"If" we try to make God cater to 'our' sense of justice, it would be fraught with sin and injustice. We
cannot judge God, only read what He says is so, and accept it as it is given. There are many scriptures that warn us of consequences for our actions. If we suffer eternally, such will 1) be because of our own choices 2) will leave God just, and we unjustified/unjustifiable 3) will happen regardless of our finite, feeble attempts to make it otherwise.
Those who start and support annihilation or universalism 1) do not believe in their own wickedness/fallen nature. They are 'too good' to need a Savior or deserve hell

lain: 2) They reject God's Word and prefer their own counsel and thus make a god in their own image that the scriptures say is "no god at all." Who cares who your
made-up-god is??? Wouldn't I just be
worshipping you? They are 'nicer' than God and serve one who is not the God of Scripture 3) Being too good to need a Savior, they reject Him and their need for Him. Romans 1:32 Romans 1:16-32