Why I do not fear the end time


Well-known member
Wow that's much more than me. I don't think I've gone a day without. i just ask because this is one of things that I would/will not like about it, as most people will likely experienced extreme hunger. It can drive people insane. Included with this is the distinct possibility that clean water will also become scarce.

Occasionally when I walk past the mirror and see a fat slob staring back at me I go on a carb-free diet. Mostly I just eat salad and stir-fried meat and veggies. Absolutely not more than 16 teaspoons a day of sugar or starch with tea. An amazing thing happens. After 48 hours the body goes into ketosis, meaning it changes to metabolising body fat. At this stage I feel zero hunger, and it becomes easier and easier to eat less. I lose 2lb a day and love it, feeling absolutely zero hunger. I say all this because the last thing I fear about the end time is hunger. My body will just go into ketosis, and appetite will be lost. At this stage there is no pain.

You may want to watch "Naked and Afraid" where folks are dumped naked in the bush for 21 days. They survive hunger pretty stoically. It's the mosquitos which drive them crazy.

THAT SAID :) there are many other things that strike me as being terrible about the end time. It is after all, the worst time to befall the world in all human history.


Well-known member
Occasionally when I walk past the mirror and see a fat slob staring back at me I go on a carb-free diet. Mostly I just eat salad and stir-fried meat and veggies. Absolutely not more than 16 teaspoons a day of sugar or starch with tea. An amazing thing happens. After 48 hours the body goes into ketosis, meaning it changes to metabolising body fat. At this stage I feel zero hunger, and it becomes easier and easier to eat less. I lose 2lb a day and love it, feeling absolutely zero hunger. I say all this because the last thing I fear about the end time is hunger. My body will just go into ketosis, and appetite will be lost. At this stage there is no pain.

You may want to watch "Naked and Afraid" where folks are dumped naked in the bush for 21 days. They survive hunger pretty stoically. It's the mosquitos which drive them crazy.

THAT SAID :) there are many other things that strike me as being terrible about the end time. It is after all, the worst time to befall the world in all human history.

Sounds good but it doesn't make sense; if the longest you've been without food is 48 hours and you say from this point you looses 2lb a day and feel zero hunger, that would mean that you can't have experienced loosing 2lb a day and feeling zero hunger due to not eating because by then as you say you would have eaten again?


Well-known member
Sounds good but it doesn't make sense; if the longest you've been without food is 48 hours and you say from this point you looses 2lb a day and feel zero hunger, that would mean that you can't have experienced loosing 2lb a day and feeling zero hunger due to not eating because by then as you say you would have eaten again?

Sorry, I have fasted 48 hours without food and water.

But dieting is for about 2 weeks on soups, stews, steaks, stir-fries, salads - no more than 16 teaspoons sugar. No potatoes, bread, or any starch. That I do for 2 weeks and lose about 20lb, and then I am done. Folks should try it, especially if they fear dieting. Its fun, its great, and one is not a bit hungry.


Well-known member
Sorry, I have fasted 48 hours without food and water.

But dieting is for about 2 weeks on soups, stews, steaks, stir-fries, salads - no more than 16 teaspoons sugar. No potatoes, bread, or any starch. That I do for 2 weeks and lose about 20lb, and then I am done. Folks should try it, especially if they fear dieting. Its fun, its great, and one is not a bit hungry.

I see. I'm blessed my weight never fluctuates by more than half a stone and I can eat anything. Just had a packet of crisps and now peanuts which a smoothie.:firechyld

The thought of not eating for days/weeks is concerning. I pray that should that happen God gives me strength.


Well-known member
I see. I'm blessed my weight never fluctuates by more than half a stone and I can eat anything. Just had a packet of crisps and now peanuts which a smoothie.:firechyld

The thought of not eating for days/weeks is concerning. I pray that should that happen God gives me strength.

What a wonderful metabolism you have. That really is a blessing.
None of us are going to last 1090 days without God giving us a lot of help.

Do you know of a nice cave with a stream, off the beaten track? :)


Well-known member
What a wonderful metabolism you have. That really is a blessing.
None of us are going to last 1090 days without God giving us a lot of help.

Do you know of a nice cave with a stream, off the beaten track? :)

You're not the only one thinking that:)

Revelation 6:16
They called to the mountains and the rocks, "Fall on us and hide us from the face of him who sits on the throne and from the wrath of the Lamb!


