Why Is Hacking Only Now A Problem For Obama?


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
The hypocrisy & outright ineptness of the Obama administration is on full display for all to see as we near inauguration day of a new presidency but, that does not stop Obama or his gang of thugs in the media from attempting a full court press to delegitimize our incoming president. I cannot point fingers at Obama or his surrogates for the attempt, after all it was Trump that ran with the Clinton led birther narrative in 2008 to delegitimize Obama but, that is not the discussion, politicians & media will be politicians & media after all. What is more notable is the current narrative on hacking/cyber security and how only now is it a 911 problem. Numerous government & private business have been dealing with this threat since Obama took office in 2008 but, the attacks on our government have been massive since 2014 with 13 government offices hacked most notably the Office of Personnel management where over 22 million Americans who are currently or former workers in the intelligence community had their personal information compromised and that happened twice in June of 2015, all of these attacks happened on his watch and should have sounded a 911 alarm then, sadly it was not given the proper attention it deserved because it continues to be quite prevalent now. To sum it up Obama shows how absolutely inept he is on the subject of hacking because his administration has been out to lunch in dealing with the problem or the foreign agents that are engaged in it and the hypocrisy shows it's head with the current hysteria over a problem he knows full well exists and only gets motivated on it when the DNC gets trashed by wikileaks...it is laughable. The man might as well say I am completely inept, have been out to lunch, or completely indifferent to the problem until it affects me personally...what a complete buffoon. Now we all get to see the really big show about how he is only now giving it the attention it deserved years ago & wants to assert through inference that an election was skewed because wikileaks posted what a dirtbag Hillary Clinton is, and what a complete bunch of elitist scumbags she runs with by printing their own words. Sorry to my friends on the left, the reason Hillary Clinton lost is precisely because she is an elitist dirtbag who had no message but, status quo, the wikileaks emails only solidified that. On the subject of who hacked the DNC well it really doesn't matter at this point and it will be very difficult to prove with any certainty whether it was the Russians, Chinese, or some schmuck in his crime fighters in his mothers basement that did it...and it really doesn't matter, because you lost the election anyway no matter what antics you intend to pull. Below you can peruse through the short list of government agencies that were hacked in 2014 & 2015 not to mention that any foreign agent would be derelict in their duty if they did not have their way with Hillary's private server, The 2016 list will be out soon which will include the DNC & RNC servers that were hacked.

Let the hacking discussion begin, do you believe that the Russians are to blame & why? Could it be another foreign agent China, North Korea, Iran? If not why. There is no agreement amongst intelligence analysts to who the culprit is definitely (probably we will never know for sure) but, should we investigate further and what should be the result?

1) Department of Health and Human Services (HHS),
August 2014. The HHS server that supports the Obamacare Web site was hacked in July 2015, presumably by a non-state actor. The attack did not appear to have targeted the Web site directly, and the servers targeted did not contain any consumers’ personal information. Instead, the breach was reportedly the result of malware on the Healthcare.gov Web site meant to launch denial-of-service attacks on other Web sites. Authorities were alerted soon after the attack was discovered, and the Department of Homeland Security along with U.S. Computer Emergency Readiness Team (US–CERT) helped to respond to the situation.

2) White House,
October 2014. White House servers were temporarily shut down after system administrators noticed suspicious activity on their network. While no classified information was affected, sensitive non-classified information such as the President’s schedule was accessible. The attack was considered very sophisticated, having been rerouted through various international computers, according to the FBI, Secret Service, and other intelligence agencies investigating the breach.

3) National Oceanic and Atmospheric Agency (NOAA),
November 2014. The federal weather network confirmed that four sites were hacked by an Internet-based attack. While the initial intrusion occurred in September 2014, NOAA officials did not inform the proper authorities that the system was compromised until much later, a violation of agency policy that requires communication of attack within two days of discovery. NOAA instead reported an “unscheduled maintenance” as a result of the attack. NOAA would not verify whether critical information was removed or whether malware was inserted into the system. The hack has been attributed to hackers from China.

