I don't worry about it, because I don't need a religion.
2 Timothy 4:3 KJV -
I don't worry about it, because I don't need a religion.
What are you up to so far ? 3 ? :devil:
2 Timothy 4:3 KJV -
I am at 570. I have used 570 scriptures in thread; that's a lot of scriptures.
I suppose that might be commendable to some, but as I said,...any person or group can use any number of 'passages' to support their claims, and it just becomes a tiring dart game of who can hit the 'bullseye', a target that is ever changing and never stable, since everyone has their own 'aim' and 'target'. Its a constant "merry-go-round". This is why we are to come back to our own 'conscience' which is a mirror of the constitution of 'God'(within), whereby reason, logic, rightful discernment, consideration, inquisitive intelligence is summoned from the depth of our being, and allowed to speak for itself, as far as what is truly just or merciful.
What does hold are eternal truths, values, and principles. It is by these universal precepts that the cosmos is governed, and so the condition and destiny of souls. It still holds that the law of reaping and sowing (karma), metes out compensations and harvests that are wholly just (equitable), since one only reaps what he sows in 'proportion' to his actions. Therefore this warped concept of a soul being 'punished' endlessly(eternally) for a crime committed in 'time' (a finite amount of time, limited in degree and severity) is insane, as we've exposed elsewhere.
Furthermore, I've proposed that as long as a soul is capable of repentance, then divine love and wisdom must always keep the door of recovery and reformation open, since the soul's 'response-ability' to love still exists, whereby repentance may dawn, and one return to his true home. Love's eternal will must be recognized in the saving of the soul.
However,...while some passages support Universalism, there are other that support 'conditional immortality' as well, in that some souls apparently do 'perish'. Some souls actually die. Herein the 'second death' equates a 'dis-integration' of personhood, a termination of the person, a 'final' and 'permanent' DEATH of that individual unit of consciousness,...that person is NO MORE. Wiped out, expunged from existence. Such is the second death. Only what is truly valuable or eternal remains behind, that which is pure spirit, and that 'spirit' returns to Universal Spirit ('God). - there is much more here we could explore as to the metaphysics involved in personality dis-integration from other schools on the subject, but this will suffice.
In the 'conditional immortality' view, only those who choose life, are granted it, and a sharing in the divine nature (bestowal of immortality), while those who reject life, and have earned the full consequence of fully embraced iniquity, receive the natural consequence of such, which is DEATH. Hence, the celebrated pop-slogan branded by many these days, of John 3:16. This verse is the epitome of 'conditional immortality'. Note, its 'conditional' upon 'faith' and 'acceptance' of God's Son, who is Love personified. There is 'life' and/or 'death'.
I suppose that might be commendable to some, but as I said,...any person or group can use any number of 'passages' to support their claims, and it just becomes a tiring dart game of who can hit the 'bullseye', a target that is ever changing and never stable, since everyone has their own 'aim' and 'target'.
...In Matt. 18:11...he CAME here to save those people.
Jesus is God, the Son (2 Pe 2:1).Matt. 18:22...Jesus and God will forgive FAR more than we would.
"Lk 1:76 the prophet of the Highest. See note on v. 32."In Luke 1:77 " To give knowledge of salvation to people." "
You are a false witness (Zech. 8:17)."That's why I witness."
You are a false witness (Zech. 8:17).
You have nothing to offer (1 Tim. 6:3–5).My witness is not for Christianity, its for sinners and unbelievers...
You have nothing to offer (1 Tim. 6:3–5).
"...The world needs to hear about the free coming Kingdom of God...John 4:42."
"Jn 6:37. All that (πᾶν ὃ). The neuter singular of the adjective and pronoun. All believers are regarded as one complete whole. Compare 17:24, according to the correct reading, “that which Thou hast given me.”" Vincent, M. R. (1887). Word studies in the New Testament (Vol. 2, p. 150). New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons.Christianity is infected with a gospel of limited salvation, I announce the coming Kingdom of God as being welcome to all, not based on their acceptance or belief...John 6:37...John 6:44...John 17:2....
In John 6:51 Jesus again teaches that he gave himself , he died, " For the Life of the WORLD!"...