Why I Am Pro-Choice

The Horn

The reasons why abortions were almost never prosecuted before Roe was that the vast majority of abortions were not performed by doctors, but back-alley abortionists and people who were not medically trained .
Women also used makeshift devices suuch as coat hangers to try to abort themselves, or took poison, drank toxic chemical ubstances used for cleaning, or threw themselves down stairs .
This is a fact, and you can google this yourselves . Yes, abortion WAS very common befor eRoe.
Roe was not the beginning of aboertion in America . It was the end of women DYING from abortions .
Others NEARLY died . Newspapers never printed stories about women dying from botched illegal abortions . They were kept hushed up . For example, the actress Polly Bergen had an illegal abortion as a teenager, nearly bled to death and was never able to have children after this . Incidents like this were very common .
Even if abortion is murder , it is not done for the same reaasons as murdering born people . It is not done out of malice, but desperation .
And yes, more abortions happen where it is illegal than where it is legal . Every time a country has made abortion illegal after it had been legal, the abortion rate has skyrocketed , as well as the rate of women dying . This happened in Romania under the megalomaniac idot dictator Nicolae Caeusescu , and the country still has not recovered from this catastrophe . All my statistics are well documented, and you can google them . Be realistic !
If abortion ever becomes illegal again in America , it will be absolutely disastrous !


Hall of Fame
The reasons why abortions were almost never prosecuted before Roe was that the vast majority of abortions were not performed by doctors, but back-alley abortionists and people who were not medically trained .

All that means ... is that those people are extremely stupid.

Women also used makeshift devices suuch as coat hangers to try to abort themselves, or took poison, drank toxic chemical ubstances used for cleaning, or threw themselves down stairs .
This is a fact, and you can google this yourselves . Yes, abortion WAS very common befor eRoe.
Roe was not the beginning of aboertion in America . It was the end of women DYING from abortions .
Others NEARLY died . Newspapers never printed stories about women dying from botched illegal abortions . They were kept hushed up . For example, the actress Polly Bergen had an illegal abortion as a teenager, nearly bled to death and was never able to have children after this . Incidents like this were very common .

:think: What you describe in your posts reminds me of something that would be aired on "Americans Dumbest Criminals".

Even if abortion is murder , it is not done for the same reaasons as murdering born people . It is not done out of malice, but desperation .

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Well, actually no.
Well, yes. One choice isn't really a choice, it's a consequence. So pro choice is a way of distancing from the reality that the only thing you're actually supporting is the right of a woman to kill her unborn.

"Oh," say some in that camp, "I'm not for abortion, I'm for the woman's right to choose."

To choose what? An abortion. Because she doesn't need to choose to carry to term.


Well, yes. One choice isn't really a choice, it's a consequence. So pro choice is a way of distancing from the reality that the only thing you're actually supporting is the right of a woman to kill her unborn.

Hence, the very prescribed mindset choicers fight against.

No, It's a choice and holds it's own set of consequence ....one of which you morally disagree with.


Well-known member
Well, yes. One choice isn't really a choice, it's a consequence. So pro choice is a way of distancing from the reality that the only thing you're actually supporting is the right of a woman to kill her unborn.

"Oh," say some in that camp, "I'm not for abortion, I'm for the woman's right to choose."

To choose what? An abortion. Because she doesn't need to choose to carry to term.
You're trying to imply that allowing choice is by default promoting abortion. And it's not. Allowing and promoting choice also promotes OTHER OPTIONS besides abortion, like contraceptive prevention, pre-natal adoption, and non-stigmatized social support for pregnancies.

But unfortunately, many of the anti abortion proponents are also spiteful religious zealots who want to punish the 'hussies' for having sex and getting pregnant without their permission. They don't want to see any positive options offered to these women. They want the women to be forced to have the child, in disgrace, without any other options or support at all, as a form of punishment. They like the days of the back-alley coat hanger abortionists, because the truth is they believe that's what these women deserve.


New member
Question: if life begins at conception, why are birthers concerned with where Obama was born instead of conceived?

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
You're trying to imply that allowing choice is by default promoting abortion.
Rather, I'm pretty clearly and without any rational objection to it, noting that there's only one choice and one act of nature. You don't choose to carry a child. You're doing it. You choose to do the other.

But unfortunately, many of the anti abortion proponents are also spiteful religious zealots who want to punish the 'hussies' for having sex and getting pregnant without their permission
I don't know what constitutes "many" but could be. And it's as possible that many "pro choice" proponents are narcissistic, emotional train wrecks who advance their sense of entitled self interest without a real or rational consideration for any other. People. Go figure.

They don't want to see any positive options offered to these women.
So the man said, "I'm about to turn this economy completely around, provide security, a terrific infrastructure and a dramatic, inarguable improvement of your daily lives. And it's just going to cost us six million Jews or so...everyone in?"

That is, it depends on your cost/benefit in foundation.

They want the women to be forced to have the child, in disgrace, without any other options or support at all, as a form of punishment.
Maybe some do, so what? That's not the rational argument so who cares about either unreasoning camp and what they want? I don't focus on the women who have so little regard for life they use abortion as a last chance form of birth control. I focus on the argument and implications of protecting the foundational right we all agree vests at some arguable point.

They like the days of the back-alley coat hanger abortionists, because the truth is they believe that's what these women deserve.
Appeals to emotion shouldn't be the foundation for advancing either argument. Neither should we tear down the law because some will break it for reasons that seem compelling to them.