4) United States Postal Service (USPS),
November 2014. The personal information (names, birth dates, Social Security Numbers, address, employment dates, emergency contact information, etc.) of roughly 800,000 employees was compromised through a hack of USPS computers. While the breach was found around October, information was compromised as far back as January. According to the USPS, there is no evidence to suggest that customer payment data was compromised, but data collected from the call center could possibly have been affected.

5)Department of State,
November 2014. Hackers in Russia—possibly working with the Russian government—are suspected in a series of attacks made in early October against the State Department’s e-mail system. Officials say that even an intrusion of the unclassified system is a major threat to the security of the agency, given that many classified materials are transported via this unclassified avenue. The information gathered from this breach reportedly helped these hackers go on to hack the White House servers.

6)Federal Aviation Administration (FAA),
April 2015. In early February, the FAA discovered a circulating malware virus in its administrative computer systems. The agency reported that there was no identifiable damage done to any of the systems. The federal auditor report did state, however, that the “excessive interconnectivity between [the National Airspace System (NAS)] and non NAS environments increased the risk that FAA’s mission critical air traffic control systems could be compromised.”

7)Department of Defense,
April 2015. Testifying in front of the Senate Arms Services Committee, Secretary of Defense Ashton Carter mentioned how Russian hackers were able to gain access to Department of Defense unclassified files earlier this year. The department quickly identified the hackers and removed them from the network.

8)St. Louis Federal Reserve,
May 2015. Officials acknowledged the St. Louis Fed Web site was the victim of successful domain name service spoofing in late April, when hackers successfully redirected online communication.

9)Internal Revenue Service,
May 2015. The successful breach of the IRS Web site allowed hackers access to taxpayer information, including Social Security numbers, birth dates, and street addresses. Originally reported to have affected roughly 100,000 taxpayers, the actual number affected was tripled to 334,000 by August. The breach did not involve the main IRS computer system, but the hackers did gather information that allowed them access to the IRS Get Transcript program and tax information.

10)U.S. Army Web site,
June 2015. Army.mil was taken offline temporarily after it was found that hackers had gained accessed to the Web site and were posting personal messages. No critical information was accessed. The Syrian Electronic Army claimed responsibility for the attack on Twitter.

11)Office of Personnel Management (OPM),
June 2015. Possibly the largest cyber breach to federal networks, this drawn-out theft of government workers’ information is traced as far back as early 2014, when it was revealed that U.S. Investigative Services—a security clearance company—was breached, affecting as many as 25,000 individuals.

Additionally, KeyPoint Government Solutions, which conducts background checks of federal employees, was later hacked in December 2014, affecting as many as 49,000 individuals.

The first of two significant OPM breaches, in which the personal information of as many as 4 million current and former federal employees had been compromised, was revealed to the public in June. A second breach was detected later that month. OPM partnered with DHS as well as the FBI to determine the full extent of the breaches. Regrettably, the cyber attacks “predated the adoption of tougher security controls.”

After months of investigation, it was confirmed that the theft of federal employee information expanded to affect as many as 22,100,000 current and former employees. The breach accessed information like “applicants’ financial histories and investment records, children’s and relatives’ names, foreign trips taken and contacts with foreign nationals, past residences, and names of neighbors and close friends”—all taken from the 127-page SF-86 forms. It was later confirmed that over 5 million of those affected also had their fingerprint information taken.

The personal information taken from these SF-86 forms is a worry for those in the political and intelligence community, as this information is stored and cataloged by foreign states and non-state threats tracking U.S. expats overseas. Meanwhile, biometrics are being sought as an alternative method of information security. Unlike passwords, however, biometrics like fingerprints cannot be changed easily. Fingerprint information essentially grants the holder a master key to whatever the fingerprint is securing.

12)Census Bureau,
July 2015. The Federal Audit Clearinghouse was infiltrated at the Census Bureau, resulting in the loss of federal employee data and information. While the Clearinghouse did not contain confidential data or personally identifiable information, the hackers were able to retrieve thousands of users’ organization user accounts, census data, and contact methods. Audit information that assesses an organization’s qualification for federal assistance funding was also stolen. The four files that were breached were later posted on the Web, available to the public. The hacker group Anonymous claimed responsibility for the breach.