Well-known member
You're not the only one thinking that:)

Revelation 6:16
They called to the mountains and the rocks, "Fall on us and hide us from the face of him who sits on the throne and from the wrath of the Lamb!

They don't read the Book. We definitely will get there first. And stock it with crisps and peanuts, enough for 3.5 years.


Well-known member
They don't read the Book. We definitely will get there first. And stock it with crisps and peanuts, enough for 3.5 years.


Seriously I do think about this whole survival end game and there are no easy fixes. Every plan is thought of by many others and the competition to make sure your plan succeeds will ultimately bring you into conflict and then a choice must be made as to how far are you willing to go to ensure your self preservation. The further you go down this choice eventually it is a kill or be killed situation. This is the dilemma.

If however you resolve to be non-violent and let death come when it comes, with stoic resolve then your demise is almost guaranteed but as least you will not be judged for any violent behaviour.


Well-known member

Seriously I do think about this whole survival end game and there are no easy fixes. Every plan is thought of by many others and the competition to make sure your plan succeeds will ultimately bring you into conflict and then a choice must be made as to how far are you willing to go to ensure your self preservation. The further you go down this choice eventually it is a kill or be killed situation. This is the dilemma.

If however you resolve to be non-violent and let death come when it comes, with stoic resolve then your demise is almost guaranteed but as least you will not be judged for any violent behaviour.

I share your sentiments.

What appeals to me is the stealthy option. Find a cave now, right away from civilisation where nobody goes, and then camouflage it. I want to avoid discovery, and be in a place where nobody goes to start with.

Obviously being in the middle of nowhere is extremely hard. And stocking your bug out place without drawing attention is hard, but not impossible.

I am genuinely interested in finding a cave, preferably on the side of a mountain. But you never see mountains or caves for sale in the real estate column. I would then disguise the cave entrance so that it disappears.

Or, there is endless coastline which is public property. Find a river, dig a hole in a dune for your home like a Hobbit hole, fish.... That might become my first choice. Look for some beachfront property with no road going to it, for sale cheap, close to a river.

But like you say, nothing is easy.


Well-known member
I share your sentiments.

What appeals to me is the stealthy option. Find a cave now, right away from civilisation where nobody goes, and then camouflage it. I want to avoid discovery, and be in a place where nobody goes to start with.

Obviously being in the middle of nowhere is extremely hard. And stocking your bug out place without drawing attention is hard, but not impossible.

I am genuinely interested in finding a cave, preferably on the side of a mountain. But you never see mountains or caves for sale in the real estate column. I would then disguise the cave entrance so that it disappears.

Or, there is endless coastline which is public property. Find a river, dig a hole in a dune for your home like a Hobbit hole, fish.... That might become my first choice. Look for some beachfront property with no road going to it, for sale cheap, close to a river.

But like you say, nothing is easy.

Yep, very difficult all of them and you also increase your chances of injury which could scupper your survival chances.

Stealth is the main key, you need to hide food and water in different locations but they must be near enough to be within a short walk, so that at night you can go there and get food and bring it back home when needed. You would ideally need night vision goggles to do this, so as to not attract attention. This way if your home is raided you can let them take your food and later be able to replenish your stock.

Like a squirrel :)


Well-known member
Yep, very difficult all of them and you also increase your chances of injury which could scupper your survival chances.

Stealth is the main key, you need to hide food and water in different locations but they must be near enough to be within a short walk, so that at night you can go there and get food and bring it back home when needed. You would ideally need night vision goggles to do this, so as to not attract attention. This way if your home is raided you can let them take your food and later be able to replenish your stock.

Like a squirrel :)

You are right about the chances of injury in the sticks. And one needs help sometimes.

There is some amazing survival equipment out there, such as those night vision goggles. They would be useful. And moving around at night makes sense.

I dislike guns, but a BB gun to kill birds might be useful. And I agree with having multiple hiding sites for your nuts. But unlike a squirrel which never forgets where its nuts are hidden, one would have to have hiding places you and your family can easily find.

Cooking should be done underground to not have smoke or a heat signature to attract attention.
Being in a canyon where one has to be right on top of someone to find them might be an idea, and one can move about without restriction or prying eyes. And a canyon might have water if one digs a well.

