The man you married and divorced, was he smarter than you or as smart as you?
Of course not.
The man you married and divorced, was he smarter than you or as smart as you?
Of course not.
The man you married and divorced, was he smarter than you or as smart as you?
It would seem that he wasn't all that smart if Rusha had to divorce the guy so I wonder why you asked?
Were you initially attracted to him because of this?
It would seem that he wasn't all that smart if Rusha had to divorce the guy so I wonder why you asked?
Oh. Are we in a competition?
Go elsewhere to have your ego stroked.
He can speak for himself, but I'm guessing because she was attracted to him and married him over other options.
Did you have a false impression of how smart he was back in the day? Or did you marry him in spite of his slowness?
And Rusha can speak for herself, i know you think you speak for all women, but you dont.
Oh ... let's play the snoopy game. Would you like me to just send you pictures of our wedding and a copy of our divorce certificate? Here's a hint: the place we spent our honeymoon was reminiscent of our marriage.
Yes. An intelligent person
It would seem that he wasn't all that smart if Rusha had to divorce the guy so I wonder why you asked?
Look at that - I never said *all* women. I see you like adding words to ideas. But that's only going to make you look odd.
What on earth makes you think you're qualified to speak on what 'most women want' by way of, or what others say that you agree with for that matter?
Because for one thing, I'm a woman who knows what she likes in her mate; for another, I'm a mother of 4 daughters and before getting married I studied the issue as well as talked to many girls in my peer group.
Which aren't qualifications for you to speak for all women, only for you to speak for yourself.
Why do you think "he wasn't all that smart" if Rusha had to divorce him?
You say that as though you are considered an intelligent person. Here's a hint ... your ego-induced stubbornness and belligerence is not the same as intelligence.
No, a chick that would suggest polygamy for your marriage, is not as intelligent as me.
A person with strong character doesn't need to brag of their physical strength or intelligence.
You are being awfully shy.... I don't want any details about shallow things like weddings, or even need a rundown of his character traits.
Just the one thing I asked and maybe if you can't do that you can try this one:
Did you think he was smarter when you married him than you do now?
:rotfl: Ill take my chances on how i look compared to you.