Nothing quite like blowing up a small segment of the male population to gargantuan size to obfuscate a real paranoid fear feminism instills in women that causes real and damaging problems to marriage at large.
Wow, did i hit a nerve, i didnt realize i "blew up" anyone other than men who are weak and refuse to lead their families/wives. Does that apply to you?
I think I see why you embrace Christianity.
I think i see someone who is a poor psychic, don't give up your day job. I embrace Christianity because I embrace truth and didn't need anyone to tell me what that is, and
my self esteem comes from God, not a man.
That bothers you badly i see. But since you aren't my husband (yes i have one and hes wonderful) you are a little too concerned about me.
You use it to justify your attitude toward marriage and men.
Isn't it strange how i am married since you claim thats my "attitude". My my, how did i manage to get a man... Are you married?
Men do lead their families by and large.
Yes, good men do, by example,
not by being a boss and telling others what they can do, while they don't follow their own "leadership". (like weak, poor excuses for men do)
Some women don't like where they are being lead to
Like the poorhouse, the emergency room or the psych ward...
just like Israel grumbled under moses leadership......but you forgot that because it doesn't support what you want.
I dont forget them, i see a full 360 view and not a 180 that only favors myself, and blames everything on everyone else.