Why is sex and sexual orientation so public?


New member
Question of the day:

Why is sex and sexual orientation so public? Honestly no one cares who/what you are having sex with, no one wants to know nor do they care.

But why does the LGBT group force straight people to hear and condone who they have sex with? Why should we care LGBT? Why do you need our acceptance in order for you to feel good about who you are having sex with? Cant you just be like the rest of us and be committed to someone and keep your sex life between you and that person?

Now I know that I am generalizing but generally this is how the group acts and what their culture pushes on ours. There are some really amazing gay people that I know and work with and I have high respect for them because they do not push their sexuality on anyone and demand they accept it. They are who they are and they are ok with that.

Many gay people are great, but most push their gayness on others and I want to know why something so private as someone's sex life is being pushed on us straight people and we are demanded to accept it? Why do they need the acceptance of straight people in order to feel like what they do is fine?
Can you list some examples?

The Horn

ZSeidler, when was the last time a gay person or group of them barged into your home and tried to force you or anyone in your family to be
gay ?. This has certainly never happened to me .
It's still legal in 29 US states to fire someone from a job merely for being gay . And if you think gay people have full equality in America , you are dead wrong !


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
ZSeidler, when was the last time a gay person or group of them barged into your home and tried to force you or anyone in your family to be
gay ?.

I think you know the answer to that question if it regarded me.


New member
As a matter of fact, I was totally serious. I was trying to think of a way someone could give the offender a smack upside the head....which in the old days could have come from the guy who had been accosted. Gay guys are free to do such things now because they know the law will support them.

Ok. Sorry if I offended you. And yeah it really does suck that there is not much people can do now.

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Hall of Fame
Cite some examples of these "public displays of sexual activities" of which you speak. Please and thanks.

Gay pride parade. As if you didn't know.

And the link is nothing more than google images, and google is a bunch of liberal Christ hating perverts. So they have no problem showing you the goods.


Well-known member
Maybe the rest of us just aren't as sensitive, prurient, or sex-obsessed as many of you seem to be.
Just the opposite, I turn "OFF" Viagra commercials and minimally post in these kinds of threads. Count my posts and then your own for instance? :think:


Well-known member
Ok. Sorry if I offended you. And yeah it really does suck that there is not much people can do now.

Well, you didn't offend me, so don't worry. My sense of humor is odd to say the least. It isn't the first time I've failed to make my point. :)


New member
Hall of Fame
Well, you didn't offend me, so don't worry. My sense of humor is odd to say the least. It isn't the first time I've failed to make my point. :)

LOL i thought you meant i should go beat the guy myself with a rolling pin because i am all out there with what i think anyway :)


New member
Just the opposite, I turn "OFF" Viagra commercials and minimally post in these kinds of threads. Count my posts and then your own for instance? :think:
Fair enough, but if you don't take part in discussions and seem to sway away from media regarding the topic... how do you have any weight when it comes to discussing this topic at all? Further, why condemn a group of people on a topic that you, admittedly, go out of your way to avoid, therefore seem to know little about?


Fair enough, but if you don't take part in discussions and seem to sway away from media regarding the topic... how do you have any weight when it comes to discussing this topic at all? Further, why condemn a group of people on a topic that you, admittedly, go out of your way to avoid, therefore seem to know little about?

I believe that's the problem. Lon holds to his dogmatic set of ideals regarding sex and refuses/ignores anything that might compromise these ideals.

He's tight as a drum...and that's all there is to it! :DK: (If only he'd keep his communicative end as equally taut :idunno: )


New member
Hall of Fame
I believe that's the problem. Lon holds to his dogmatic set of ideals regarding sex and refuses/ignores anything that might compromise these ideals.

He's tight as a drum...and that's all there is to it! :DK:

No, Lon holds to the intent God gave for it. Thats a good thing.


Well-known member
Is masturbation part of God's rigorous design on sex?

Lon, have you ever "pleasured thyself"?

Er, remember there is a kid-friendly encouraged expression here on TOL. Scripture says some things are too crass to be mentioned/discussed so a puritan mentality resides that you probably aren't aware of and/or don't understand. "Your" mind went here, mine did not. Part of this means that I try to discuss fleshly matters after a fashion that makes sense and is appropriate even and especially to children. There then is an obvious difference between our paradigms, one on fleshly cravings and desires, no? I've been on sabbatical lately because I've been endeavoring to give a reason for the hope that is within me.

We could have better conversed over 1 Corinthians 6:13-15 and talked about 'if I have ever sinned' but all discussion about physical cravings is missing the goal and seeking excuse. If your god is your stomach (physical passions) and you neglect/deny you are spiritual being, you are missing the point and may never be able to actually get the point.

Let's clean up the conversation: If you live to eat, instead of eat to live, you and I are two completely different beings on the planet. Your advocacy is strictly and adherently tied to physical fleshly concerns and thus are concerned primarily with self, egocentrism, selfishness. This doesn't mean you can't do some unselfish act. It means your 'reason' for doing so is not at all the same reason I do that same thing.

Concerning your question, the apostle Paul said "All things are lawful for me/us, but not all things are profitable."

So, the question isn't whether you or I over-eat but 'why' we'd do so. I am repentant for all my harms against God and humanity. You are not and accept harm as normal and okay, especially if it seems only against "God." That is where the difference lies. Whether I sin or not isn't the proper question. How I feel about it and how that is different than you, is. Either I am god, or there is another. Either you are god, or there is another. I came to the conclusion long ago that He must be God and I cannot god myself. You must necessarily, one way or the other, come to that same conclusion. It is inescapable as necessity.

Primarily, this is why there is also an inordinate and disproportionate commercialization of homosexuality is prevalent as well: It echos every other person's self-interested hobbyhorse and egocentrism and celebrates that willfulness 'regardless' of effect (such as is the definition of "god is the stomach" and self-interest.
Is your interest in justifying physical self-interested acts, or does it have a noble spiritual purpose? How far beyond yourself does your interest in this subject go? What is the purpose of your own question? (rhetorical/reflective)

It is a little like saying if anyone ever got a speeding ticket, speeding laws should be repealed (again, self-interested without concern for God or others).
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