ECT Why the world has still not been evangelized


Active member
From the beginning of the church until the end, it was supposed to be thus and so:

The baptism with the Holy Spirit (with the initial evidence of speaking in tongues)
was to be a pre-requisite for being chosen to be a part of the 5-fold ministry …
Ephesians 4:11 -- apostle, prophet, evangelist, pastor, teacher.

This baptism also was (more than generally) a pre-requisite for receiving
one or more of the 9 spiritual power gifts listed in 1 Corinthians 12:1-11.

All of the above was how God used the early church to successfully evangelize
wherever they went (as described in the Book of Acts).

If God’s method (the truth of the gospel being confirmed by signs and wonders)
had been utilized, the whole world would have been converted many years ago!
Notwithstanding the considerable negative disruptions of Satan and his demons.

However, men who desired to be church leaders (but who were not chosen by God)
got in the way of God’s perfect will … yes, Martha, God did not kill them off.
And we won’t get into all of the many reasons why they sh_t-canned God’s will.
Too embarrassing! … And so ths was the beginning of the RCC and EOC.
The RCC’s primary focus has always been on the crucifixion of Christ.
The EOC’s primary focus has always been on the resurrection of Christ.
And I have been told that this is the main reason why they split.

A quick explanation of the 4 different Christian baptisms:
• Baptism into the church (salvation); the Holy Spirit is the baptizer
-- 7 verses say the Holy Spirit takes up residence INSIDE the believer)
• Baptism in water (symbolic demonstration of faith); man is the baptizer
• Baptism with the Holy Spirit (mostly power for ministry); Jesus is the baptizer
-- 7 verses say that for this baptism the Holy Spirit comes UPON the believer)
• Baptism with fire (extreme suffering for the gospel’s sake); Jesus is the baptizer

Right Divider

Body part
From the beginning of the church until the end, it was supposed to be thus and so:

The baptism with the Holy Spirit (with the initial evidence of speaking in tongues)
was to be a pre-requisite for being chosen to be a part of the 5-fold ministry …
Ephesians 4:11 -- apostle, prophet, evangelist, pastor, teacher.

This baptism also was (more than generally) a pre-requisite for receiving
one or more of the 9 spiritual power gifts listed in 1 Corinthians 12:1-11.

All of the above was how God used the early church to successfully evangelize
wherever they went (as described in the Book of Acts).

If God’s method (the truth of the gospel being confirmed by signs and wonders)
had been utilized, the whole world would have been converted many years ago!
Notwithstanding the considerable negative disruptions of Satan and his demons.

However, men who desired to be church leaders (but who were not chosen by God)
got in the way of God’s perfect will … yes, Martha, God did not kill them off.
And we won’t get into all of the many reasons why they sh_t-canned God’s will.
Too embarrassing! … And so ths was the beginning of the RCC and EOC.
The RCC’s primary focus has always been on the crucifixion of Christ.
The EOC’s primary focus has always been on the resurrection of Christ.
And I have been told that this is the main reason why they split.

A quick explanation of the 4 different Christian baptisms:
• Baptism into the church (salvation); the Holy Spirit is the baptizer
-- 7 verses say the Holy Spirit takes up residence INSIDE the believer)
• Baptism in water (symbolic demonstration of faith); man is the baptizer
• Baptism with the Holy Spirit (mostly power for ministry); Jesus is the baptizer
-- 7 verses say that for this baptism the Holy Spirit comes UPON the believer)
• Baptism with fire (extreme suffering for the gospel’s sake); Jesus is the baptizer
What a lover of religion are you!


Well-known member
A quick explanation of the 4 different Christian baptisms:
• Baptism into the church (salvation); the Holy Spirit is the baptizer
-- 7 verses say the Holy Spirit takes up residence INSIDE the believer)
• Baptism in water (symbolic demonstration of faith); man is the baptizer
• Baptism with the Holy Spirit (mostly power for ministry); Jesus is the baptizer
-- 7 verses say that for this baptism the Holy Spirit comes UPON the believer)
• Baptism with fire (extreme suffering for the gospel’s sake); Jesus is the baptizer

Paul said there is ONE baptism for the Body of Christ. You preach four. You are weighed and found wanting. You have been tested and you fail.


