:yawn:"Why would the Great God need a hell? Hell is for losers, and losers created its doctrine."
God is a winner. He is holy (Is. 11:4, 5) and just (Deut 31:4).God is a winner; he looses nothing.
:yawn:"Why would the Great God need a hell? Hell is for losers, and losers created its doctrine."
God is a winner. He is holy (Is. 11:4, 5) and just (Deut 31:4).God is a winner; he looses nothing.
You've offended a holy God. It's going to take an eternity for you to pay for your sin. :juggle:
Truly I tell you, you will never get out until you have paid the last penny (Mt 5:26).
In Rev. 22:17 the water of life is free, Christianity cannot charge for it. That freedom cancels out a costly hell.
This is a ridiculous assumption.
Notice in this parable, the offender is only in 'prison' until he pays the last penny,....in other words,...its a 'terminal punishment' in that the debt can be payed off in time,....this illustration here is not indicative of an 'eternal punishment'. I think it would behoove you to recognize that.
Real justice commends any penalty as only proportional to the crime committed (nothing more nothing less), while mercy allows an opportunity for repentance and reformation of the sinner.
[Rev. 22:17]
2710 posts. Who knew such a simple thing would have so much debate.
I care not if you disagree with God. The Bible says what it says.
Why would God need a hell, when he wants children?
HE only wants, loves and provides grace for legitimate children but not for reprobate counterfeits: Deuteronomy 32:5 "They have acted corruptly toward Him. They are not His children, because of their defect but are a perverse and crooked generation. OR: their defect is that they are not HIS children...
So, how does this fit into your paradigm? You ducked it once, why not tell us how this verse fits now?
Why would God need a hell when he could put all the Christians on a planet that has no unbelievers on it. They would have no one to punish.
OP: Why would God need a hell?
In Rev. 22:17 the water of life is free, Christianity cannot charge for it. That freedom cancels out a costly hell.
I don't like your translation; I like this one; Duet. 32:5, " They have corrupted themselves, their spot is not the spot of his children; they are a perverse and crooked generation." I know you search the scriptures for death and condemnation, I see none in this verse. In Psalms 24:1, " The earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof; the world and they who dwell in it!" They are his children, and you can't take them away from God. The crooked generation is still the Lord's; his to straighten out, Eccle. 7:13. I still see life and a better future for those you condemn.
In Psalms 24:1, " The earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof; the world and they who dwell in it!" They are his children, and you can't take them away from God. The crooked generation is still the Lord's; his to straighten out, Eccle. 7:13. I still see life and a better future for those you condemn.
I care not if you disagree with God. The Bible says what it says.
When we speak from the word of God, we have all authority of any apostle or prophet. (Ps. 119:142, 151, 160)."I clearly stated that I disagree with the Christian message, I do not disagree with God."
:yawn: 1 Co 1:27"The large ego of Christianity..."*
Jn 8:37, 14:6"...is trying to equate themselves with God; I agree with the bible, I disagree with Christianity."
:yawn: Who cares what we think? What has God said?"But see you Christians equate yourselves with God and the bible, so if anyone disagree with you, you think they disagree with God..."