ACW is obviously a "hate monger!"
sometimes I think he is mad
then I realize
he is not that bad
ACW is obviously a "hate monger!"
ACW is obviously a "hate monger!" All sin is an offence to God!
Murder, adultery, stealing, lying, lust, drunkenness, etc, etc!
Yet, ACW focuses on "homosexuality" alone? ?
I tried pming ACW. He prefers to makes his pitiful attempts at ridicule public. So he reaps what he sows.
Perhaps you are not as aware as you believe you are.
My guess is that he (aCW) wants to see perverts* repent of their sins and accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior before they die a horrible death from the many diseases that run rampant in the lifestyle that they choose to partake in.
(You boyz can't relate, as it's a "Love thy neighbor as you'd love yourself" 'Christian thing'.)
*Libertarians such as TomO need to repent and leave their godless cult behind as well.
Oh and boyz, one more thing before I leave so that you can start your gay pride parade planning:
ACW is obviously a "hate monger!" All sin is an offence to God!
Murder, adultery, stealing, lying, lust, drunkenness, etc, etc!
Yet, ACW focuses on "homosexuality" alone? Whereas, it is
true that God; in the Old Testament, considers homosexuality
an abomination (which it is) we are NOW living in the,
"Dispensation of Grace" and even the 'homosexual' has
access to God's Grace, through faith in Christ!
ACW would rather "HATE" the homosexual than, pray for them,
and preach 'Paul's Gospel' to them? ACW doesn't ACT like a
'True Believer!' Perhaps he isn't? Maybe that's why he's filled
with hatred? In that case, he has an excuse for his behavior.
Maybe he should 'examine' himself to see if he's "truly" a
child of God, and a member of the Body of Christ?
Why is aCultureWarrior so angry all the time?
the "hate monger" doesn't come from the focus, rather it comes from the false witness about it. It is the constant barrage of junk science from hate groups and the attacks he launches against anyone who counters those lies with simple facts that is the real issue. Homosexuals do not molest and recruit children, they were not the one's responsible for the Nazi holocaust. They aren't more promiscuous and they don't have a life expectancy of 42 years and most serial killers were not gay.
He has some serious gastrointestinal issues...
The poor guy's very gassy.
You place the aim of becoming 'heterosexual through conversion therapy' above the need for salvation. You've made it clear that getting homosexuals to go through conversion therapy is more important to you than sharing the gospel with them.
Enough said.
Don't be a party pooper AMR, this thread was designed to lynch poor little ole me, join in on the fun!
I only do it because I know that it bothers you so much Grossie.
BTW, thanks for staying out of my thread; it was embarrassing to see someone who is supposed to stand for God's Word make a complete fool out of himself.
the appearance of consistency may be the issue here
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Don't be a party pooper AMR, this thread was designed to lynch poor little ole me, join in on the fun!
All of my "fans" weren't able to defend perversion in my WHMBR! (burp) threads, so they think that they're taking it out on me here.
As you can see, I'm terrrrribly shaken by their disapproval of me.
Personally, I think you're sickening!
There's nothing like a little gossip thread to get ole Grossie all revved up before his 5 PM dinner of apple sauce followed by some Lawerence Welk on the television and 8 PM beddy bye time.
I prefer, "Gunsmoke!"