantage of this though. Somehow they feel it can be used as justification for doing what they want. Any advice on that?


New member
Took the words right out my mouth. LOL. I feel that there are some who think it's okay to take advantage of this though. Somehow they feel it can be used as justification for doing what they want. Any advice on that?

Well yes, religion is taking advantage of their human position, especially Christianity; they been on top for so long, they are spoiled. Over 1/3 of the world is Christian. There is much pride in that power, and when you loose your humility, you tend to loose your integrity; and they have lost their biblical integrity to discern scripture. They loose sight on what God wants, and focus in on what they want ; and that selfishness is a serious problem in religion. They need to humble themselves to God and ask him to really reveal the truth. Be ready to see and admit those things where they have been wrong on; and that is not easy to do; it was not for me. It will bruise ego.

In John 3:17, " For God sent not his son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through him might be saved!" We have to STOP condemning unbelievers , stop making their bed in hell, and be a light for salvation that cannot be hiddened. Self cannot be justified in a true search for truth, it has to be humbled, not lifted up.
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