Why I won't marry "men"


New member
If you ever want to marry, you need to change your attitude, RC. Personally, I have high standards for any man that I may marry (I am a widow of sixteen years.). But, I do not hold any man to a higher standard than I hold myself to. mself.

and u are convinced that i do??

reminds me of how people w/ malice always see evil in the ones they harbor malice toward


New member
You are out of line here! Ebenz doesn't harbor malice to anyone. She is one of the nicest most loving posters on TOL.

oh, now u can see into someone's heart?

i thought that was God' prerogative?

(If you will recall, i said "it REMINDS me of..."

did not say she was "guilty of malice w/o a doubt"

reading comprehension issues?



Proverbs 31:10
Silver Subscriber
Hall of Fame
and u are convinced that i do??

reminds me of how people w/ malice always see evil in the ones they harbor malice toward

I don't harbor any malice toward you, RC. I was just saying that you may need to change the way you look at yourself and at others. I had to do it. I think that is why there was such a difference between my first marriage and my second marriage. I also think that that's why I may end up never remarrying. As much as I miss being married, it isn't easy finding a man who is willing to put up with me or that I am willing to put up with. :chuckle:


New member
One of the most successful counselors in the state of California, who shall remain unnamed, has advised extensively in exactly the area this OP has described.
We cannot turn back the clock, but the fact remains there are very many eligible, top quality men of all ages, out there.
Without putting words in this counselor's mouth, or misrepresenting, the advice to you would be to throw away the mold and create an entrepreneurial style business of your own. I could go on, and this adviser does. The fact remains,
just because you missed the morning bus does not mean you cannot get to Kansas.
That'll be $250.00 :)
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Well-known member
If you ever want to marry, you need to change your attitude, RC. Personally, I have high standards for any man that I may marry (I am a widow of sixteen years.). But, I do not hold any man to a higher standard than I hold myself to. In fact, I would probably still hold myself to a higher standard if I met a man that I was willing to spend the rest of my life with.

I agree with others on this thread who have said that, instead of thinking, "Is this man worthy of my love," you should be thinking, "Am I worthy of this man's love." I have been married twice: once when I was 20 to a man who ended up leaving me and our then ten month old daughter for another woman; and once when I was 24 (one month before I turned 25) to a man who treated me like I was a treasure that he had searched for for his entire life. I had a hard time believing that I was worthy of that kind of love. But, I learned over the years before he passed away that I was worthy of that love and he showed me that he was worthy of that kind of love, himself.

I see number two as a very lucky man. I bet you spoiled him.
You are more than worthy in this old man's eyes.


Well-known member
and u are convinced that i do??

reminds me of how people w/ malice always see evil in the ones they harbor malice toward

RC I do not see any malice in her post. She is telling you that thinking no man is worthy of you is the wrong way to look at life. And she is right. You have put yourself above people. Come down to our human level and hopefully you will find a man you can share yourself with.

You do not seem like a bad person RC, we do not agree in our theology, but you love God and his son. That means you care about his people. Pleas do not misunderstand what I am trying to say to you. Love yourself so you can love others.


Proverbs 31:10
Silver Subscriber
Hall of Fame
I see number two as a very lucky man. I bet you spoiled him.
You are more than worthy in this old man's eyes.

Awww! Thank you, keypurr. I did spoil Steve, but not as much as he spoiled me.


New member
I don't harbor any malice toward you, RC. I was just saying that you may need to change the way you look at yourself and at others. I had to do it. I think that is why there was such a difference between my first marriage and my second marriage. I also think that that's why I may end up never remarrying. As much as I miss being married, it isn't easy finding a man who is willing to put up with me or that I am willing to put up with. :chuckle:

Perhaps if we apply how we are supposed to be submitting to Jesus to not only ourselves, but to our spouse. " Do I love Jesus more than myself". Do I love other's more than myself? As God-Jesus succinctly made this known to us. " I love you more than myself ".

