[Creation of hell] But you ever wonder if God is involved in it?
He prepared it (Matt. 25:41). :juggle:
[Creation of hell] But you ever wonder if God is involved in it?
[1 Corinth. 1:27]
[Jn 1:32-33, spirit]
"Jn 1:32 the Spirit descending. God had previously communicated to John that this sign was to indicate the promised Messiah (v. 33), so when John witnessed this act, he was able to identify the Messiah as Jesus (cf. Matt. 3:16; Mark 1:10; Luke 3:22)." MacArthur, J., Jr. (Ed.). (1997). The MacArthur Study Bible (electronic ed., p. 1576). Nashville, TN: Word Pub.
"...Matt. 6:23...Jesus then asked an incredible question; " How great is the darkness?...For that which I do I allow not; for what I would, that I do not , but what I hate, I do." And this an apostle of God. An interesting playground."
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Yes, and a good man, a nice person, intelligent, patient and many other qualities. By their fruits yea will know them, and by his qualities we can see Freelight knows the spirit whereas these other religious people wreak of the right wingers who killed Jesus! It is obvious that had many of the indoctrinated robots on TOL been Jews during the times of Christ, they would have also rejected his Freelight-like message. They are closed minded, hard hearted people. They don't have a message that anyone would want.
Revelations 13:14-18...in other words the human conscious is seared and the person has a religious mindset...
He hasn't (Ro 5:8)."In 2 Pet. 3:9...it means that God will not neglect the salvation of humanity..."
"Re 2:15. thou—emphatic: “So THOU also hast,” As Balak and the Moabites of old had Balaam and his followers literally, so hast thou also them that hold the same Balaamite or Nicolaitane doctrine spiritually or symbolically. Literal eating of idol-meats and fornication in Pergamos were accompanied by spiritual idolatry and fornication. So TRENCH explains. But I prefer taking it, “THOU also,” as well as Ephesus (“in like manner” as Ephesus; see below the oldest reading), hast … Nicolaitanes, with this important difference, Ephesus, as a Church, hates them and casts them out, but thou “hast them,” namely, in the Church."The true longsuffering love of God is being systematically attacked...Rev. 2:15...[H]e hates that."
Hell is a Christian hoax...it's as if they hope unbelievers are going to their wasteland.
Yes."Does the whole world have a chance to be saved, or is religion correct in teaching that it does not?"
[Jn 1:29]
[2 Corinth. 5:19]
"Christians cut off my head, I know its not God who crucifies me ; its just his misguided servants. In Heb.4:12..."
God is just (Deut. 32:4). :juggle:[Hell-bound sinners] "...[T]hese poor super sufferers..."
:yawn: 2 Ti 1:7"...f you believe this, all I can ask, is what's wrong with you?"
It's just (Deut 32:4)."It's sad."
Lie of the day (Ingraham)."...I do not oppose God..."
It's my understanding that souls are recognizable (Ge 35:18, 1 Pe 1:5)."...If a human was now born again, according to Jesus, they would not be in the flesh."
:yawn: Ad infinitum Eph 4:14[John 12:47]
"Jn 3:17. not to condemn, &c.—A statement of vast importance.[John 3:17]
Why would God need a place like this traditional eternal hell? Why would he co-exist with such a place in eternity?
Right. It's not all about Mickiel. :freak: God can not think of him when he is there. :burnlib:He doesn't "co-exist" with it - it is separate from Him
which is kinda the point
"In 2 Corinth. 5:19..."
"1 Tim.1;15"
...Matt. 6:10, again and again Jesus, " Thy Kingdom come, thy will be done." Here Jesus teaches that God's will, is going to get done...