A spade, sharpened on one edge to cut wood, kill animals, would be my choice of first survival tool. It could have a wood saw on the other edge.


Well-known member
You are right about the chances of injury in the sticks. And one needs help sometimes.

There is some amazing survival equipment out there, such as those night vision goggles. They would be useful. And moving around at night makes sense.

I dislike guns, but a BB gun to kill birds might be useful. And I agree with having multiple hiding sites for your nuts. But unlike a squirrel which never forgets where its nuts are hidden, one would have to have hiding places you and your family can easily find.

Cooking should be done underground to not have smoke or a heat signature to attract attention.
Being in a canyon where one has to be right on top of someone to find them might be an idea, and one can move about without restriction or prying eyes. And a canyon might have water if one digs a well.

A spade, sharpened on one edge to cut wood, kill animals, would be my choice of first survival tool. It could have a wood saw on the other edge.

You could keep several maps of where the food is but not one map of all the food in case it goes missing or is stolen. Or instead you could have a system like burying food 2 meters north of trees and then carving a small distinctive mark on the tree and then mark the tree a second time when you have taken the food. Using various systems like this would help increase your chances of keeping a supply of food going.

Cooking would not be a good idea unless you are living in a remote area. Cooking smells travel some distance and when people are hungry their sense of smell is heightened. Cold food would be the norm although micro waving just to warm some foods could be done without too much smell, but you would have to be very careful.

Killing animals and eating them would again require cooking and could be dangerous in case of food poisoning. To risky. Tin food and dried foods are the best for long term storage. Tinned fruit, veg, meat, etc.

You'll also need a store of medical supplies but water could be your biggest problem. Rain water harvesting using your gutters and water butt is a good idea, along with a filter such a Britta filter or better. But in dry climates you'll have problems. It is likely that your domestic water supply will stop when things get really bad. Along with electric and gas. Candles, batteries, torches, etc etc.


Well-known member
You could keep several maps of where the food is but not one map of all the food in case it goes missing or is stolen. Or instead you could have a system like burying food 2 meters north of trees and then carving a small distinctive mark on the tree and then mark the tree a second time when you have taken the food. Using various systems like this would help increase your chances of keeping a supply of food going.

Cooking would not be a good idea unless you are living in a remote area. Cooking smells travel some distance and when people are hungry their sense of smell is heightened. Cold food would be the norm although micro waving just to warm some foods could be done without too much smell, but you would have to be very careful.

Killing animals and eating them would again require cooking and could be dangerous in case of food poisoning. To risky. Tin food and dried foods are the best for long term storage. Tinned fruit, veg, meat, etc.

You'll also need a store of medical supplies but water could be your biggest problem. Rain water harvesting using your gutters and water butt is a good idea, along with a filter such a Britta filter or better. But in dry climates you'll have problems. It is likely that your domestic water supply will stop when things get really bad. Along with electric and gas. Candles, batteries, torches, etc etc.

It sounds to me like you are an expert at this.

My priority would be not to be noticeable to other humans.

A lot of land, seashores etc is owned by the state and is basically unused.
I don't think one has to own land. If one does, they know where to find you, and will want you to pay rates - and we are back to the mark of the beast, needing to buy and sell rates.

I wonder if Google earth would be useful to find a piece of unused land with water. I drive a motorbike, so one could get almost anywhere off the beaten track. And if there were traffic jams, one just goes down the middle of the traffic.

As you say, cooking would be a problem. Some foods like muesli are basically whole foods and very light and dehydrated. Just add water. I would love a roll up solar panel to charge batteries, torches. This would be sustainable and work for 3.5 years. If one can boil water in a solar oven say, in a hole in the ground where it cannot be seen, then I cook in a thermos flask. Spaghetti cooks in half an hour in a flask. That and powdered soup. Dried fruit like dates are good. Tins are perfect but very heavy.

Cellphones are obviously banned as they can be traced. No cars with trackers.

Water is critical. I think one needs a permanent spring, again, possible to find maybe with Google earth. Unfortunately the resolution is poor. One would have to check out the area for oneself. I have potassium permanganate crystals, and I could distill water, but that needs a fire. A filter would be good.

I think you may have in mind staying at home, but I feel this would be out of the question. One has to go somewhere remote, even in a forest might work.

I would hate to leave my cat behind.