August 2015. Pentagon Joint Chiefs of Staff’s e-mail system for 4,000 employees was taken offline for two weeks after a cyber breach was discovered on July 25. Sources indicate that the attack originated from within Russia. The hackers used a spear-phishing attack, which lures people into opening infected e-mails.


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Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
Russian hacking is a last ditch effort to be relevant again. The left is left out now for awhile

Patrick, it doesn't show relevance in the least, it shows ineptness of this administration to deal with a serious problem in a serious way, not cry foul when it becomes personal. All joking aside this is a very real problem that needs to be dealt with, it is akin to an act of war really. Having foreign agents infiltrating our government & private industry needs to have some serious attention given to it.


... this is a very real problem that needs to be dealt with, it is akin to an act of war really. Having foreign agents infiltrating our government & private industry needs to have some serious attention given to it.

Well said rm! It's time that Congress does a full blown investigation into Donald Trump's ties with Russia and Vladimir Putin before this sick and power hungry love affair gets way out of hand.

Former U.S. Ambassador to Russia: Vladimir Putin Wanted ‘Revenge’ on Hillary Clinton

Dec. 11, 2016

While discussing Russia’s alleged*interference in the 2016 election, Michael McFaul said that one of President Vladimir Putin‘s top motivations was a thirst for vengeance against Hillary Clinton.
McFaul was the American ambassador to Russia from 2012 to 2014, and on Sunday, he spoke with MSNBC’s Chuck Todd about the reports that the CIA determined that Russian hackers helped advance Donald Trump while bringing Clinton down. McFaul echoed those concerned by the reports as he explained that the hacking fits Russia’s modus operandi, and said he supported the recent calls for an investigation into their cyberactivities.

Read more: http://www.mediaite.com/tv/former-u...imir-putin-wanted-revenge-on-hillary-clinton/


What a coincidence!

Trump picks Exxon CEO with Russian ties for secretary of state


President-elect Donald Trump confirmed his pick of Exxon Mobil CEO Rex Tillerson to be secretary of state on Tuesday morning.
Tillerson, who has no political or diplomatic experience, has spent the entirety of his career at the multinational oil and gas corporation, where his present role as CEO has allowed him to meet a number of world leaders.
Tillerson has worked across a range of the company’s international operations—including those in Russia, where he developed close ties to President Vladimir Putin, which has drawn criticism from both Republicans and Democrats. Putin awarded Tillerson an Order of Friendship in 2013...

Read more: http://www.dailydot.com/layer8/trump-secretary-of-state/




Russia's Putin: I've Always Liked Communist and Socialist 'Ideas'


Russian President Vladimir Putin has said he is and has always been fond of communist “ideas”, while also comparing the Soviet code of conduct to the Bible, independent news agency Interfax reported.
Last week, Putin came under scrutiny from the Russian Communist Party for criticizing Vladimir Lenin, founder of the Soviet Union. Putin attacked his fellow Vladimir, holding Lenin responsible for the collapse of the USSR. Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov then defended the president’s statement.
At a forum in Stavropol on Monday, Putin piled more criticism onto Lenin, but insisted his attitude to Communist ideas had never wavered and that to this day he keeps his party membership ticket at home.

“You know that I, like millions of Soviet citizens, over 20 million, was a member of the Communist Party of the USSR and not only was I a member of the party but I worked for almost 20 years for an organization called the Committee for State Security,” Putin said, referring to the KGB.
“I was not, as you know, a party member by necessity,” he said. “I liked Communist and socialist ideas very much and I like them still.”

Read more: http://www.newsweek.com/russias-putin-says-he-always-liked-communist-socialist-ideas-419289

Mass murderer Vladimir Putin compared the Soviet Union's code of conduct with the Bible? He really is a sicko.


Good day y'all, I think Rocketman and many others are perhaps combining two problems?
The first is Russia... Think about this, for hundreds if not thousands of years powers and governments have sought to interfere with other governments and powers. Yet today we are faced with Russia's supposed best effort to interfere with our government's election was - NOT any abductions or disappearances or assasination attempts (thankfully) - but the embarrassing revelations of what tacky and hipocritical people are running the Democratic Party. We were supposed to be getting kinder and gentler, y'all. Not Russia. Now the next problem is what kind of Americans are throwing fits now that we all know those Dem leaders were creepy unscrupulous yucky people while they were assuming the (false) position of better than everyone else Democrats who just can't accept how unloving Republicans are for wanting laws? See? Two problems I think.


