[Why men won't marry you by Suzanne Venker] "Where have all the husbands gone?
Home, to dinner with their wives, usually.
That’s a question Peter Lloyd tackles in a series in London’s Daily Mail about Britain’s marriage rate, which is at its lowest level since 1895. “The state of matrimony is not just ailing. It is dying out faster than a mobile phone battery,” Lloyd writes. “For an army of women, Mr. Right is simply not there, no matter how hard they look for him.”
The idea of marriage dying out is absurd. As long as heterosexuals are born, marriage will continue. It's human nature to pair-bond. For many the bond is strong enough to last a lifetime.
Things are no better this side of the Atlantic. According to Pew Research Center, the share of American adults who’ve never been married is at an historic high—and men are more likely than women to have never made it down the aisle (23% vs. 17% in 2012).
There was a time when wives respected their husbands. There was a time when wives took care of their husbands as they expected their husbands to take care of them.
Everything happens like a wave function. This wave will pass, the bottom will not drop out of marriage.
What gives? Why are men here and abroad avoiding the altar in spades?
I don't see it that way, because there is a wave of later-life marriages, and more people recognize themselves as in a non-state sanctioned marriage, lacking motivation to get a certificate, they just keep on going together that way. Doesn't mean they aren't married in God's eyes and de facto to the rest of the world.
1. Because they can: Men used to marry to have sex and a family. They married for love, too, but they had to marry the girl before taking her to bed, or at least work really, really hard to wear her down. Those days are gone.
What? I'm supposed to believe men don't love having families all of a sudden? I hate it when men are stereotyped. Seems like a reversal of bigotry, to me.
And I think men and women are pretty equally interested in an institution that sanctions a healthy sex life and children, while also meeting their needs for love.
When more women make themselves sexually available, the pool of marriageable men diminishes. “In a world where women do not say no, the man is never forced to settle down and make serious choices,” writes George Gilder, author of "Men and Marriage."
This is stereotyping women, now. And I think it's likely more true that women, having health and a sex drive are no more eager to have sex than before but now they can "test drive" a man before deciding if he satisfies her and they are discouraged from early marriage. But many women still are hopeless romantics who will ignore social constructs and get married for love - even young, no matter the trend.
Scoff if you wish. Call me a fuddy-duddy. But how’s that new plan working out?
2. Because there’s nothing in it for them: What exactly does marriage offer men today? “Men know there’s a good chance they’ll lose their friends, their respect, their space, their sex life, their money and — if it all goes wrong — their family,” says Helen Smith, Ph.D., author of "Men on Strike." “They don’t want to enter into a legal contract with someone who could effectively take half their savings, pension and property when the honeymoon period is over.Men aren’t wimping out by staying unmarried or being commitment phobes. They’re being smart.”
But then under the radar many live the life of family men. So there's that... I suspect that the happiest men live the life of a family man regardless of whether the world calls them married.
Unlike women, men lose all power after they say “I do.” Their masculinity dies, too.
That's BS. Men have natural leadership and charisma in marriage, so while the law might soften them up for punishment, many have women who think the world of them and live like they mean it.
What’s left of it, that is. In the span of just a few decades, America has demoted men from respected providers and protectors of the family to superfluous buffoons. Today’s sitcoms and commercials routinely paint a portrait of the idiot husband whose wife is smarter and more capable than he.
Recently I saw a sitcom where there was a reversal of that. The husband just let his wife feel smart cause he loved her while still being more clever, himself.... so I see both portrayed. Even the media is getting stereotyped, I guess.
There was a time when wives respected their husbands. There was a time when wives took care of their husbands as they expected their husbands to take care of them.
That time is now in homes all across the modern world.
Or perhaps therein lies the rub. If women no longer expect or even want men to “take care of” them — since women can do everything men can do and better, thank you very much, feminism — perhaps the flipside is the assumption that women don’t need to take care of husbands, either. And if no one’s taking care of anyone, why the hell marry?
Because people still get old. And family is still more love, prosperity and safety than a 401K.
For women, the reason is obvious: kids. Eventually most women decide they want children, no matter how long they put it off to focus on their careers. So they often nab the best guy they can find, usually the one with whom they’re currently sleeping, and convince him to get married.
More stereotyping of women. Men have to nab wives for the same reasons, but all marry for their own individual set of ideals and desires. Life is not a cookie-cutter event in any era.
If the man refuses, we call him, as Smith notes, a “commitment phobe.” But is that fair? Perhaps these men know all too well that women initiate the vast majority of divorces — anywhere from 65-90 percent, depending on demographics. And when they do, they take the kids with them and hang hubby out to dry with the help of a court system that’s heavily stacked in their favor. In the past, Mom got the kids because she was home with them doing the thankless, unpaid, mountainous work associated with that role. Today, neither parent is home, so there’s no reason the default custodial parent should be Mom.
Actually, that's totally not true in many homes today. Moms do stay at home, often doing business from home if that's what it takes, while the children are young. But until that phase of life things can be more like their husband's lives... not many women are so fertile they can focus on children for more than two decades.
And women should be the default for custody when breastfeeding! Even after weaning, that bond is still a naturally strong connection.
So remind me, why would a man marry today?
No, really. What’s in it for him?"
Same as always, love and family.