Well-known member
It sounds to me like you are an expert at this.

My priority would be not to be noticeable to other humans.

A lot of land, seashores etc is owned by the state and is basically unused.
I don't think one has to own land. If one does, they know where to find you, and will want you to pay rates - and we are back to the mark of the beast, needing to buy and sell rates.

I wonder if Google earth would be useful to find a piece of unused land with water. I drive a motorbike, so one could get almost anywhere off the beaten track. And if there were traffic jams, one just goes down the middle of the traffic.

As you say, cooking would be a problem. Some foods like muesli are basically whole foods and very light and dehydrated. Just add water. I would love a roll up solar panel to charge batteries, torches. This would be sustainable and work for 3.5 years. If one can boil water in a solar oven say, in a hole in the ground where it cannot be seen, then I cook in a thermos flask. Spaghetti cooks in half an hour in a flask. That and powdered soup. Dried fruit like dates are good. Tins are perfect but very heavy.

Cellphones are obviously banned as they can be traced. No cars with trackers.

Water is critical. I think one needs a permanent spring, again, possible to find maybe with Google earth. Unfortunately the resolution is poor. One would have to check out the area for oneself. I have potassium permanganate crystals, and I could distill water, but that needs a fire. A filter would be good.

I think you may have in mind staying at home, but I feel this would be out of the question. One has to go somewhere remote, even in a forest might work.

I would hate to leave my cat behind.

Ha ha, I think the cat would have a better chance of survival than us poor supermarket/amazon shoppers.

I'm no expert but have thought through this a lot.

Finding land like that is fine but survival in that environment is tough, that's why we live in homes. camping out is no fun when your hungry, tired, dirty, smelly, wet and in pain. Having a decent roof over your head is almost as important as the food. Having a comfy bed at night is so important too. Lots of blankets to keep warm. It's quiet. There is no chance of being bitten by insects, bugs, spiders or snakes etc. Also if you sleep upstairs you can make certain types of protective devices, barricades and alarms to prevent yourself from being attacked, especially at night when asleep, this is when you're most likely to be raided. Out in the open or in a cave you would have less chance of protecting yourself unless your going to use weapons, but here again we now go down that road that will adversely affect our judgement by God. Defence is fine but better still is avoidance of conflict.

However, that all said if things were really this bad, eventually you would not survive and I really believe they will get this bad. Imagine you've been doing well for months even a year or more. At some point the gangs will become so violent that they would be raiding homes and threatening to kill unless you tell them where you food is. After all if you are still alive and healthy they know you have food. You could try lying and saying you steel food but they will more than likely torture you to be sure. You could reveal some of your food stashes but again they will torture you till all of them are revealed. (Also cell phones will eventually not work, besides who are you going to call? The police would not help you, what would be left of them? "Every man for himself"). (Also, also your bike needs fuel and maintenance, you could end up just marooning yourself in the middle of nowhere, that's why I said that everything should be within a short walk of your home/base)

Therefore you need a better strategy than anything we have discussed. ;)
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Well-known member
Ha ha, I think the cat would have a better chance of survival than us poor supermarket/amazon shoppers.

I'm no expert but have thought through this a lot.

Finding land like that is fine but survival in that environment is tough, that's why we live in homes. camping out is no fun when your hungry, tired, dirty, smelly, wet and in pain. Having a decent roof over your head is almost as important as the food. Having a comfy bed at night is so important too. Lots of blankets to keep warm. It's quiet. There is no chance of being bitten by insects, bugs, spiders or snakes etc. Also if you sleep upstairs you can make certain types of protective devices, barricades and alarms to prevent yourself from being attacked, especially at night when asleep, this is when you're most likely to be raided. Out in the open or in a cave you would have less chance of protecting yourself unless your going to use weapons, but here again we now go down that road that will adversely affect our judgement by God. Defence is fine but better still is avoidance of conflict.

