Why I won't marry "men"


New member
Well, I would be here all day if I chronicled all my... umm... mistakes RE "romance" so called

But LongStoryShort: I won't marry anyone b/c I haven't found anyone worthy

and that's really amazing when you realize that.. I am really not that much... and STILL no man is worthy!!

someone on Johnny Carson once said (quoting some woman.. Her mother?) that the best man in the world isn't worthy of the worst whore

Hmmm... Well, when I first heard that, I thought it was a little much... but that was before... all the "men" I met subsequently (Notice I said Met, not slept with.. )

Now, I don't have a problem with that saying..

I know there are good men, but they really are all taken.. unless they are 25 years old or thereabouts.. too young



Member of the 10 year club on TOL!!
Hall of Fame
Well, I would be here all day if I chronicled all my... umm... mistakes RE "romance" so called

But LongStoryShort: I won't marry anyone b/c I haven't found anyone worthy

and that's really amazing when you realize that.. I am really not that much... and STILL no man is worthy!!

someone on Johnny Carson once said (quoting some woman.. Her mother?) that the best man in the world isn't worthy of the worst whore

Hmmm... Well, when I first heard that, I thought it was a little much... but that was before... all the "men" I met subsequently (Notice I said Met, not slept with.. )

Now, I don't have a problem with that saying..

I know there are good men, but they really are all taken.. unless they are 25 years old or thereabouts.. too young

Your tone leads me to think that this may be more your own personal problem rather than a problem with men in general.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
I am surprised to read you think someone age 25 is too young for you? There is little way to know anyone here beyond the way they write? I wish to tell you, from your writing style, I would assume you were about 16 years old?

Why use b/c instead of because, or r for are, and u for you, is the extra letters really so much extra work? Why use all the dots, rather than conventional grammar?

I now understand text messages a little, yet here we are not texting, and there seems no reason to write in a nonstandard manner?


Member of the 10 year club on TOL!!
Hall of Fame
I am surprised to read you think someone age 25 is too young for you? There is little way to know anyone here beyond the way they write? I wish to tell you, from your writing style, I would assume you were about 16 years old?

Why use b/c instead of because, or r for are, and u for you, is the extra letters really so much extra work? Why use all the dots, rather than conventional grammar?

I now understand text messages a little, yet here we are not texting, and there seems no reason to write in a nonstandard manner?
Interesting. Based her many failed experiences with men and dogged devotion to all thing Republican, I though her to be into her 40's or 50's. Though the syntax of her posts would seem to be inconsistent with my guess at her age.


New member
I need to introduce R-chick to a few really nice cats I know. She seems like a cat lady to me. . .

And this thread belongs in the off-topic board. R-chick's love life is hardly a current event.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Interesting. Based her many failed experiences with men and dogged devotion to all thing Republican, I though her to be into her 40's or 50's. Though the syntax of her posts would seem to be inconsistent with my guess at her age.

Well I see how you might draw a different conclusion. Being I find reading her threads childish, and she starts so many, I never took time to understand anything she thinks other than 'me this me that'.

oh and she writes umm often, not for affect, rather as if she is live and stumbling while she is speaking???


New member
Well, I would be here all day if I chronicled all my... umm... mistakes RE "romance" so called

But LongStoryShort: I won't marry anyone b/c I haven't found anyone worthy

and that's really amazing when you realize that.. I am really not that much... and STILL no man is worthy!!

someone on Johnny Carson once said (quoting some woman.. Her mother?) that the best man in the world isn't worthy of the worst whore

Hmmm... Well, when I first heard that, I thought it was a little much... but that was before... all the "men" I met subsequently (Notice I said Met, not slept with.. )

Now, I don't have a problem with that saying..

I know there are good men, but they really are all taken.. unless they are 25 years old or thereabouts.. too young

Better to concentrate on the worthiness of oneself. Worthy for what? An impossible dream?
Or, perhaps, worthy to be a partner through thick and thin?