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
Well said rm! It's time that Congress does a full blown investigation into Donald Trump's ties with Russia and Vladimir Putin before this sick and power hungry love affair gets way out of hand.

The FBI has already done that investigation and found nothing.


Former U.S. Ambassador to Russia: Vladimir Putin Wanted ‘Revenge’ on Hillary Clinton

Dec. 11, 2016

While discussing Russia’s alleged*interference in the 2016 election, Michael McFaul said that one of President Vladimir Putin‘s top motivations was a thirst for vengeance against Hillary Clinton.
McFaul was the American ambassador to Russia from 2012 to 2014, and on Sunday, he spoke with MSNBC’s Chuck Todd about the reports that the CIA determined that Russian hackers helped advance Donald Trump while bringing Clinton down. McFaul echoed those concerned by the reports as he explained that the hacking fits Russia’s modus operandi, and said he supported the recent calls for an investigation into their cyberactivities.

Read more: http://www.mediaite.com/tv/former-u...imir-putin-wanted-revenge-on-hillary-clinton/

This makes for a nice neat story for the media to run with but, proving Trump or Putin are working in concert or any other conspiracy theory the leftist floating has yet to show any evidence other than accusation. It is just a bit too neat for me to accept as of yet but, let the investigations begin. I think the more troubling thing about all this hacking is that Obama has been completely inactive on the problem than cries foul when it hits him more personally, than it is a problem? The man & his administration are just showing how inept they are while they slept at the wheel on hacking for the past 8 years....maybe too much golf & community disorganizing.


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
The bigger question is why isn't this a problem for conservatives

Given that my personal information was one of the 22 million that was hacked, and that the government is paying for the Lifelock memberships for me & my entire family for the next 5 years because of this hacking, I would say it has always been a problem, one that hit me personally. I find it completely hilarious that the libs were the recipient of that which they were too inept to act on years ago...call it the law of reciprocity, what goes around, comes around.
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Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
Too funny. I really should get my glasses checked as I thought that your title was "Truth Smacker", not Truth Denier.

Cheap shot but, if that is the best you got....You are so ready to accept this nonsense liberal narrative that Putin was behind the DNC hacking when neither you, the FBI, or the CIA have any definitive proof to that assertion. Surely the Russians could have but, why would they leave their fingerprints all over job? to what end? They have as many tools as the U.S., China, Iran ,Israel or any other tech savvy nation does to slip in and out without leaving a shred of evidence, Too easy I say. Not that Julian Assange can be trusted but, he was interviewed yesterday and said he did not receive any of the hacked emails from a nation state. This leaves two big question marks for me...(1) was this an inside job? somebody within the DNC that hates Hillary enough to derail her, I am sure there are many that cannot stand the woman, even in her own camp....and (2) could it be a false flag operation, another agent hacking in leaving the the "kick me" sign on Putin's back on the way out the door? With the evidence now being displayed that the Obama administration interfered with Israeli elections, using American taxpayer money to try to have Netanyahu defeated would be a great motive to disrupt the DNC's bid for the White house don't you think? Not saying it was but, hey there are plenty of foes outside our borders that have multitudes of reasons to derail the DNC & Hillary, it isn't like she is a real likable person here or abroad.

Read about it...http://www.dailywire.com/news/11524/democrats-decry-russia-influencing-us-election-james-barrett

aCW, if all you got at the end of the day is a liberal talking point, and the same evidence they have that Russia "is" or "can be" the only possible culprit in this DNC hack job, which is absolutely nothing but supposition, than you run with it. I am sitting back laughing at you & the hypocrite Obama while you both pontificate for the sake of pontificating. If Obama was concerned about foreign agents hacking our government offices & private business' he would have been taking steps to stop it long before now.
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Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame
Soooo.... Hillary's private email server was hacked or not? She said no, with authority.