However, that all said if things were really this bad, eventually you would not survive and I really believe they will get this bad. Imagine you've been doing well for months even a year or more. At some point the gangs will become so violent that they would be raiding homes and threatening to kill unless you tell them where you food is. After all if you are still alive and healthy they know you have food. You could try lying and saying you steel food but they will more than likely torture you to be sure. You could reveal some of your food stashes but again they will torture you till all of them are revealed. (Also cell phones will eventually not work, besides who are you going to call? The police would not help you, what would be left of them? "Every man for himself"). (Also, also your bike needs fuel and maintenance, you could end up just marooning yourself in the middle of nowhere, that's why I said that everything should be within a short walk of your home/base)

Therefore you need a better strategy than anything we have discussed. ;)

Looking at the series Doomsday Preppers, every person is preparing against a particular threat. If one is arming oneself against the threat of marauders, and disease strikes, then prepping for the wrong threat is as useless as not prepping at all.

I am prepping against the 4th seal or death from disease, and I am prepping against the 5th seal or pressure by Mr. 666 to accept his mark.

I personally don't think that one can withstand Mr. 666 in one's own home and society, unless one lives somewhere remote. Even living on a farm is not remote enough IMO. I see the 4th seal as saying 1.5billion humans will be killed by some disease outbreak. Rev 6:8

One could survive a disease pandemic by never going out of one's home, having a lot of supplies, and lots of barriers to entry to my house, so nobody sick can break in. So survive seal 4 at home.

But one has 1290 days one has to survive Mr.666 and that is where I believe one has to head for the hills.

Heb 11:35
and others were tortured, not accepting deliverance; that they might obtain a better resurrection:
And others had trial of cruel mockings and scourgings, yea, moreover of bonds and imprisonment:
They were stoned, they were sawn asunder, were tempted, were slain with the sword: they wandered about in sheepskins and goatskins; being destitute, afflicted, tormented;
(Of whom the world was not worthy:) they wandered in deserts, and in mountains, and in dens and caves of the earth.
And these all, having obtained a good report through faith, received not the promise:

It is horrible living in the wild, as you described. The wild will probably kill one without preparation and supplies.

Imagine you were a Jew in Nazi Germany, and needed to hide for 3.5 years.
You could try to hide in a house like Anne Frank. Then you will need help from someone with the mark of the Beast, and they will be rationed with only food for one.

Since I believe Mr.666 will rule the whole West, and occupy Africa, and one does not want to leave the country - IMO the next best thing is a cave or underground bunker somewhere. I was speaking to a friend this morning, and they were clearing bush on a hill near us and found a cave. I asked him to show me it sometime. That person clearing bush said he spent a night in the cave.


Well-known member
Looking at the series Doomsday Preppers, every person is preparing against a particular threat. If one is arming oneself against the threat of marauders, and disease strikes, then prepping for the wrong threat is as useless as not prepping at all.

I am prepping against the 4th seal or death from disease, and I am prepping against the 5th seal or pressure by Mr. 666 to accept his mark.

I personally don't think that one can withstand Mr. 666 in one's own home and society, unless one lives somewhere remote. Even living on a farm is not remote enough IMO. I see the 4th seal as saying 1.5billion humans will be killed by some disease outbreak. Rev 6:8

One could survive a disease pandemic by never going out of one's home, having a lot of supplies, and lots of barriers to entry to my house, so nobody sick can break in. So survive seal 4 at home.

But one has 1290 days one has to survive Mr.666 and that is where I believe one has to head for the hills.

Heb 11:35
and others were tortured, not accepting deliverance; that they might obtain a better resurrection:
And others had trial of cruel mockings and scourgings, yea, moreover of bonds and imprisonment:
They were stoned, they were sawn asunder, were tempted, were slain with the sword: they wandered about in sheepskins and goatskins; being destitute, afflicted, tormented;
(Of whom the world was not worthy:) they wandered in deserts, and in mountains, and in dens and caves of the earth.
And these all, having obtained a good report through faith, received not the promise:

It is horrible living in the wild, as you described. The wild will probably kill one without preparation and supplies.

Imagine you were a Jew in Nazi Germany, and needed to hide for 3.5 years.
You could try to hide in a house like Anne Frank. Then you will need help from someone with the mark of the Beast, and they will be rationed with only food for one.

Since I believe Mr.666 will rule the whole West, and occupy Africa, and one does not want to leave the country - IMO the next best thing is a cave or underground bunker somewhere. I was speaking to a friend this morning, and they were clearing bush on a hill near us and found a cave. I asked him to show me it sometime. That person clearing bush said he spent a night in the cave.

