That picture is not actually in the Bible, you know.
That picture is not actually in the Bible, you know.
Neither is this: :think:That picture is not actually in the Bible, you know.
Neither is this: :think:
Let me ask you this:
If Jesus Himself said "Unless you repent, you will likewise perish" would you then believe that the unrepentant will perish?
Why would God or Jesus waste their time on humanity if they did not provide a way for us all to be with them. Well they did, but religion has muddied the waters of truth so much, that it has blinded humanity from it.
You could stand on the corner and speak the truth, and men will ignore you. They will totally ignore truth wherever it is spoken, because they are addicted to " Religious truth."
Again and again Jesus, in Luke 19:10, " For the Son of Man is come to seek and save that which was lost." this is what Jesus is doing, or will do; seek out the unconverted. Go after them;chase them, the things the believers in God will not do. The action of " Seeking" those who reject Christ, is something religion is tired of doing, so they would rather quickly condemn them, than to take the time to help them.
Adam and Eve did not die, their just sleep; their bodies are dead, but not their consciousness; and that is what the serpent meant by telling them, " You shall not " Surely die"; he meant their consciousness would not die.
You can have your ill-conceived thread. I've had enough of your garbage. I won't be back here, and my heart breaks for all of the young ones who read your stuff and are fooled by it.
Well I am sorry to see you go in such a mood; I wish you well on your journey.
What happened? :shocked:
The doctrine of eternal hell punishing is so deeply entrenched, so widely accepted and believed, it has to have had " Spiritual help" to become such a truth in believers eyes. For those of us who don't believe it, I have a question for you few. This is an above average deception, just too well done for no outside help to be involved. My question is this; we know satan has a hand in on it, that much is obvious.
But you ever wonder if God is involved in it?
The thought has crossed my mind. Because its just too well done. Too powerful and all incompassing. I mean, this is no fly by night deception; this is big time, look at how many believers are going for it.
I think its far more to it than meets the understanding.
Hell is the result of the thought that we could ever be separate from God. It manifests when we make the transition from childhood to adulthood but we don't recognize its significance. It hovers in the background of our lives where it sinks deeply and embeds into our individual conscious and then spreads to the collective conscious. We get glued to an alternate identity other than our infinite and eternal identity and it is painful but we don't know what's wrong. Our behavior suffers as we feel the effects on our lives. Multiply that by how many billions of people and how many thousands of centuries and we have utter madness masquerading like nothing is wrong. There is an accumulation of momentum that keeps us trapped in a vicious cycle. It's difficult to stop but it is not impossible. WE are the ones who have caused this mess. Each and every one of us has contributed to the issue. We also have the power to reverse it. Peace.
Hell is the result of the thought that we could ever be separate from God. It manifests when we make the transition from childhood to adulthood but we don't recognize its significance. It hovers in the background of our lives where it sinks deeply and embeds into our individual conscious and then spreads to the collective conscious. We get glued to an alternate identity other than our infinite and eternal identity and it is painful but we don't know what's wrong. Our behavior suffers as we feel the effects on our lives. Multiply that by how many billions of people and how many thousands of centuries and we have utter madness masquerading like nothing is wrong. There is an accumulation of momentum that keeps us trapped in a vicious cycle. It's difficult to stop but it is not impossible. WE are the ones who have caused this mess. Each and every one of us has contributed to the issue. We also have the power to reverse it. Peace.
We will have an eternal identity in our future with God, and I think it is being formulate even now. And hell cannot seperate us from God. We will get out of these vicious cycles, it is part if our infinite destiny.
[Hell ] Only in the imaginations of sadistic people.
:yawn: Who cares what we imagine. What has God said? Ac 20:20oly: We walk in: goodness, righteousness and truth (Eph 5:9). You walk in darkness (Ac 13:8–11, Jn 2:8–11) :reals: and expect to see.