Desert Reign

The only attitude that you could successfully (with a view to marriage) adopt towards an individual man is that you think he is so wonderful that you don't deserve him. And if he thinks the same thing about you, then it is time to start a relationship. If you all the time think that other men are not worthy of you, rather than the other way round then I suggest that you don't bother seeking marriage. You are wasting your time. And worse, you are wasting the man's time as well.


New member
Personally, I'd rather not be worthy of marrying. Women, generally speaking, are so good to the bad boys but not as good to the men they consider worthy of marrying. At the end of the day, there's just so much more on offer if you are a bad boy.

You may be a woman that wouldn't sleep with a man unless he marries you, but a bad boy can find plenty of women who love him enough that they'll sleep with him simply because they desire him. I'd rather be a woman's favorite mistake than marriage material. Women look back on their favorite mistake that they slept with practically at hello and think about how much fun it was. Women look back on the man they married because he'd be a good husband and father and call him trash while he's working 80 hours a week to pay out alimony and child support.


Proverbs 31:10
Silver Subscriber
Hall of Fame
Well, I would be here all day if I chronicled all my... umm... mistakes RE "romance" so called

But LongStoryShort: I won't marry anyone b/c I haven't found anyone worthy

and that's really amazing when you realize that.. I am really not that much... and STILL no man is worthy!!

someone on Johnny Carson once said (quoting some woman.. Her mother?) that the best man in the world isn't worthy of the worst whore

Hmmm... Well, when I first heard that, I thought it was a little much... but that was before... all the "men" I met subsequently (Notice I said Met, not slept with.. )

Now, I don't have a problem with that saying..

I know there are good men, but they really are all taken.. unless they are 25 years old or thereabouts.. too young

If you ever want to marry, you need to change your attitude, RC. Personally, I have high standards for any man that I may marry (I am a widow of sixteen years.). But, I do not hold any man to a higher standard than I hold myself to. In fact, I would probably still hold myself to a higher standard if I met a man that I was willing to spend the rest of my life with.

I agree with others on this thread who have said that, instead of thinking, "Is this man worthy of my love," you should be thinking, "Am I worthy of this man's love." I have been married twice: once when I was 20 to a man who ended up leaving me and our then ten month old daughter for another woman; and once when I was 24 (one month before I turned 25) to a man who treated me like I was a treasure that he had searched for for his entire life. I had a hard time believing that I was worthy of that kind of love. But, I learned over the years before he passed away that I was worthy of that love and he showed me that he was worthy of that kind of love, himself.

Word based mystic

New member
If you ever want to marry, you need to change your attitude, RC. Personally, I have high standards for any man that I may marry (I am a widow of sixteen years.). But, I do not hold any man to a higher standard than I hold myself to. In fact, I would probably still hold myself to a higher standard if I met a man that I was willing to spend the rest of my life with.

I agree with others on this thread who have said that, instead of thinking, "Is this man worthy of my love," you should be thinking, "Am I worthy of this man's love." I have been married twice: once when I was 20 to a man who ended up leaving me and our then ten month old daughter for another woman; and once when I was 24 (one month before I turned 25) to a man who treated me like I was a treasure that he had searched for for his entire life. I had a hard time believing that I was worthy of that kind of love. But, I learned over the years before he passed away that I was worthy of that love and he showed me that he was worthy of that kind of love, himself.

well said.

often the person feeling less worthy gives less love to their partner.

but as the stronger lover in the relationship continues in treasuring their partner the partner learns both how valuable they are and how better to love others.

This is a perfect designed example of how God first loves us so we can love Him and others properly.


New member
The only attitude that you could successfully (with a view to marriage) adopt towards an individual man is that you think he is so wonderful that you don't deserve him. And if he thinks the same thing about you, then it is time to start a relationship. If you all the time think that other men are not worthy of you, rather than the other way round then I suggest that you don't bother seeking marriage. You are wasting your time. And worse, you are wasting the man's time as well.