New member
From the beginning of the church until the end, it was supposed to be thus and so:

The baptism with the Holy Spirit (with the initial evidence of speaking in tongues)
was to be a pre-requisite for being chosen to be a part of the 5-fold ministry …
Ephesians 4:11 -- apostle, prophet, evangelist, pastor, teacher.

This baptism also was (more than generally) a pre-requisite for receiving
one or more of the 9 spiritual power gifts listed in 1 Corinthians 12:1-11.

All of the above was how God used the early church to successfully evangelize
wherever they went (as described in the Book of Acts).

If God’s method (the truth of the gospel being confirmed by signs and wonders)
had been utilized, the whole world would have been converted many years ago!
Notwithstanding the considerable negative disruptions of Satan and his demons.

However, men who desired to be church leaders (but who were not chosen by God)
got in the way of God’s perfect will … yes, Martha, God did not kill them off.
And we won’t get into all of the many reasons why they sh_t-canned God’s will.
Too embarrassing! … And so ths was the beginning of the RCC and EOC.
The RCC’s primary focus has always been on the crucifixion of Christ.
The EOC’s primary focus has always been on the resurrection of Christ.
And I have been told that this is the main reason why they split.

A quick explanation of the 4 different Christian baptisms:
• Baptism into the church (salvation); the Holy Spirit is the baptizer
-- 7 verses say the Holy Spirit takes up residence INSIDE the believer)
• Baptism in water (symbolic demonstration of faith); man is the baptizer
• Baptism with the Holy Spirit (mostly power for ministry); Jesus is the baptizer
-- 7 verses say that for this baptism the Holy Spirit comes UPON the believer)
• Baptism with fire (extreme suffering for the gospel’s sake); Jesus is the baptizer

Agree with some of it disagree with some. All I'll say is that I've been saved for thirty yrs (AOG) and would say that speaking in tongues is AN initial evidence not necessarily THE initial evidence. There are other points but there's no point.

Pete 👤

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Hall of Fame
A quick explanation of the 4 different Christian baptisms:
• Baptism into the church (salvation); the Holy Spirit is the baptizer
-- 7 verses say the Holy Spirit takes up residence INSIDE the believer)
• Baptism in water (symbolic demonstration of faith); man is the baptizer
• Baptism with the Holy Spirit (mostly power for ministry); Jesus is the baptizer
-- 7 verses say that for this baptism the Holy Spirit comes UPON the believer)
• Baptism with fire (extreme suffering for the gospel’s sake); Jesus is the baptizer

Ephesians 4

4 There is one body and one Spirit, just as you were called in one hope of your calling; 5 one Lord, one faith, one baptism;

That baptism (immersion) is being baptized by the Holy Spirit into Christ. That is the Body of Christ, that is where the saints are.

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Hall of Fame
All I'll say is that I've been saved for thirty yrs (AOG) and would say that speaking in tongues is AN initial evidence not necessarily THE initial evidence. There are other points but there's no point.

The evidence of salvation is what you confess.

9 that if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. 10 For with the heart one believes unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.

Anybody that does it today is evidence of not being in Christ.

Totton Linnet

New member
Silver Subscriber
The evidence of salvation is what you confess.

9 that if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. 10 For with the heart one believes unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.

Anybody that does it today is evidence of not being in Christ.

What nonsensical statements you make sometimes

It is Paul who gave us the scripture you quote and Paul spake in tongues so how does the one cancel out the other? or equate to the other? quite obviously Paul had some other thing which you do not have.

Being saved is not being filled with the Holy Spirit for Paul exhorts us to "be filled with the Holy Spirit"

Totton Linnet

New member
Silver Subscriber
Ephesians 4

4 There is one body and one Spirit, just as you were called in one hope of your calling; 5 one Lord, one faith, one baptism;

That baptism (immersion) is being baptized by the Holy Spirit into Christ. That is the Body of Christ, that is where the saints are.

The Body of Christ you claim to be part of is totally unrecognisable to the way Paul describes it in Corinthians


TOL Subscriber
Ephesians 4

4 There is one body and one Spirit, just as you were called in one hope of your calling; 5 one Lord, one faith, one baptism;

That baptism (immersion) is being baptized by the Holy Spirit into Christ. That is the Body of Christ, that is where the saints are.



