Why Rand Paul's tax plan would make things worse:


Well-known member

The Rand Tax

By Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr.

A flat tax is even worse than the present system, as Murray Rothbard and Laurence Vance have pointed out. As Laurence also points, beware of anything called a fair tax. Taxation is the taking, with the threat of violence (and imposition of violence), other people’a money. It’s why Murray called the state a “gang of thieves writ large,” Beware also of claims to abolish the IRS, since the regime must still take people’s money by force. And since Rand’s tax plan is also a VAT, see here and here–as long advocated by big-government Heritage Foundation types–there will have to be an even larger and much more intrusive theft bureauracy.

Unfortunately, Rand’s chief advisor on this is Art Laffer. When I first went to work for Ron Paul, he was kind enough to take me to a congressional talk by Art. He assured the assembled vultures that he had no interest in cutting taxes per se. “I’m a liberal Democrat; I want more welfare spending,” he said. The point of the Laffer Curve was to set tax rates so the government would get the maximum revenue, and raising tax rates above that point would cut government revenue, and that would be bad. For more on VAT and other burglarizing devices, see Rothbard here and here.

Not a fan of this proposal of his, nor am I a fan of the present system. Another reason I will not be able to vote for him.


New member
How about instead of reforming the federal income tax or replacing it...we abolish it and replace it with nothing


Well-known member
Do thieves usually give you roads and public services like fire fighters, etc, after robbing you?

It is not the job of government to construct roads, highways, interstates, or bridges. And it is a myth that there would be no roads and bridges if the government did not construct them.



New member
It is not the job of government to construct roads, highways, interstates, or bridges. And it is a myth that there would be no roads and bridges if the government did not construct them.


But they do. Do thieves?

And I know that's a myth. However, I live in the Rocky Mountains. There is on road through the canyon. How much could a monopoly charge me in tolls to use the one option out?


New member
At what price?

I'm not suffering financially. I might be if I had to pay a monopoly through tolls on mountain roads.

I'm fine with a system that makes taxes optional and gives only people who pay them the right to use the services. You can opt out and only drive on private land. That would be fine with me.


New member
How about instead of reforming the federal income tax or replacing it...we abolish it and replace it with nothing

and abolish the things our taxes pay for.
The military
National defense
Medical care for grandma
Unemployment benefits
Veteran's benefits
The police


New member
and abolish the things our taxes pay for.
The military
National defense
Medical care for grandma
Unemployment benefits
Veteran's benefits
The police

State and local taxes pay for police.
Medicare tax pays for medicare.
Social security tax pays for social security.
State and local taxes pay for schools.
The federal government has other sources of revenue as well.

None of your points have anything to do with the federal income tax. Read a book or your pay stubs or something.


New member
State and local taxes pay for police.
Medicare tax pays for medicare.
Social security tax pays for social security.
State and local taxes pay for schools.
Unemployment tax pays for unemployment.
The federal government has other sources of revenue as well.

None of your points have anything to do with the federal income tax. Read a book or your pay stubs or something.

Christian Liberty

Well-known member
and abolish the things our taxes pay for.
The military
National defense
Medical care for grandma
Unemployment benefits
Veteran's benefits
The police

Medical care for grandma should be paid for by families.

We don't need any of this other stuff. ESPECIALLY the conservative sacred cows, military and police. The founders were against standing armies for a reason. And police... well... there are seriously thousands of reasons to despise police. The institution is totally corrupt and unnecessary.

Christian Liberty

Well-known member
And yeah, I'm voting for Rand, even though he's not radical enough. I'd ideally like to see taxation done away with outright, though I'd settle for 9% or less.


Well-known member
I'm not suffering financially. I might be if I had to pay a monopoly through tolls on mountain roads.

Guess we will never find out because Liberty isn't on the agenda.

I'm fine with a system that makes taxes optional and gives only people who pay them the right to use the services. You can opt out and only drive on private land. That would be fine with me.

I'm not fine, so why impose your beliefs that my money is your money thru law?


New member
Guess we will never find out because Liberty isn't on the agenda.

I'm not fine, so why impose your beliefs that my money is your money thru law?

Did you read what I said? I said it should be a pay taxes and use the stuff or don't and don't. If you opt out how would I be saying your money is mine?

The Barbarian

Did you read what I said? I said it should be a pay taxes and use the stuff or don't and don't. If you opt out how would I be saying your money is mine?

I think for the zero tax people, that would be the worst thing. Almost everyone would opt in.