ECT Why shouldn't I convert from Evangelical Protestant to Catholic?


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Why shouldn't I convert from Evangelical Protestant to Catholic?

Why should you is a better question, do you believe you need others to intercede for you before God or do you believe Christ is the only needed mediator?


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Why should you is a better question, do you believe you need others to intercede for you before God or do you believe Christ is the only needed mediator?

you don't need a church
you don't need a pastor
you don't need a bible
you don't need tol

what are you doing here?


Well-known member
and further more
I find more reasonable dialog in this thread than I normally find in a whole week's worth of posts here at tol
Really? Amid the "lies, slander, and stupidity?" I'm not following.

I have always considered you a somewhat reasonable poster
Yes, but when either side is on the attack, we'll have to forgo the niceties at times. I of course, am going to stand up for Protestantism.

you did take a shot at our priest scandal which is almost reasonable
It wasn't a shot, it was something that would be a huge concern that I would bring up to anybody joining such an organization. The safety of kids is always priority on parent's lists. He asked for valid concerns and I believe this is. Saying "its all fixed now" doesn't undo decades of cover-ups. It'll take a lot of years of 'action' before a lot of parents are going to take that risk.

what isn't reasonable is to play dumb when I mention the homosexual problem
I did not. You said they no longer knowingly hire homosexuals. If you misspoke, that's all on you, especially when I was so shocked I asked what in hell they were doing, hiring them in the first place. I had no idea the Catholic church knowingly hired homosexuals.

it is about time you asked me about it
you don't know what I am talking about
If you want to retract that statement, I'd suggest you do it whether I am here or not! That was a bomb!


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
That at one time the RC knowingly hired homosexual priests but now no longer knowingly does it. What was it you were talking about? I thought this was it.

why should I retract that?
it was true
you are not making any sense at all


There's a big difference between Catholic converts and "cradle Catholics." Adolf Hitler & Joseph Goebbels for instance, were cradle Catholics, while Peter Kreeft & G.K. Chesterton converted. So it might be OK for you, but if you have kids and raise them in the Church, it may not be good for your kids, or for the world in general for that matter, for the Church to receive you.

I know how to increase the font size . . . is there any way to increase the size of the winking smilie (;))?

;) ;) ;) ;)


Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
Why should you is a better question, do you believe you need others to intercede for you before God or do you believe Christ is the only needed mediator?

Ask Jesus that. He is the one who gave authority to the Apostles to forgive sins.

And speaking of interceding, have you ever asked for anyone to pray for you? Because when they do, that too is interceding.

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
That at one time the RC knowingly hired homosexual priests but now no longer knowingly does it. What was it you were talking about? I thought this was it.
That's an ignorant post. Being homosexual is not a sin. It is engaging in homosexual acts that is a sin.

Drunkeness is a sin. But there are alcoholics who have stayed clean and sober for decades. We praise them for what they have done. If a homosexual stays chaste then there is no sin. And a homosexual who stays chaste should be praised just as much as the alcoholic who remains sober.

Remember man, we ALL have weaknesses to certain sins. Its all due to our fallen nature. You cannot condemn someone who suffers the same fallen nature as you do. Straight men have to curb their lusts just as gay men do.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Speaking of insincerity, bias, and problems. You are the one who told me 1) that you no longer hire gays knowingly and that you once did knowingly do so. How in hell is that 'loving' and 'serving' God and His people in your mind? I have a very hard time with any church that does this or did this.

why do you keep saying 'hire'
it tells me you do not mean well
it is a cheap shot that is not reasonable
you will always have a hard time with the Church
you should at least try to sound reasonable
so you want to know
"How in hell is that 'loving' and 'serving' God and His people in your mind? "
I'll tell you
theoretically a homosexual taking the vow of chastity should be same as any normal person taking the vow of chastity
that is what they once believed
they had to learn the hard way
you cannot trust the homosexual to honor that vow


I will treat that with the contempt it deserves.

Interesting that in all these pages of my thread there hasn't been ONE credible reason why this evangelical Protestant shouldn't convert to the Catholic Church. All I have heard are lies, slander and outright stupidity.

The Catholic brothers and sisters here have shown themselves to be polite, courteous and informative, backing claims with facts. As a protestant I am ashamed to be associated with many (not all) of the responses from most Protestants on this thread.

Harsh, but true.

You need salvation. Period. Even Catholics agree.


I have been Evangelical Protestant most of my life, even spending some time living in a fulltime religious community.

The more I researched the origin of the bible and the history of my faith, the more I discovered the Catholic Church.

I am taking steps towards joining the Catholic Church and my question is this....'Why shouldn't I?'

I am not asking because I doubt my journey, I am asking because I haven't come across a good enough reason NOT to join.

Each side, for and against may debate, I look forward to reading each side's responses.

So, why shouldn't I convert to the Catholic Church?

Replacement Theology.


Well-known member
why do you keep saying 'hire'
it tells me you do not mean well
it is a cheap shot that is not reasonable
you will always have a hard time with the Church
you should at least try to sound reasonable
so you want to know
"How in hell is that 'loving' and 'serving' God and His people in your mind? "
I'll tell you
theoretically a homosexual taking the vow of chastity should be same as any normal person taking the vow of chastity
that is what they once believed
they had to learn the hard way
you cannot trust the homosexual to honor that vow
It's been awhile. I didn't remember "hire' would have been a bad word. "Appointed" rather, or something like. It was mundane to say "hire," but I hadn't envisioned offense. It was simply the first word that came to mind in talking about those who are in such positions.

As to the latter, it shocks me a might, Chrys. If left to my own imaginings, I would have thought the Catholic Church would be more conservative than to have allowed such in the first place. For me, 'What in Hell?' was literal. I could not imagine that the RC would allow that prior to this conversation. It is beyond how I believe God has made us and so being of that persuasion, I'm convinced, is a spiritual malady.

As I read scripture qualifications, we generally don't put immature christians in overseeing positions, and to me, that is an overtly generous assessment.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
It's been awhile. I didn't remember "hire' would have been a bad word. "Appointed" rather, or something like. It was mundane to say "hire," but I hadn't envisioned offense. It was simply the first word that came to mind in talking about those who are in such positions.
Everyone who belongs to Christ is a saint in protestant churches.

As to the latter, it shocks me a might, Chrys. If left to my own imaginings, I would have thought the Catholic Church would be more conservative than to have allowed such in the first place. For me, 'What in Hell?' was literal. I could not imagine that the RC would allow that prior to this conversation. It is beyond how I believe God has made us and so being of that persuasion, I'm convinced, is a malady.

well you asked how in hell that is loving
we believe you must love the homosexual
only now we know that you cannot necessarily trust him


Well-known member
well you asked how in hell that is loving
we believe you must love the homosexual
only now we know that you cannot necessarily trust him
What happened to discernment? You don't place weak anybody, brothers or otherwise, in overseeing offices.