It's good that you're thinking about what might happen in the end times and how you can adapt your plan to try and survive the end times. If you knew what was going to happen and when, it would help to give you a better chance of living longer but this then relies on your personal interpretation of end time prophesy's. This a difficult point because if you make an error in that interpretation you could end up dying sooner than you had planned for.

I to have concluded that knowing the correct interpretation of those prophesy's is more important than any prepping in anyone location and this is the key: Location. Some places (countries) will manage to hold out longer than other countries when it comes to accepting, or having the mark of the beast forced upon them.

You said; "But one has 1290 days one has to survive Mr.666 and that is where I believe one has to head for the hills."

The prophesy you refer to is only for those in Jerusalem and the surrounding area.

At this point our differing interpretations of end times may put a spoke in the wheel of our conversations objective, to establish the best coarse of action during the end times? I will see what you say next..


Well-known member
It's good that you're thinking about what might happen in the end times and how you can adapt your plan to try and survive the end times. If you knew what was going to happen and when, it would help to give you a better chance of living longer but this then relies on your personal interpretation of end time prophesy's. This a difficult point because if you make an error in that interpretation you could end up dying sooner than you had planned for.

I to have concluded that knowing the correct interpretation of those prophesy's is more important than any prepping in anyone location and this is the key: Location. Some places (countries) will manage to hold out longer than other countries when it comes to accepting, or having the mark of the beast forced upon them.

You said; "But one has 1290 days one has to survive Mr.666 and that is where I believe one has to head for the hills."

The prophesy you refer to is only for those in Jerusalem and the surrounding area.

At this point our differing interpretations of end times may put a spoke in the wheel of our conversations objective, to establish the best coarse of action during the end times? I will see what you say next..

Mr 666 seems to have access to persecuting all of God's people, who are primarily in the West.

Dan 12:7

And I heard the man clothed in linen, which was upon the waters of the river, when he held up his right hand and his left hand unto heaven, and sware by him that liveth for ever that it shall be for a time, times, and an half; and when he shall have accomplished to scatter the power of the holy people, all these things shall be finished.

From the image of Daniel, Mr. 666 represents the final world ruling empire, the feet of iron and clay. So this world ruling superpower at the end, presumably has access to persecute christians in the West.

And it is in the West where one is likely to be controlled by not being able to buy or sell.

Do you believe where you live will be under the world ruling Mr. 666. Remember he has the power to call fire down from heaven. Who can make war with Mr. 666? Even the 2 witnesses eventually are overcome by Mr. 666.

Rev 11:7
And when they shall have finished their testimony, the beast that ascendeth out of the bottomless pit shall make war against them, and shall overcome them, and kill them.
Rev 13:4
And they worshipped the dragon which gave power unto the beast: and they worshipped the beast, saying, Who is like unto the beast? who is able to make war with him?
Rev 19:19
And I saw the beast, and the kings of the earth, and their armies, gathered together to make war against him that sat on the horse, and against his army.

So the main question is, do you think Mr.666 will have access to power over your city and home?


Well-known member
Mr 666 seems to have access to persecuting all of God's people, who are primarily in the West.
I agree but there many in other areas that should be considered:


Dan 12:7

And I heard the man clothed in linen, which was upon the waters of the river, when he held up his right hand and his left hand unto heaven, and sware by him that liveth for ever that it shall be for a time, times, and an half; and when he shall have accomplished to scatter the power of the holy people, all these things shall be finished.
Time, times, and half a time I believe is the last 7 years before Jesus returns. Do you agree? And do you agree that the Anti-Christ will stop the sacrifices in the rebuilt temple half way through this time and that from the time they are stopped till the time the image is set up at the temple is 1290 days and also that after another 45 days (1335 in total) Jesus returns?
From the image of Daniel, Mr. 666 represents the final world ruling empire, the feet of iron and clay.
Each of the ruling powers ruled over Israel:
Gold = Babylonians
Silver = Medes & Persians
Bronze = Greeks
Iron = Romans

The next world power to rule over Israel (the land!) were the Muslims = Clay. Notice how over the time after the Romans were over powered by the Muslims in this part of the world, that at times the Holy Roman empire managed to wrestle back Israel and Jerusalem over about 7 crusades (the Iron mixed with clay) and even when the British took over in 1917 could be considered as part of the Iron? Possibly, but then Israel was reestablished in 1948 just as prophesy told us would happen.