TOL Subscriber
Why the world has still not been evangelized
Colossians 1:21 And you, that were sometime alienated and enemies in your mind by wicked works, yet now hath he reconciled

Colossians 1:22 In the body of his flesh through death, to present you holy and unblameable and unreproveable in his sight:

Colossians 1:23 If ye continue in the faith grounded and settled, and be not moved away from the hope of the gospel, which ye have heard, and which was preached to every creature which is under heaven; whereof I Paul am made a minister;

patrick jane

From the beginning of the church until the end, it was supposed to be thus and so:

The baptism with the Holy Spirit (with the initial evidence of speaking in tongues)
was to be a pre-requisite for being chosen to be a part of the 5-fold ministry …
Ephesians 4:11 -- apostle, prophet, evangelist, pastor, teacher.

This baptism also was (more than generally) a pre-requisite for receiving
one or more of the 9 spiritual power gifts listed in 1 Corinthians 12:1-11.

All of the above was how God used the early church to successfully evangelize
wherever they went (as described in the Book of Acts).

If God’s method (the truth of the gospel being confirmed by signs and wonders)
had been utilized, the whole world would have been converted many years ago!
Notwithstanding the considerable negative disruptions of Satan and his demons.

However, men who desired to be church leaders (but who were not chosen by God)
got in the way of God’s perfect will … yes, Martha, God did not kill them off.
And we won’t get into all of the many reasons why they sh_t-canned God’s will.
Too embarrassing! … And so ths was the beginning of the RCC and EOC.
The RCC’s primary focus has always been on the crucifixion of Christ.
The EOC’s primary focus has always been on the resurrection of Christ.
And I have been told that this is the main reason why they split.

A quick explanation of the 4 different Christian baptisms:
• Baptism into the church (salvation); the Holy Spirit is the baptizer
-- 7 verses say the Holy Spirit takes up residence INSIDE the believer)
• Baptism in water (symbolic demonstration of faith); man is the baptizer
• Baptism with the Holy Spirit (mostly power for ministry); Jesus is the baptizer
-- 7 verses say that for this baptism the Holy Spirit comes UPON the believer)
• Baptism with fire (extreme suffering for the gospel’s sake); Jesus is the baptizer

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Right Divider

Body part
What nonsensical statements you make sometimes

It is Paul who gave us the scripture you quote and Paul spake in tongues so how does the one cancel out the other? or equate to the other? quite obviously Paul had some other thing which you do not have.

Being saved is not being filled with the Holy Spirit for Paul exhorts us to "be filled with the Holy Spirit"
God performed "special miracles" through Paul and yet, towards the end of his ministry, he was leaving his friends sick and suggesting wine for medicinal purposes.

Clearly SOMETHING changed.
Act 19:11-12 KJV And God wrought special miracles by the hands of Paul: (12) So that from his body were brought unto the sick handkerchiefs or aprons, and the diseases departed from them, and the evil spirits went out of them.

1Ti 5:23 KJV Drink no longer water, but use a little wine for thy stomach's sake and thine often infirmities.

2Ti 4:20 KJV Erastus abode at Corinth: but Trophimus have I left at Miletum sick.
Why didn't Paul send them a handkerchief?


Active member
Agree with some of it disagree with some. All I'll say is that I've been saved for thirty yrs (AOG)
and would say that speaking in tongues is AN initial evidence not necessarily THE initial evidence.
There are other points but there's no point.
During your 30 years with AOG, were you praying for the organization as
they summarily dismissed some of their pastors who wouldn't go along with pre-trib?
I could go on, but there's no point.


New member
During your 30 years with AOG, were you praying for the organization as
they summarily dismissed some of their pastors who wouldn't go along with pre-trib?
I could go on, but there's no point.

Sorry if misled you. During my time with our Lord I have served in an AOG assembly and a Baptist assembly. What you say is difficult to understand because here in the UK every AOG assembly is autonomous and therefore only the people the pastor serves in the assembly can "dismiss them" So "they" (the council of AOG) cannot get rid of any pastor. I now have an itinerant ministry but am based at an AOG assembly.

Pete 👤