Why Rand Paul's tax plan would make things worse:


New member
If small government is the best and big government always creates poverty, why are the wealthiest countries the ones with the biggest government and which focus on education and safety net spending (Norway, Denmark, Sweden, Canada) have the highest median income and 3rd world horrors have tiny governments and are often theocratic?


New member
State and local taxes pay for police.

Try again

Medicare tax pays for medicare.
Medicare is paid for through two trust fund accounts held by the U.S. Treasury. These trusts are funded by payroll taxs and income taxs

Social security tax pays for social security.
That's nice. I didn't mention social security but so what?

State and local taxes pay for schools.
along with billions from the federal government


New member
Try again

Medicare is paid for through two trust fund accounts held by the U.S. Treasury. These trusts are funded by payroll taxs and income taxs

That's nice. I didn't mention social security but so what?

along with billions from the federal government

The point is, there are specific taxes for specific things. If schools didn't have all the federal mandates, it would free up money to use the way they want, which is how schools are supposed to be. If the Medicare tax isn't covering Medicare, do real healthcare reform.

Further, along with abolishing the federal income tax, we must also make real cuts and changes to federal spending AND abolish the federal reserve. Anyone whose monetary policy does not include abolishing the federal reserve can NOT make meaningful cuts to taxes and federal deficit. So long as there is a federal reserve, Americans with be slaves to the banks.


New member
If small government is the best and big government always creates poverty, why are the wealthiest countries the ones with the biggest government and which focus on education and safety net spending (Norway, Denmark, Sweden, Canada) have the highest median income and 3rd world horrors have tiny governments and are often theocratic?

Because they invest their money in the working class and we invest ours in war, welfare bums, corporate giveaways, subsidizing big business, Israel, wars, wars and wars. Also, I doubt europe has nearly as many welfare bums as America.

Christian Liberty

Well-known member
Grandma needs a new hip. Who in the family will sell their house to pay for it? Or do you tell her to suck it up and just buy her a wheel chair?

The extended family and the church should help to the extent that they are able. Theft isn't the answer.

You don't believe in Biblical morality, so I don't expect you to actually care about the eighth commandment, but that's why.

I'm listening.

Well, Deuteronomy 4 says not to add to the law of God. And if you look at the reason governors were sent per Romans 13:3-4 and 1 Peter 2:14, you'll see "rewarding good" and "punishing evil." It sure seems, from both the Old and New Testaments, that government's only duty in society is to be an agent of vengeance on the evildoer. I'm not seeing a mandate for them to build roads. Do you have a verse?