So this world ruling superpower at the end, presumably has access to persecute christians in the West.

And it is in the West where one is likely to be controlled by not being able to buy or sell.
I think it/he will eventually rule the whole world
Do you believe where you live will be under the world ruling Mr. 666.
Eventually yes.
Remember he has the power to call fire down from heaven. Who can make war with Mr. 666? Even the 2 witnesses eventually are overcome by Mr. 666.

Rev 11:7
And when they shall have finished their testimony, the beast that ascendeth out of the bottomless pit shall make war against them, and shall overcome them, and kill them.
Rev 13:4
And they worshipped the dragon which gave power unto the beast: and they worshipped the beast, saying, Who is like unto the beast? who is able to make war with him?
Rev 19:19
And I saw the beast, and the kings of the earth, and their armies, gathered together to make war against him that sat on the horse, and against his army.

So the main question is, do you think Mr.666 will have access to power over your city and home?
Yes. I believe that over those 7 years every country, one by one, will accept/be forced to accept the mark, with the poorest ones accepting it first, as the Anti-Christ will provide the food for these desperate countries. Eventually the whole world will become desperate with Israel being the last country to hold out against this system. That is why the mark is set up there 1290 days after 3.5 years from the beginning of the 7 year tribulation, or in other words 45 days before Jesus returns.


Well-known member
I agree but there many in other areas that should be considered:


Time, times, and half a time I believe is the last 7 years before Jesus returns. Do you agree? And do you agree that the Anti-Christ will stop the sacrifices in the rebuilt temple half way through this time and that from the time they are stopped till the time the image is set up at the temple is 1290 days and also that after another 45 days (1335 in total) Jesus returns? Each of the ruling powers ruled over Israel:
Gold = Babylonians
Silver = Medes & Persians
Bronze = Greeks
Iron = Romans

The next world power to rule over Israel (the land!) were the Muslims = Clay. Notice how over the time after the Romans were over powered by the Muslims in this part of the world, that at times the Holy Roman empire managed to wrestle back Israel and Jerusalem over about 7 crusades (the Iron mixed with clay) and even when the British took over in 1917 could be considered as part of the Iron? Possibly, but then Israel was reestablished in 1948 just as prophesy told us would happen.

I think it/he will eventually rule the whole worldEventually yes.
Yes. I believe that over those 7 years every country, one by one, will accept/be forced to accept the mark, with the poorest ones accepting it first, as the Anti-Christ will provide the food for these desperate countries. Eventually the whole world will become desperate with Israel being the last country to hold out against this system. That is why the mark is set up there 1290 days after 3.5 years from the beginning of the 7 year tribulation, or in other words 45 days before Jesus returns.

I think broadly I agree with you.


Well-known member
I think broadly I agree with you.

Wow! In that case it is clear that the best location would be the 'eye of the storm' so-to-speak. i.e. Israel. Of course the only problem is gaining citizenship as I pointed out in the other thread today:


"Under current Israeli law you don't need to prove you have any Jewish genes, instead you only need to show that one of your grand parents has/had a piece of paper stating they were Jewish and that it doesn't matter what genes that grand parent had. However, this law may very soon change to include genetic testing and is currently under Israeli government consideration. I only mention this because it may come up in are other discussion about the end times survival strategy."

Mowing to Israel ASAP is the best strategy, once the tribulation begins it will get increasingly difficult unless they consider you to be Jewish.

Currently these are the only legitimate ways of gaining Israeli citizenship:

1. Prove you are Jewish by parentage/grand parents.

2. Become a Jew - This mean denouncing Jesus in some way though.

3. Marry a Jew - Okay if your single but it's still a big challenge and step to take.

4. Be very rich - Oh well.

5. Get posted out there for work purposes - Not many jobs offer this.

This is probably your/our best bet:

6. Gaining Israeli Citizenship through Naturalization - Live in Israel for three out of five years before applying: https://www.wikihow.com/Become-an-Israeli-Citizen

Still a big challenge because I had heard that you need a visa and or work permits to do this and even then you can only live there 3 months at a time and prove you have left the country (even if it is only for an hour at the boarder) every 3 months, (that rule may have changed?). Either way it is very difficult to live there but it can be done.

HOWEVER, there is even more important things to consider than all this when working out your end times strategy because you must consider the bigger picture.