If there was ever a known fact that is so easy to say, than perform.


New member
and u are convinced that i do??

reminds me of how people w/ malice always see evil in the ones they harbor malice toward

Are you convinced you do not?

""..that the best man in the world isn't worthy of the worst whore

Hmmm... Well, when I first heard that, I thought it was a little much... but that was before... all the "men" I met subsequently (Notice I said Met, not slept with.. )

Now, I don't have a problem with that saying.. .

Thus, R.C. you fully admitted that no men are worthy of the worst women. No man will ever live according to your conditions. Your ways. But Gods instructions are the opossing, "

Now I praise you, brethren, that ye remember me in all things, and keep the ordinances, as I delivered them to you. 3But I would have you know, that the head of every man is Christ; and the head of the woman is the man; and the head of Christ is God. I Corin. 11


New member
oh, now u can see into someone's heart?

i thought that was God' prerogative?

(If you will recall, i said "it REMINDS me of..."

did not say she was "guilty of malice w/o a doubt"

reading comprehension issues?


Sometimes I misinterpret, therefore I am open to correction.


New member
Personally, I'd rather not be worthy of marrying. Women, generally speaking, are so good to the bad boys but not as good to the men they consider worthy of marrying. At the end of the day, there's just so much more on offer if you are a bad boy.

You may be a woman that wouldn't sleep with a man unless he marries you, but a bad boy can find plenty of women who love him enough that they'll sleep with him simply because they desire him. I'd rather be a woman's favorite mistake than marriage material. Women look back on their favorite mistake that they slept with practically at hello and think about how much fun it was. Women look back on the man they married because he'd be a good husband and father and call him trash while he's working 80 hours a week to pay out alimony and child support.

gee, Dude... you probably need to move or soemthing. What kind of environment do you live in? (that has these kinds of women?)

I know women can be stupid, but... uh... yeh... not this evil... True, i don't know all women in my own environment... but




New member
Now I praise you, brethren, that ye remember me in all things, and keep the ordinances, as I delivered them to you. 3But I would have you know, that the head of every man is Christ; and the head of the woman is the man; and the head of Christ is God. I Corin. 11

thats 4 women who already have a man, who were stupid enough to... i mean... you know.. who got married

God saved me from such a cruel fate



New member
gee, Dude... you probably need to move or soemthing. What kind of environment do you live in? (that has these kinds of women?)

I know women can be stupid, but... uh... yeh... not this evil... True, i don't know all women in my own environment... but


Look at the statistics. Women sleep with their cohabiting partner the most, followed by their boyfriends, followed by their husbands. The only category of relationship a man can fit in where on an average women sleep with them less than a husband is to be in no relationship at all.

Anecdotally, it seems women will do almost anything for a bad boy when they are looking only for love. Women seem to look for an entirely different kind of man when they are looking for marriage and are less loving and more demanding.


New member
Look at the statistics. Women sleep with their cohabiting partner the most, followed by their boyfriends, followed by their husbands. The only category of relationship a man can fit in where on an average women sleep with them less than a husband is to be in no relationship at all.

Anecdotally, it seems women will do almost anything for a bad boy when they are looking only for love. Women seem to look for an entirely different kind of man when they are looking for marriage and are less loving and more demanding.

i don't know.. I got over that "opposites attract" nonsense when i was quite a bit younger. I found Jesus Christ and that kind of idiocy went out the window. But i was not attracted to the person just b/c he was... whatever word u want to put on it

and no woman is.

Don't insult the whole gender. Women are not attracted to bad (wild, exciting... whatever word you use) just b/c it is bad (wild, etc) .. Things are far more complex than that. d


Desert Reign

Don't insult the whole gender. Women are not attracted to bad (wild, exciting... whatever word you use) just b/c it is bad (wild, etc) .. Things are far more complex than that.

I do find this rather rich considering you started this thread insulting all men by saying that none of them were worthy of the worst whore.