Not possible. She was calling me a liar based on her own (obviously erroneous) list. What does she do for list tracking? A program? A TOL hack? Pencil and paper? LOL
Seems a bit obsessive to "yours truly," the obsessive compulsive here who knows what obsession looks like. (Another hallmark of AS)
So miscounting is lying in your world, too? Then the mods could prove that it's
her lying right now.
It's very special of you, too. Considering I don't remember. (my memory is getting annoyingly typical these days) I could go find links but I already know I left the SDA church because of their false accusing and abusing of successful polygamous marriages.
See, I put children first, men/women as the afterthought, (if anybody) so breaking up polygamous families filled with innocent children that are already happy seems wicked to me.
Actually, I was referring to you. You did it to me in the same thread you couched your actions as other than whining. Gotcha. :devil:
I was trying to use the rep comments, as I recall, to respond because I didn't want any unwanted attention from a particular poster who asked my husband if he could have sex with me in a theology debate and basically called me a whore a few posts later, etc. So I was negging when I disagreed and pos repping when I agreed.
That's on top of my ambivalence about posting at all because of the socializing struggles I've had and my husband's desire to be protective at times.
Then I stirred up a whole heap of trouble and quit abusing the reps like they were ordinary comment boxes, because I realized I was messing with people way more than I realized.
So let me say right here, I'm sorry Rusha for abusing the rep system way back then. I'm trying to use neg reps sparingly and it's been months since my last neg was handed out. (I don't know how many months, though)
Actually, I was addressing her neg rep to me because she accused me of lying and my husband of bashing me in the same breath. I then stated she was obsessing because half my rep page (11 of them, to be exact) is her negging. And then when she tried to argue the exact count I said, to myself, "this is getting even weirder."
Never give an Aspie a chance to change, eh? And as for my husband, his antics are his own and I've not objected. He's got his own strategy of dealing with people that changes. But it's never been wackiness to the level I've seen with a certain poster.